Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7137: : Lost

After the young man came over, he tried his best to show enthusiasm, and welcomed us into the most conspicuous place of Baoge. The goods here are very expensive at first glance. He probably didn't realize what the beautiful lady said just now. We don't seem to be anything. Hawker.

"Two great immortals, our Qitian Pavilion has the most treasures in the entire Qianshan City. The quality is the best. I don't know what the two great immortals need. The kid will introduce them according to the explanation of the great immortals." He smiled shyly.

"Really? It's a pity that we are not here to buy treasures. I don't know if your Qitian Pavilion accepts the treasures?" Sana's smile was like a flower, filled with the taste of early spring, and the young man who was watching couldn't help but be stunned. Down.

"Lingsheng, didn't you hear it? People came to sell things, so I don't understand it!" The beauty over there replied coldly, her expression inevitably disgusting.

Dian sellers often have money constraints and cut love and love suspicion, so if you say that, it is inevitable that you will underestimate us, but I have seen many snobbery women of this kind, and I don't bother to be familiar with her.

However, the young man named Lingsheng was inevitably very embarrassed. We immediately asked us to go to the counter and stretched out both hands and asked: "Daxian's family is worthy of the treasure pavilion. Please also give the treasure to the kid for a test. Our treasure pavilion is up to Jiutian Ling. Zang, down to Jiuyou Wuming, all have their own involvement and understanding, and they will definitely charge a better price to avoid leaking the treasures to each other."

As soon as I saw that this kid was just following the script, I knew he was a novice, but it was not difficult for him, and a box was quickly taken out from the storage bag.

The surrounding immortals didn’t mean to see it at all. It is estimated that there are not few things like this on weekdays. It is common for treasure pavilions to enter and exit treasures, and everyone is accustomed to it, like our sisters and brothers come to sell things. , I don’t think there will be any good things.

Xiao Lingsheng took the box and was about to open the lid, but I pressed it back, and lowered his voice with a smile: "Hehe, up to Jiutian Lingzang, down to Jiuyou Wuming? You Qitian Pavilion is a bit interesting, like this Boy, let’s see what you know. If you know, lead us to the inner hall. If you don’t know, you’ll be treated as if you haven’t seen it at a glance, how?"

In fact, Qi Tian Pavilion's actions have made me lose the idea of ​​trading with them. It is not surprising that I would make such a choice. This is the last time to check the Qi Tian Pavilion's details. If you don't know, then this transaction must have fallen through.

Xiao Lingsheng was stunned, and said instinctively: "Yes, please believe in the eyesight of the boy."

I nodded, and then slowly opened the box by myself. This is a beautifully crafted sword weapon. Although it was deliberately worn and covered with dust, it looked like an old thing at first glance, even if it was exposed. The sword body is radiant, but it is still difficult to see the mystery.

So I made up my mind a long time ago, once this kid can't see anything, then let it go.

"Hehe, I thought it was something mysterious. It turned out to be an old sword. Selling this kind of thing to a wild shop outside might fool those grass-head shopkeepers who don’t know anything, and bring it to our Qitian Pavilion. Qianshan City is big, and there are all kinds of immortals." The beauty accountant glanced sideways, and then pretended to look outside and began to complain.

"You!" No matter how good-tempered Sana was, she was insulted at this moment. She was ready to talk to the other party. I immediately closed the sword box and pulled her sleeve to signal her to calm down and look towards The young fellow Lingsheng who had been stunned.

This little boy was already stunned. It wasn't until I quickly closed the sword box that he came back to his senses. He looked at me and Sana with surprise. For a while, I was a little at a loss. Actually, I was also at a loss. Some doubts, how can a young man have any insights, but it seems that I underestimated the young Lingsheng in front of me.

"Also... please also... please... please move to the inner hall... can you discuss it?" Lingsheng's complexion was a little flushed, this is obviously a sign of blood rising, he seems to know what it is.

"What? The shopkeeper, look at him, obviously he was deliberately showing me good-looking. There is nothing good, so I have to look down on my face!" When the beautiful accountant heard that Lingsheng wanted to invite us into the inner hall, she felt that she wanted to invite us deliberately. We came to embarrass her, so suddenly we looked at the fat shopkeeper angrily.

However, being able to be the treasurer of Qitian Pavilion is definitely not a straw bag. This is also the reason why he didn't question Xiaosi's approach to us from the beginning.

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