Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 6881: : Chixiang

This is an inconspicuous place in ruins, with a small nest on it, and the shining fragments around it are the remnants of some kind of biological eggshells, even if they are very dirty because of their age. , But it is vaguely recognizable by its brilliant colors.

If it is in the state of an egg, it is definitely an egg that only attracts attention. I can't help but say, "Is this its lair? It was born here? Is it possible that your grandfather raised this ghost here? Is he having an enmity with his own treasure?"

"Of course not, it... it seems to be the secret treasure my mother said..." Hu Xia said hurriedly.

We were walking around in this secret realm area. This little monster thought we were playing with it, chasing us in a flop, not to mention, this little thing is not only extremely fast, because it has two small wings, it can actually glide. Flying, if an ordinary Xianjia spirit beast encounters it, it may be caught up, but it is a pity that neither Luomu Beast nor I are ordinary immortals.

Including Chang Jie and Bai Zang, they also started to study this little beast while following me in circles.

"It seems that this little thing is not the secret treasure, it was brought in by the old valley master back then. The eyes here have just opened. Even if something breaks in, there are so many treasures, it is not so fast to eat up, these few hundred The treasures in this attic are not kept in order because they were eaten by it." Chang Jie analyzed.

"Elder Chang Jie said that if it weren't for this, it could not be explained that this beast had lived for a hundred years. At this moment it is so crazy, I am afraid it is not hungry." Bai Zang said.

"Well, if I guess right, this eggshell is now so well preserved, I'm afraid it's not as invulnerable as this beast, or attacks will be absorbed by it, so it is called a secret treasure." Chang Jie said again.

"Your analysis is reasonable." After I said that, I shot out a few tree vines and grabbed one of the palm-sized eggshells. As expected, I wiped off the stains on it. This thing actually has a rainbow-like color. When I struck hard, it was unscathed. Although the eggshell was broken, the little beast inside would not be able to absorb any more power.

Finding that the eggshell had been snatched from me, the little beast uttered a roar instantly. Although the roar was not much better than the barking of a dog, it was enough to know that it was angry.

But it's useless to be angry, this guy can't catch up with us at all.

After Luomu Beast took the little beast and ran for a few laps, he was no longer as scared as he was just now. He ran around here like walking a dog. This guy ran like a mouse, but his speed was not slow, and his body The mighty rampage, the awe-inspiring trembled a lot.

"But it looks really cute, and it's the secret treasure that grandpa hid here back then. Can't we just collect it? Like Luomu Beast, bring it back to our Fury Palace, isn't it the palace lord? Safe?" Fox Xia is also a very clever little girl.

"The little palace lord agreed to give the secret treasure to our valley lord before, but now he wants to bring it back to the Nuling Palace? Ha ha, that's okay, if you think you have the ability, you can stop trying." Chang Jie listened. , I suddenly became a little unhappy. Of course, these secret treasures and treasures were all promised to Luomugu, so how long did they not admit it?

"Now and then, there is nothing you can do, right? It's better to be whoever grabs it." Hu Xia was eager to try, but Bai Zang stopped: "Palace lord, we can't take this beast, and since we agreed. The secret treasures here are all returned to Mugu, so you can't go wrong."

"Humph." Fox Xia snorted softly.

"Well, this little beast is not good, right, right now, leave it to me, after all, seeing it happily chasing us at this moment, I am afraid it is not like eating us in a hurry, but thinking that we are playing with it. , In case it angers it again, it may have other unknown abilities. You go out first, but be careful that they may lie in ambush outside. "I have no expression on my face. This little girl is always a little girl. If you have a high EQ, you won’t be mixed up to escape from the palace, and you have long controlled the headless Nuling Palace with your superb EQ.

Chang Jie and Bai Zang also knew that it would be useless to stay here, so they immediately diverted and escaped.

I sat on the Luomu Beast and watched the little beast plopping up and down thoughtfully. I raised the eggshell in my hand, and the little beast immediately accelerated to approach, just like a dog trying to bite back. eggshell.

My childlike innocence was so strong, I immediately rolled the eggshell with wood spells and threw it far away. As expected, the little beast immediately rushed over and bit the eggshell.

Of course I wouldn't let it bite. I squeezed it hard and pulled the egg shell back in an instant. This inevitably angered the little beast. Its wings suddenly trembled at high speed, and it shot at me like a laser instantly!

I smiled coldly and slapped it with a big hand, and the invisible palm slapped it on the ground. The little beast shook his head and made a whimper.

I didn't indulge it and took the eggshell back in my hand. The little guy watched me continue running and chased me, but instead of teasing it, I started to study the texture of the eggshell.

Not to mention, the material of this thing is a bit weird, such a hard eggshell, it is also because the little beast can break through. If it is in a complete state, it must be able to resist all attacks. This may be the master of the valley. It is used as a secret treasure.

And in this secret realm, there is no lack of strong aura, which makes me curious. In theory, this secret realm will not be charged for a hundred years, and although it will not be exhausted, it will not have so much aura.

Of course, after walking around so many circles and gradually understanding the surrounding environment, I also saw something unusual in the surrounding area, but now it is even more special.

Since it is a group of colorful crystals, there are so many things, almost everywhere, and it is a bit similar to the elixir that no one wants. On the one hand, it looks a little weird, and on the other hand, the breath is so complicated that they are immortal at all. There is no plan to take it away, so these crystals will be spread all over the secret realm.

I stretched out my hand and rolled up a large piece of crystal, and at this moment, the little beast suddenly stopped and looked at me with a surprised and blank expression.

I took the group of crystals under my nose and sniffed it, but found that there was a musky scent, so I couldn't help but get a few centimeters closer. Of course, in order to guard against the sudden attack of the little beast, my eyes always stayed on the little beast .

But an astonishing scene appeared. The little thing suddenly showed an expression of disgusting me for doing this, as if a man had eaten a fly, and the little beast made a spitting move.

I constricted my eyebrows for unknown reasons, and stuck out my tongue to try this thing, after all, this crystal exudes a strange fragrance.

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