Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6801: : Gu Ling

Xian Li was really hungry. After nodding, she touched the light and went to the vent. There should be some air-dried fierce beast meat hanging over there, because even in the spiritual realm, he has to eat, when the body cannot be fully spiritualized. It’s unavoidable to keep the body running. Moreover, even if it is purely able to absorb the energy of Liangyi, the immortal family still has to drink and entertain. The bad ailments that mortals have, even if they become immortals, they may not be able to abandon them cleanly. It's a useless move, but it can please the heart.

So satiety is also very important.

This clearing pill has been refined for me during the day Xianli carried me on his back. Now it is just a journey of moulting, so after I run the exercises that I have practiced in the past few days, The epidermis gradually becomes more luminous and slips down due to the complete shaping of the cells, and the scab gradually fades away.

I erased the last scab with my hand and looked at the shallow thunder marks on the skin. I was relieved. I thought it would take ten and a half months to get things done. The appearance of the old man due to the wind shock was ahead of schedule. Of course , This coming a few days in advance is still a long way from what I want to do.

If I continue to entangle here, I will be able to find the materials I want to refine the chopsticks of the infinite sky in the year of the monkey, so I will speed up the progress during this time.

The crazy old man should have made a fortune in the past few years. Otherwise, he would be the most comfortable living alone, and he would be lazy when he was full. Inevitably, he would have to avoid some of the things he had done by himself, otherwise he would not value me so much. , In that case, I have to take advantage of this gap to produce results that are satisfactory to both sides, so that the other side needs each other.

And just when I was about to put on my clothes, Xian Li happily ran in carrying a piece of jerky.

Seeing my smooth skin and revealing masculine charm, Xianli turned around quickly because of shame. After all, this scene really has no connection with before. Before, I was covered with pus and blood, and I had to hang up at any time. No one would think about gender, but now it’s different. I have returned to my original appearance, and she will inevitably be shy about gender defense.

I put on my clothes and said nonchalantly: "You can practice for a while when you're full. I just found a set of exercises that suits you here. It has similar attributes to your practice, even if it is both. There will be no conflict."

I was carried by her along the way and had frequent physical contact. I had already figured out Xianli's cultivation techniques. It was not a problem to tailor a set of magical secrets. During this time, I was not idle, except for myself. The optimal way of cultivation has also figured out the types of exercises in the Liangyi universe.

As the so-called vast world is infinite, the heavenly path is of the same origin, so the ever-changing exercises and cultivation methods are not difficult for me, not to mention the veins and trends that Lingyi copied me earlier, this It is the root of the cultivation of Liangyi Universe, and it is not surprising to draw inferences from one another.

"Tong Ren! Senior kindly took us in, how can you steal the senior's exercises?" Xian Li exclaimed.

"Then what? We don't do anything. When he comes back, he may decide how to punish us. Besides, he will definitely not put the good things here, so the things here are definitely available for us to use, how to use them, and how to use them. To what extent, is the fundamental test of us, Xianli, don't underestimate the idea of ​​a spiritual realm, or how can it be called a spiritual realm?" I laughed.

Xian Li hesitated and nodded: "No matter how bad it is, it won't be worse than before, it's better than when you were still lying at the gate of the mountain..."

"Yeah, so you must be right to listen to me." I chuckled, and quickly picked up a sharp stone, and quickly wrote the first internal cultivation technique on the ground using the words of the two instruments of the universe.

Surrounded by Xian Li’s experience and strength at the moment, so I deliberately wrote very simple and easy to understand. Sure enough, she read it again and immediately got an expression of understanding. She didn’t know that the exercises she was going to practice were even in the Liangyi universe. That is also Wushuang's top magical skill.

However, rapid cultivation cannot absorb and collect the breath of the two instruments step by step. Pills and spirit gathering are indispensable. Pills need to be refined, and it takes a certain time to refine after eating. As for gathering spirits, it is a practice method that is different from Jiuzhongtian. .

This Spirit Gathering is also the cultivation method of the Liangyi Universe which is different from that of the Nine Heavens. The Nine Heavens uses the cultivation of the body to train the spirit body as a major cultivation process. As for the Liang Yi universe, this is not the case at all. In the body, the body gradually weakens from the outside to the inside, and then it reaches the state of harmony between man and nature.

That's why this process starts with Qi training and then goes to foundation building.

Qi training is a primary level of gathering spirits. This level can absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, while the foundation building is the spiritual introversion, gradually making the body shell, which is a process of gradually cultivating the body into a container.

Immediately afterwards, although they generally need to condense their own spirit with Jiuzhongtian, the two universes have crystallized this process, that is, gradually reduced the spirit, so that even if the body fails, or the damage is not to the degree of death .

After the crystallization period, you will let your spirit elixir, which is the alchemy realm. To put it simply, the spirits of different attributes will have different colors, and the gold, wood, water, fire, and soil have their own colors. Only in this realm is it possible to see the colors of the heavens and the earth, and the difference between the immortal and the common in the cultivation way is distinguished from this.

As for Feng Zhen, the old man said that he is a spiritual realm. If he is not fake, it would be great. This spiritual realm allows the alchemy in his body to begin to be spiritualized, which means that his current body is not a real physical mortal, because in Dan At the time of Daohua, the body had been consumed seven or eighty-eight. At that time, the inner alchemy was the core, and only the inner alchemy would destroy the immortal body.

Spirituality is nothing more than the result of spiritualization outside the inner core of the immortal body, that is, even the body is condensed with energy, because the cohesive power is no longer weaker than the physical body, when the physical body enters the spiritual realm. Will be rejected as impurities.

Therefore, the spiritual realm is also a pure energy body, and the power is naturally very different from the alchemy realm. This is an important stage of transcending the immortal world.

Qi training, foundation building, crystallization, alchemy, and spirit are indispensable processes. Although they are different from the cultivation realm of the Nine Heavens, they can be regarded as parallel and have their own merits.

It is also precisely because of the subtle differences between the heavenly ways of the Liangyi universe and the heavenly ways of the Zhengdao universe, so the essence of the universe is ultimately two universes. The goal, in fact, came precisely for the entire Liangyi universe.

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