Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6773: : Declare war

Sanqing couldn’t take care of shrinking the front line, which was tantamount to throwing the problem back to me. This shocked me. At the same time, I felt a chill on my back: "Yuqing Xianzun, then I have to face Tiandaotian and Huanyu at the same time. Oh my god? You only deal with an authentic sky and a shining moon sky in Sanqingtian. Isn't this too leisurely?"

"Little friend, don’t you still have the six heavens to help you? Now that the six heavens are under the control of the deity, all forces are self-stabilizing, and soon they will have the power to fight. Moreover, after these years, you have gathered the three heavens. , Can also be regarded as the immortal materials that we indirectly cultivated, and Sanqitian, have not all fallen into your control? All these have added a lot to your creation day. Our Sanqingtian has dragged you for so many years. If I don't help myself, I'm afraid I will collapse..." Yuqing patted me on the shoulder with an expression that made me relieved.

In fact, this can be regarded as an indirect reminder to me that they can't support me for nothing. Now it's their turn to choose light work, and it's time for me to choose to pick up the heavy burden.

I condensed my eyebrows and said, "Well, I will stop the heaven, but I really don’t know how to stop the world, but take one step and count as one step. Please also ask Yuqing Xianzun to do more. I'll think about it here."

"Little friend, on Tian Daotian's side, I want to make way out directly. The moment you start the battle with her, full contact will immediately change the situation. Sheng Daotian will also re-divide the sphere of influence. At that time, we want to For your consideration, it must be able to affect it, right?" Yuqing Xianzun smiled bitterly.

I was a little speechless for a while. This Immortal Yuqing’s ability to pick up children is absolutely incredible. If he wants to save Taiqingtian, he will pull all Yuqingtian down. In this way, all the lines of defense on the other side of Tiandaotian will be in line with the creation of the world. The sky is connected, which means that I will have a double-sided contact with Liudaotian and Tiandaotian. The extension of the defense line also means that the defense will become weak. Fortunately, there is no defensive pressure on the Liudaotian side, but this does not mean that the creation of the world There is no danger, isn't this there is still a world supreme?

"Speaking of which, Yuqing Xianzun, what's the situation on this side of Daotian?" While feeling speechless about Sanqing's actions, I also asked about the situation of Daotian. This is the first one to fall into the world. The super powers under the world, so everyone has a tacit understanding with each other seldom mentioned.

"Truto Heaven? Why would the little friend be interested in the true heaven? This Doutian became a vassal of the world supreme with almost no resistance, but it also unexpectedly kept a distance from Qingtian. We also tried to get some from there. News, such as whether there is unspeakable concealment of the tunnel supreme, or what agreement has been reached with the world supreme, but obviously things are not as simple as we thought, the reason why they dormant is all for the onslaught of Shangqingtian today, isn’t it? That has been complaining, if it weren't for such a big change, how could the deity be like this?" Yuqing Xianzun sighed bitterly.

"How about this authentic supreme?" I asked.

"It is extremely powerful, no less than the Supreme Being of Heaven. Okay, I won't talk about this deity with Immortal Venerable. Taiqing is under great pressure. Immortal Yao Ri has done all he can, and I'm afraid he is cooperating with Universe Supreme. Well, little friends have to be careful too, don't underestimate the world supreme." Yuqing Xianzun said sincerely.

I nodded and watched Yuqing Xianzun return. Of course, I immediately returned to Chuangshitian to dispatch troops.

Because the star positions were reshuffled, when the war resumed, the pressure was all on the side of Santaitian and Sanqitian, but the pressure on the side of Zishoutian, Shenzuotian, and Qiongtian was not so great.

However, with Yu Qingtian's withdrawal, the contact war is bound to be all-round, so the pressure will suddenly come at any time.

When I returned to Creation Day, the news came one after another, so I couldn't keep an eye on it, so I simply held a meeting under pressure.

Santaitian and Sanqitian are the frontiers of the battle. Morale can be described as drastically reduced to the extreme. Even if there are countless new forces filling in, they are facing superpowers such as Tiandaotian, and they can't find the north for a while. .

"Creation Immortal Venerable! Daotian was simply too powerful that day. Our Santaitian shouldered the pressure to deal with the Three Emperors. Not only did Sanyuantian come under pressure now, if we didn’t avoid it quickly, we would have to We are all cut open!" Taishi Xianzun reported hurriedly.

Immortal Venerable Shi Qi also hurriedly stepped up and said, "How can the pressure of San Taitian compare to me? We are not only facing the above forces, but also the core of Tian Daotian. The three dynasties have come. If Chuangshi Xianzun is If you don't stand up, we can't stop Sanqitian!"

"Yeah! We thought it was a little trouble, but who thought they would suddenly fight without declaring it! This is heaven!" Tai Su Xianzun couldn't help saying.

I saw that they complained endlessly, and said, "If you can't stop it, you have to stop it. I will mobilize and replenish your luck and cultivate more fresh blood for you. Moreover, the entire Zendao Heaven is now in shuffling battles. It is impossible not to fight in a battle. Instead of worrying about this and worrying about that, it is better to raise your fists and everyone works together to beat the opponent back."

Of course, San Tai Tian and San Qi Tian still have to complain about more problems, but at this time, the phantom **** of grandmother and sister-in-law of sister-in-law appeared in the Chuangshitian Hall where I was.

"Jiu'er!" I looked at them in surprise.

And Zhao Qian and many women's legion members who participated in this discussion all exclaimed, after all, this is one of the few good things these days.

While my sister-in-law nodded with me, she also talked about the moments of this time in the presence of everyone. The meeting was interrupted, and San Tai Tian and San Qi Tian had no objection, and they even discussed about it. Taichutian directly said: "Now that the six heavens have stabilized, we have discussed it. If we don’t let the six heavens help us, our creation heaven is now in full swing, and the six heavens will return to our deity. Two strikes and one will definitely defeat the heavens. Isn't it?"

"Yeah! Liu Daotian attacked Tian Daotian's flanks, and we created the world to hold her back, so a big deal can be done! My Zishoutian will also attack Tian Daotian with Gods and Qiongtian!" Zishou Xianzun couldn't help but said in surprise.

Everyone suddenly seemed to have found the key to victory, and all of them beamed with joy.

However, grandma poured cold water on everyone at this time: "Think about this kind of thing. This time, I am here with the Supreme, not to confess your goodwill, but because our outer border has encountered the subordinates of the Universe Supreme. A general led the onslaught of the Immortal Venerable Shenxiao, so he came to inform you of the Immortal Venerable Chuangshi."

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