Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7140: : Ten million

Actually, I don’t have a cold with the fairy family in the Divine Transformation Realm. I also fought the Divine Transformation Dragonfly before. Of course, it’s not wrong to be careful, so when I came here, there was already a layer of spiritual position on my body. The armor made of stone mixed with Shen Tianshi, even if it is the Divine Transformation Realm's full blow, I am afraid that it won't hurt me anymore.

"I dare not dare, this...this time it was found out that the magic weapon forged by the peeping stone concentrate was Lingsheng. Of course, I also judged that this was forged by peeping stone. I also ask the pavilion owner to personally...check it out... "The fat shopkeeper didn't dare to take the credit alone, or at least two people could take responsibility if something went wrong.

"Oh? Since it's Lingsheng's judgment, it's probably correct. Let the pavilion master have a look." The old man has been looking at my box for a long time, but it's not easy to ask me directly, see if I don't want to give it. Meaning, he was somewhat embarrassed, he could only suppress the restraint of his identity, and said, "Isn't the little friend going to shoot this magic weapon? Why not take it out and let the pavilion master take a look?"

I pretended to hesitate and said, "Since the pavilion master is here, let's take a look. But can you think about the price of 30 million taels of Xianzhou Lingjing? If you don't have this number, then don't look at it as soon as possible. Now, I'll go and ask elsewhere."

"Hey, I said, you little friend, why don't you believe in the old man so much?" The old man suddenly became a little annoyed.

I chuckled and said, "Have you ever trusted us? This appraisal came and went, thinking that it doesn't cost money to look at it? You have to spend a lot of money to train disciples in the Tongtian Pavilion yourself, right?"

"Look at what you said... it's okay, so be it, the pavilion master will come if he doesn't come. If this thing is the peeping stone magic weapon, the old man will give you 30 million two Mu Xianzhou spirit crystals! How about it! ?" The old man was also neat and tidy.

"This kind of level stuff is indispensable for capital verification, and the pavilion master is also asked to come up with 30 million taels." I laughed.

"You!" The old man was so angry that his nose and eyebrows were all squeezed together, but it seemed that Mu Xianzhou Lingjing, whose value must be more than 30 million taels, was definitely thrown out by him with a wave of his hand. A brand similar to a cyan-gold jade brand, but when it fell on the table, it sounded like metal. Seeing that we were curious, the old man smiled triumphantly and said, "You haven't seen this thing before, right? This is called Tianyuanbaoyu. It is the best auxiliary material for forging artifacts. It is often used to bridge the aura between different gold and iron materials. It is extremely rare. It is a hard currency. Don't worry, if your magic weapon is really correct, the Tian Yuan Baoyu will be taken away. You can rest assured that every market in Muxianzhou recognizes this Tian Yuan Baoyu."

"Okay, please let the pavilion master appraise it." As soon as I looked at it, I could see a layer of blue-yellow energy Tianyuan Baoyu. I already believed in most of it. I still have my eyes on the materials. It's definitely better than Peeping Stone, and it's definitely not worse.

The sword box was put on the table again, the old man opened the box in a hurry, and quickly put his hand on the sword, the sword body immediately gave out a colorful glow, after all, after the refining of my gold capsule, this peeping stone The crystal mine magic weapon is crystal clear, it looks as if there is no impurity at all, and the above rune formula blends my understanding of the Liangyi heaven and earth, and it is based on the earth spirit root, so no matter what the spirit root is used by the fairy family, it can be used. Strengthen the increased output.

Looking closely at the sword, the old man laughed from time to time, looking like he had got what he wanted, and even couldn't help but yell: "It's the peeping stone! Or the magical soldier made by peeping the stone crystal mine! Hahaha ! Good! The old man has searched for so many years, and finally he has come to a masterful soldier!"

I smiled, stretched out my hand and picked up the three heavenly ingot jade: "Since the appraisal is true, I will accept these thirty million taels?"

The old man banged, and his sword was pressed against the three pieces of heavenly ingot jade with a thunderous force, and his face was suddenly pulled down: "Boy, I don't know what your name is, and what kind of school you came from? Don't you be too scared, the pavilion master actually just wants to make sure that there is nothing wrong with the origin of this thing, right?"

My face became gloomy: "Old guy, I think you are confused? Are you not clear about the rules of this business? I have never heard of asking the baby about the way. If you are looking for something on purpose, persuade you to It’s good to let go right away, otherwise, I will demolish your Qitian Pavilion today, do you believe it or not?"

The old man's eyebrows and nose were wrinkled again, but his face was inevitably a little gloomy at the moment, and Sana's face turned pale with fright, and he could see that his heart was already wandering between life and death in the next moment.

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