Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6791: :form

In the main temple of Chuangshitian, after Han Shanshan heard Zulong’s request, she looked at the jade medal Zulong left her, and after a long meditation, she said: "I can’t do it, what is infinite heaven and earth? Although the runes are complicated, I can do it with my own means, but where can I find the materials? After I have constructed these rune chain formulas, if the Zulong deliberately made a mistake, it is that these materials are used to run runes. Way, so I think I can’t get the chopsticks of this infinite world. It must be rooted in the materials of the Dao Foundation of Liangyi.”

"Then what should I do now? I am afraid it is impossible to find the materials of Liangyi Heaven and Earth. Only Zulong can take us to Liangyi Heaven. He stole some sand from Lingyi before, but the sand has been poured into Liangyi Heaven. God, so do we have to go to Nine Heavens next time?" I asked.

"That's not necessary. Zulong just used the materials of Liangyi Tiandi as a medium to enter it in the state of divine consciousness. We have to go to Liangyi Tiandi. It is not too difficult. With these runes, I can counteract it. Introduce the method of entry." Han Shanshan immediately calculated and condensed a method array after she said, and then she rushed into it without hesitation while pulling my spirit.

I feel that Han Shanshan has such a skill as a talented artist.

In the middle of the vast sky, there are already small infinite sands here. Although these sands are like dust, who can say that it is not a world?

"Zulong is like opening another world, but there is too little infinite sand here, and nothing can be done at all. We have to find more materials, much larger than infinite sand, because we want to introduce infinite sand. Heaven and earth need to have things that they originally had, so that I can use these materials to replicate the chopsticks of infinite heaven and earth." Han Shanshan said.

"What should I do?" I asked immediately.

Han Shanshan was hesitating, and she took me around for a while before she said: "There is no way, there is so little infinite sand here. Even if you put them together, it is very difficult to make a centimeter-level formation. There are infinite days, if we can collect them, do we need to make this big array that will be transmitted into the two worlds? No wonder Zulong wants me to solve this problem, I think it’s embarrassing to ask me to explain it to you. ."

"What? This guy." I was at a loss for words, this Zulong was very cunning.

"It says there is no other way?" Han Shanshan asked.

"Yes, since I can use the chopsticks of Infinite Heaven to talk to Daotian, if there is this thing, Xue Qingcheng will be able to condense the Dao foundation to prove Dao success." I said decisively, it seems that this is the greatest possibility.

"It's better to surrender to Tian Daotian now and attack Tian Daotian instead. How could this Dao Daotian borrow this thing for us? And there is still a clear sky between Tian Daotian and us, how do you want to pull it? Lucky to attack it?" Han Shanshan asked rhetorically.

None of these problems can be solved, so I don't know what to say for a while, so I can only ask: "Then we can ask Yaoyue Immortal Venerable to borrow it first, and can I borrow it later?

"This is also a way, but I don't think it's possible. It's better to go to the Liangyi Universe to find it by yourself." Han Shanshan said.

"Liangyi Universe? Don't say I don't know how to go, even if I go there, how do I know what kind of material I'm looking for?" I said speechlessly.

Han Shanshan thought for a while, and said: "Heaven and earth are composed of countless small worlds. The dusty sand is a world. The flesh and blood of human beings and cells are all a world. Even the stars and the sea, the heaven and the universe, can be infinite. The world of slender dust becomes a whole. At this time, do you still think the universe of Liangyi is magical? Is it big? How much sand can be caught by a pair of infinite chopsticks? So don’t look at these infinite sands as weird here. As small worlds are shown before our eyes, in fact, you can imagine that if you are an individual different from us, like the aliens who see us in their eyes, how can it not be made up of small worlds? You It is a pile of infinite sand, and I am also a pile of infinite sand, so think about it, what kind of infinite sand do we need?"

I shook my head and said, "How do I know what kind of infinite sand I need?"

"One day, you still can't get around the corner, then let me simply talk about it, um... it's like looking at the things in the Liangyi universe, which is a pile of sand in a small world, but one person is different. You think it will be Who?" Han Shanshan asked.

"Is it Lingyi?" I suddenly realized.

"Hey, you are right, we are here in the universe of the Dao, and the things in the universe of the Dao are naturally colorful and have different appearances, but Lingyi comes from the Liangyi universe, and in her eyes there will be another difference. The world, are you right?" Han Shanshan explained in a more simple and understandable concept.

This time I really understood it, so I looked at the space filled with dust and fine dust, and couldn't help but said with emotion: "So, in the vast space that the fairy family of Chuangshitian sees, there seems to be nothing. There are countless small worlds, but if Ling Yi comes, she must see a different scene, right?"

"That's the case, so you should know what I am going to do now, right?" Han Shanshan said.

"Reincarnation, reincarnation, or soul wear?" I asked immediately.

"Hey, it's you, I know you won't let my sister down." Han Shanshan said with a smile.

I couldn't help complaining, and Han Shanshan started looking for me again.

"When can I start then? Now you can see that, under the suppression of the heavens, the time I can go is not long." I said.

Han Shanshan thought for a while, and said, "I'm not good at this. Anyway, I will give you as many options as possible. Once I go directly to borrow the set of infinite chopsticks, cut some meat for the authentic supreme, she is willing to come. In this way, the infinite sky here can be allocated together. Of course, I think this is actually the most unreliable."

"Why?" I was surprised when Han Shanshan had come up with a different opinion from mine.

"Because according to what you said before, Ling Yi's chopsticks picked up such a bit of infinite sand, and my sister was thinking, how long would it take to move such a large day with the infinite chopsticks? It's ten years. Or is it a hundred years old? And what is the shape of Qingcheng's network? How do we work together? One day, have you ever thought about it, or Qingcheng is not in a state of ignorance, she who succeeded in proving her, is looking at us at this moment, and we too Looking at her, I just can't touch and see each other." Han Shanshan said utterly.

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