Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6761: :homophonic

The battle between Daoji universes is indispensable for the war of phantom gods, because phantom gods are equal to the core of the universe, and only the core collision can tell the victory or defeat, so the three emperors are coming from the state of phantom gods at this moment. As for the third tai The illusion gods of Tian and San Qitian were also beaten back. I didn't let them continue to hold their heads. They can do more things. After all, Liu Daotian is not a daughter-in-law now.

The Emperor is dressed in white linen and looks like a middle-aged man. The Emperor's Guqin is amazingly powerful. The Emperor is a beautiful woman with a green dress. A jade flute can keep the earth growing. It is simply an endless explosion of attribute spells, and it is difficult for anyone to resist.

And when it was the emperor’s turn to look at the emperor, I found that he was wearing a color-golden robe, even his hair was color-golden. The beautiful man's face and the height of nearly two meters looked very majestic. There is a kind of force.

"Creation Immortal Venerable, this emperor is ordered by the Supreme Being of Heaven to persuade Tuier, etc., if he does not retreat, he will be attacked by the heavenly Dao. I don't know what Chuangshi Immortal is thinking about?" The Emperor still closed his eyes when he looked at me. There is a huge bell under my feet, which is a little flat, looks like a chime in a musical instrument.

I heard that these three emperors are good at rituals, and it seems that they are not false at the moment.

"I don't have any thoughts. If you dare to step into the creation day or six steps, I will beat you all over to call you father." I smiled sullenly, don't tell me any etiquette, the moment these guys stepped into the creation day There is no reason at all. Who has the big fist, who is right?

In that case, there is nothing left to say.

"Well, in that case, by the order of the Supreme Dao of Heaven, this emperor will be you, the Creation Immortal Venerable for a while!" The emperor's face turned black, and the chime was on his toe. The bell suddenly thundered, followed by countless days. Lei fell on me cracklingly!



I was suddenly numb all over, let alone, the power of thunder on this day is fair, if it is blasted for a long time, the loss of luck is also quite large, of course, I don’t want to bathe in thunder of this day. These days, the thunder is intensively nailed to the top of the head.

At this time, the emperor also held the chime in his hand, flicked his finger, and suddenly there was another thunder. At this time, the heaven and the earth turned upside down, and the thunder tribulation poured down frantically!

I secretly said that this Dao Qi is really powerful, but I can't do anything about it. They have Dao Qi, and I also have it!

But before I took out the Taoist instrument, Yaoyue Xianzun came, and she smiled and said: "Oh, you can be regarded as coming back. There was such a big battle when you came back. Look, in order to come and see You, I have spent a lot of time, and I still flew over from Yaoyuetian. Fortunately, this time it seems to be worth the fare, and I'm against the three emperors as soon as I arrive."



Countless thunders struck me, but they did not cause any harm to me. Whether it was the turning of the world or the shifting of the universe, it seemed to have nothing to do with me. This time, the emperor and the emperor were surprised, but the emperor He didn't seem to think there was any problem, his face still showed a steady expression.

"Hehe, you mischief, I thought I was held back by the sun." After I greeted Yaoyue with a smile, there was an extra volume of Dao Jane in my hand that took the terrifying Thunder Tribulation. Jane is precisely the Taoist weapon that took over the Heavenly Dao Jie Lei!

"It turned out to be Daobao." The emperor said calmly, and the eyebrows of the emperor and the emperor were condensed, and the emperor said: "Be careful, this Daobao originally thought it was still in the hands of the Six Dao Supreme, and he didn't think it had been refined by him. "

"Earth Emperor is in the inner circle, so I don’t know. Not only is the Six Dao Sovereign Dao Treasures obtained by him, but even the seal of the Great Master Master and the Supreme Scripture Treasures are in the hands of the Creation Immortal Venerable. The emperor needs to join hands to retreat from the enemy." The emperor said slowly.

"Why don't you just try? Is it possible that Chuangshi Xianzun can withstand my three emperors playing together?" After the emperor finished speaking, the chime rang again, this time it became unusually rhythmic, and one became One set, this set of thirteen chimes makes the sense of rhythm more hierarchical. When played, it is sometimes crisp, sometimes sudden, sometimes magnificent, sometimes magnificent, and waves of sound turn the universe upside down and let the sky thunder. Don't send!

And in the sky around me, it was rolling like a ball, one by one, getting bigger and bigger, as if it were snowballs! I know that I am tied to the sound of this chime.

"Yeah! Why didn't I expect it? Let's use the three emperors to play against these three treasures!" The earth emperor became excited, and immediately let the jade flute touch her red lips, and then the faint flute sound spread far and wide. .

Not to mention, when the land emperor plays the flute sound like resentment and admiration, the remaining sound is curled up, like the hidden dragons of the dancing gully, which makes people feel like entering the nine abyss. The law of this place is obvious, and it brings me and Yaoyue Xianzun. Pulled directly from the sky into the underground.

The emperor also pressed his hands on the guqin and strummed it with a chuckle, "Is it necessary for the three emperors to play together? It's unprecedented for so many years, not to mention, this Chuangshi Immortal Venerable can compete with the Six Dao Supremes. Let’s go all out!"

The sound of the human king’s piano is beautiful, like a small stream and spring water that is born with ever-going sadness, and like the valley or orchid, and the temperament is as proud as an immortal. When he plays the piano, he is also calm and elegant. The images are exactly the same, this realm of the unity of nature and man is really worthy of the name of the emperor.

After all, Yaoyue Immortal Venerable’s illusion state is a little weak, and standing near me is also affected by the aftermath, so it is inevitable that there is a hint of resentment and anger in his eyes: "Why? Shouldn’t Chuangshi Xianzun take pity and cherish jade? My phantom The state of God is very weak."

"That's not enough?" In order to prevent her from destroying these sounds, I smiled helplessly, and handed it out with my palm. Yaoyue Immortal Venerable's catkin's hand was placed on my palm, which made me smile with satisfaction.

I pulled her into my arms, not to mention anything else, this small waist is really easy to hold, and her elegant fragrance is so intoxicating, it makes me, a man of war, can’t help being The color has given the soul.

Yaoyue Xianzun’s hand was on my chest, and the cheeks and the white jade ears were also attached to it. Even if I looked at her with my eyes, I never let her open her eyes. I couldn’t help but ask. Get up: "How? Is this chest spacious and strong? Is this heartbeat sound like a horse galloping?"

Yaoyue Immortal Venerable slowly opened those slightly drunk eyes, and those **** red lips grinned with a smile: "Unexpectedly, Chuangshi Immortal Venerable knows how to tease women like this. This is really an eye-opener for this Immortal Venerable. ."

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