Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6823: :Teacher

"How do you know that I'm here for the first time?" I asked back, and the other party saw that I was young and cheated, so he leaned forward and wanted to find some business.

"Haha, do you need to ask? I have been doing business here for more than ten years. I know all the regular customers here, and it can be regarded as a know-it-all here. It's the first time a fellow Taoist is here. Why should I be a free guide for you? "Sure enough, the middle-aged man intends to sell himself.

As the middle-aged man introduced, there were already several pairs of eyes staring around him. I pretended to be cramped and said, "I don't need it anymore, I plan to look at it casually."

How did the middle-aged man let go of a young child like me, and immediately said with a smile: "Fearful Taoist, your purpose in coming to this market is nothing more than bartering things. What kind of fairy family is this Luomu Valley Fair? Yes, if you don’t have an acquaintance, you might suffer a big loss."

"If you don't buy, you won't suffer, right? I just passed by and wanted to ask for directions." I said.

The middle-aged man chuckled and patted me on the shoulder. In fact, I have tested my cultivation level. In this shot, I was found to be a fairy family in the crystal realm. His eyes hesitated for an instant, and he probably wouldn’t dare to sell it easily. There are all kinds of items hanging on his body. After all, he has advanced to the Crystallization Realm at this age. There are nothing more than a few possibilities. An old world like him is basically very clear.

"Senior has actually crystallized? It's the younger generation who judges people by appearance." The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly, then put away the treasures on his body, and after a simple salute, he stepped aside, and several immortals immediately leaned towards him and asked. My situation comes.

I snorted coldly in my heart. Actually, it’s not surprising that such a thing is actually true. The Crystallization Realm is already at the level of Master Yang Gaozuo and Master Xianli. It’s not easy to be able to stand at the gate of the mountain, and the middle-aged person is nothing more than that. Naturally, I didn't dare to provoke me during the foundation period.

As for the immortal family staying here, most of them are either in the foundation building or in the lower level of Qi refining period, so I didn't think about hiding their strength too much here.

But just when I wanted to find a pill furnace, and then look for a few elixir to refine the pill recipe to replace Ma Teng San, a fairy family station who knew I was a cultivation base of the Crystallization Realm, dare to come over In front of me, he smiled and said: "Senior, the kid has been in the market for several years. The second road dealer just now is naturally untrustworthy, but the kid absolutely does not do such a business, and he does not know that Senior wants to be in the market. What goods are you looking for? The kid can lead the way for seniors to find one or two."

"Free?" I asked.

"Naturally, it's free. The kid has some introductions in the store here, so the seniors can't be the kid." The young fairy family smiled with a sunny face.

I nodded and said, "What I'm looking for are several medicinal materials with different properties and effects, or a pill that can be refined to suppress wood properties, and I'm also looking for a pill furnace that is at least the Crystalline level up, I don't know. Is this Luomu Valley Bazaar available?"

"Senior has found the right person. Senior has said everything. After all, this is the distribution center of Luomu Valley. There are a lot of things that restrain and restrict the spirit beasts of Luomu Valley, and because Luomu Valley is rich in medicinal materials, the pill furnace is not lacking. "The young fairy family said.

"Let's lead the way." I glanced at the market. There are not many shops here, but they are definitely not. The youth quickly took me to one of them, and after whispering to the shopkeeper, immediately Entered the topic.

I immediately informed the shopkeeper about the medicinal properties and properties of the material I wanted, and I also asked for a pill furnace that must be able to refine this grade of medicine.

"The old way of Qiwei medicine can find substitutes for Xianjia that are close to describing the pharmacology, but there are three kinds of medicine which I know there are, but I can't get it out, because these medicines that the Xianjia asks for are probably a bigger market. There will be, because these three herbs are only available in the most dangerous spiritual realm at the back of Luomu Valley.” As the old shopkeeper said, he searched out the seven herbs that I might use, and signaled the young man to take another one. The shopkeeper next door, please come over, it is estimated that it is selling pill furnace.

A thin woman soon followed the young man into the door, and with a wave of her hand, three pill furnaces were all placed in the house: "You want the crystal realm pill furnace? Pick one, we opened ten here. Since the store in the past few years is the power of the Crystal Realm, let’s do it better."

I secretly said that this crystalline state is really easy to use, and I am afraid that the arrogant and arrogant will also walk sideways here.

I nodded and took a look at the pill furnace. After all, better pill furnaces have been studied, so I chose an obviously older pill furnace, although this pill furnace is far from the one that shocked the old man. But it's enough for now: "Just take it, give a price clearly, I don't want to bargain, if it's higher, just don't."

The thin woman condensed her eyebrows, looked up and down at me, and then said: "It's a crystal realm, but it has good eyesight. This pill furnace was eliminated by a great power of the pill realm. If you want to come, you will know its price. , It’s rare for someone with knowledge to sell you ten crystals, or three hundred taels of crystal sand."

The crystallization is not only the crystallization unearthed from the crystallization-level spirit beast, the crystal sand is the broken spar, these are currency in circulation, but also the consumables for the cultivation of the immortal family.

So I was expressionless at the back, but I couldn’t help but secretly breathe in the air. This is equivalent to digging ten crystal realm spirit beasts to exchange for such a pill furnace, so after thinking about it, I said: "The crystal sand and crystals you want. There are not so many, can I replace it with something?"

"This is of course, I don't know what kind of baby Xianjia can replace?" The old fairy collected the medicine, and soon took over the conversation, which meant to remind me that he still has business here.

I wasn't polite, and I shook the old man's storage bag directly, and put out a few good things above the level of Crystallization. The thin woman and the old fairy who looked at them were bright, but they couldn't help but glance at each other.

I didn't even think about the things that the old man Feng Zhen gave me in exchange for currency and give it back to him. This is my start-up capital, so I should make good use of it.

"Bai Yun, Shen Zhuyu, Drunken Fairy Fungus... These are all, either from the depths of Luomu Valley, or from the extremely dangerous spiritual beast forbidden area. If it is not for the cultivation base above the Dan Dao level, any place may be one. I have no return, I don't know where the Xian family got it?" Old Immortal Shen Ning said, which of course means that I don't know the origin of my things.

"I don't know where the immortal family is from whom?" The thin woman couldn't help knocking on the side.

I smiled faintly, and said, "Everything is here. I will tell you if I change it. What kind of ancestors do you want to ask? Besides, my master's name is what you can ask?"

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