Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6782: :volume

The other party’s method of accelerating time is a bit weird, and they are all different. Of course there are strengths and weaknesses, but the most powerful one is the Moon Immortal Venerable, and the Japanese Immortal Venerable is not much stronger, because the rules between them are just different. There is not a world of difference.

The law of time used by the first Hi Asatian to me is called the law of chasing the sun. The moment I hit it, there will be a feeling of rushing luck. This is the law that affects the time I output. The law of the Sui Chao Xian Zun is called the Law of the End of the Year, which is similar to its word meaning. This is the end of a year, so the moment I hit me has the effect of close to the stop of time.

As for the law of the Moon Immortal Venerable who hit me for the third time, it was the most powerful. It has the power to reverse the time in the blockade area for a moment. Don’t think it’s just a moment, but it’s applied to me, if it’s applied to other lows. On the extremely different immortal family, it is uncertain what effect it will cause, and even for a certain low-level life body, it may also produce a reversal effect.

But what I am best at is the law of time. All things can be killed to speed up the time of everything. Of course, it is not a problem to stop time. As for the time flow back, I also take care of it, but I need some advanced means, the time flow back. It shouldn’t be too long, and it takes a long time to cool down.

Although the impact on me was not great, the three of them took turns using these three different time laws on me. When they were fighting the law, a fly suddenly came and buzzed around, even if they were casting a spell, they would be affected.

While these three were bombarding with the law in turn, their respective Dao tools also hacked at me at the moment I was stuck. When the sword shadows touched each other, the two different laws immediately wrestle with each other, and the other Dao tools do indeed have them. Extremely high level of practice, although they didn't have Han Shanshan to calculate the stacking data of the Dao Qi for them, they had other methods of stacking runes.

And when one of them approaches me in close combat, the other two must use the law of time to cooperate, so that I can't free up the time to use the heavens, which of course draws on the previous Six Immortal Venerable's style of play.

Therefore, I can only be forced to keep turning on all phenomena and killing them to eliminate their time influence. When the Dao instruments of both sides collide, the hardness of the sword of law is indispensable. Not to mention, the Han sword of the Sui Dynasty Immortal Venerable has at least been stacked. When I reached the 30th floor, my level of training was the highest. I used the 21st-level Heavenly Dao Destroying Sword to attack, and every time I collided, I would leave a broken trace.

These piled runes cannot withstand the bombardment of the opponent's Dao weapon, so knocking out a hole would be a dangerous demotion, which also gave me the emotion that I had before head-to-head with the Ziwei Immortal.

It seems that the 21st floor is not even enough to get started.

After experiencing the destruction of Dao artifacts, Sui Chao Xianzun was of course very excited, and planned to continue drawing the gourd, but I no longer planned to continue close combat, so I immediately stepped back and opened the distance to contact him.

But it’s not easy to leave. The time back of the Moon Dynasty Immortal Venerable quickly made me feel uncomfortable, because the other party’s time to influence me is short, and killing all things has become the law of rapid and passive release again and again. This in itself is one thing. This kind of interference, so this time, the Japanese Immortal took the sword and flew over, and there was a quick whipping attack!

Bang bang bang!

The attack quickly caused the already unbearable Heavenly Dao Miejian to collapse on the spot, which also made Yue Zhaoxian Venerable excited, and signaled the Japanese Immortal Venerable to make the final blow.

However, waiting for the Moon Immortal Venerable to push away, before entering the support position, when the Japanese Immortal Venerable moved over, he watched me pull out the second Heavenly Dao Extinguishing Sword. This sword was not well-trained. It’s about eight floors high, but this doesn’t mean that Heaven’s Path can’t be used to destroy. After my time rule affects the time of a large area and stops the Moon Dynasty Immortal Venerable, I chose the most dangerous place for the Moon Dynasty Immortal Venerable. The area has released an extinction of heaven!

The reason why they didn’t rush them to drive the sheep together and then use Heaven’s Path is also because they already knew their intentions after this fight. They learned the lessons of the three emperors and the three Yuan Xianzun. , The distance opened up is even greater, and even my 21st-layer Heavenly Dao Destruction Sword is no longer available.

So this time I gave up the idea of ​​a pot end, and only used a small range of heaven to deal with one of them, at least lame them first!

An area suddenly fell into the space cutting, the large and small squares were separated like mosaics, and they exploded into countless luck with a bang. The Moon Immortal almost carried me on his back, but this did not affect the Japanese immortal. Zun and Sui Chaoxian Zun saw his horrified expression.

This time, Tiandao Annihilation was like slapped their faces and completely stunned them. The original strong self-confidence became cautious. While using the law of time against me, they all started to respond with long-range attacks.

This day Dao Mie also has a range, and the range and area of ​​the fire must rely on the training level of the Heaven Dao Mie Sword. The higher the level of training, the farther the shooting range will be, so if they are too far away, they really won't take them.

But they didn’t plan to approach, and I didn’t pay attention to their thoughts at all. Since this Moon Dynasty Immortal Venerable proclaimed according to the law of time, then her luck is bound to fit me best, so I immediately rushed into her bombing. Into the sea of ​​luck.

Sure enough, this time law is a perfect match for me. After all, the Daotian Dao Foundation actually has a certain similarity to my Dao Foundation, so it can be absorbed quickly.

The Illusion God of that Moon Dynasty Immortal Venerable also came quickly. She has no other choice at this moment, but to quickly recover the luck here, but even if she absorbs faster than me, she can’t change the reality of being absorbed by me. Both Xianzun and Japanese Xianzun are influencing and interfering with me, but if given me time, I can still grab one-third of my luck.

The anxious fires of the Japanese Immortal and Suishao Xianzun can only be all kinds of interference, but it is completely useless to me, even when I draw a sword, they escape faster than anything.

I don’t expect to get rid of these two immortals. The other party is so afraid of me now, just to let me delay this time, so that I can absorb my luck, and also let the immortals under my subordinates eat Liuxianzun. Fortunately, this comes and goes, even if the heavens are fertile, they have to chew off a layer of cake crust for me.

After Chuangshitian has gone through a few battles between Tiandao and Daotian, at this time, the volume is no longer smaller than Tiandaotian, and even larger. If it weren't for the star position, Tiandaotian and I would have to think about it. .

However, my wishful thinking had just struck, and in the direction of Heavenly Daotian, a purple qi rushed towards me with lightning speed!

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