Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7126: : Mountain sky

"Sleep over." I sighed. This guy was exaggerating when he ate the whole dragonfly, but its characteristic of fast conversion, coupled with rare adventures, even Xiao Tun didn't want to miss this opportunity to improve, and he was full. It's not strange to fall asleep.

"I'm afraid that I will sleep for a long time this time. The mutual biting of dragons and beasts is an important way to improve themselves. Even if it is innate spiritual veins, Xiao Tun also needs to improve the adaptability of his spiritual veins in the Eight Desolate World." Mei Yao hurried over to check Xiao Tun's situation. She was still very worried about this little guy. After all, Xiao Tun was more than just a pet to her, she was already a friend in general.

"Where is it better to move it?" I asked.

"No, build a shed here, I will accompany it, because it may evolve while sleeping, and then it will be equivalent to a dragon beast at the Yuan Ying level." After speaking, the rose medicine took out. A bunch of household items.

I gestured to the disciples. Everyone rushed to help. After a short while, a huge nest designed based on rose medicine was built.

It’s difficult to determine the time for sleep evolution, ranging from a few days to a month or so. The dragon beasts sleeping in the open air is still very dangerous. The beast has a strong oppressive power, but it can't help but strengthen its protection, so arranging three elders from the Nascent Infant Realm to accompany it, which can be considered as a temporary solution to Xiao Tun's sleeping problem.

But this is not the way to go. The dragon beasts come by smelling the smell, Xiao Tun is definitely a trouble, the island is moving, Xiao Tun’s dragon energy will form a moving trajectory, and then other dragon beasts will find their way. The dragon beasts have always been the focus of the major sects, and even some dragon beasts' nests have special observation points. This is an extremely common sect thing in the world of eight wastes.

The major sects will issue daily tasks for the disciples to perform, and it is necessary to observe and explore the powerful spirit beasts everywhere.

After thinking about it, I called everyone to the meeting, and paid for all the resources that Mu Xianzhou could use for tasks, and sent Tianyi's disciples to actively explore and perform some tasks.

The most important thing is to explore the way first and set up the big formation. Many disciples are sent to complete these tasks. Of course, in order to keep everyone up with the practice, I have emptied my pockets to pay wages.

But sooner or later, it’s time to sit and eat in the sky. Whoever stands at my position will be like a man. Although I have been driving towards the Zhongyuanzhou Mountains, we must know that this island is not an airship. The speed is actually not fast, like clouds floating in the sky. , I can feel the power of the wind in the sky, but the people on the ground look at it, in fact, the speed of movement is just average.

But in any case, it is moving forward after all.

More than half a month passed in a flash. After the routine meeting, I had to leave Sana alone: ​​"Sana, the original route is a place where resources are scarce and fairyland is rare, so I went to the dragon. After the fly incident, we can have a good day when we have been walking like this for more than half a month and haven’t touched the Xian’s family. But if we continue like this, we probably won’t have enough supplies before we reach Zhongyuanzhou. Do you think there is any way we can supplement it? Next, our dying storage warehouse?"

Sana sneered and said, "Leave Sana alone, do you want to cry poor with Sana?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm looking for you for?" I couldn't laugh or cry.

"I thought you were looking for me...cough cough, forget it, it's okay." Sana chuckled, with a little embarrassment on his face, and then thought for a while and said: "You should have been troubled for a long time about the material resources. Yes, but the supply of a sect is definitely not affordable with ordinary resources. In addition, we went to the Central Yuanzhou Mountains to search for blood from the earth. It will definitely be a huge expense. The disciples are indeed discussing in private now. Whether the Lord can still sit down and eat in the mountains, thinking about the future, so no wonder you think so, but if you want to obtain huge materials to solve the problem, there are only those kinds of things, such as discovering medicine fields, digging for ores, and looking for them. These kinds of treasures are marked according to our map..."

I think this lady fairy is really understanding, she quickly took out the map and spread it out in front of her: "Come on, look at the medicinal fields, minerals, or relics that can be found on this map."

"Why do you trust me so much? How easy is it to say these three things?" Sana was a little guilty, but seeing my look of expectation, her fingers gradually moved along the route we were about to move forward. Finally stopped at one of the points.

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