Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7150: : Fetal rate

This seat can not be arranged by anyone, even the good paint of the Tongtian Pavilion is not good. It is a special seat specially arranged by the Yuelin Society, so sitting in this position is actually very concerned. After all, this is a vacant position.

This auction house is different from other auction houses. It is designed around a circle. The surrounding area is filled with ordinary auction participants. The closer it is, the more it can reflect its economic strength. Of course, there are other markets today. Under the premise that all schools and factions are coming, even if they are sitting at the back, they are not ordinary families or treasure pavilions. Those who are eligible to be squeezed into the auction house have basically been checked for capital, and none of them are ten or eight. His assets are not worthy of auction at all.

The threshold is so high, there are so many people inside three circles and three outside circles. Of course, there are too many capital predators, and even some hidden families and sects are said to have already arrived.

And there are not no special seats like me. The three special seats are already floating in the empty area from the center of the auction platform to the ordinary seats. On this sits a black-clothed old man, a young handsome young man. , The other is a beautiful woman with a remarkable appearance. Although they may not be as good as the participants, but they are playing with some antique treasures, or the accessories they wear, or some details. The above is very immortal and comparable, it is estimated that it should be the legendary hidden giant, or the inheritor of the hidden sect.

It is said that all the fairy houses in the special seats are rich in the top sects, and even some top sects, such as Zhan Lei Zhai, Ziru Xuan, and Wufeng City, who are from the top sects that are closer, should be listed below. Ordinary first-class seats, after all, unless it is an elder of the top sect, who can compare financial resources with us sitting in the special-class seats?

The Yuelin Society knew that I had spare money. After all, during this period of time, I almost emptied the entire storehouse and treasure pavilion of the Tongtian Pavilion in Qianshan City, and then let Sana take it back to the Tianyi side and revitalize the martial art first.

In addition, I have made some small deals with other treasure pavilions. Now there are seventy or eighty pieces of Tianyuan Baoyu, but these are scattered money. The most important thing is that I have also paid a lot of money to other sects. Peeping the sacred warriors of the stone has caused my savings to reach hundreds, and it seems that there are countless singular concentrates of the peeping stone, which makes it difficult for Yuelin Society to sit still.

Seeing my sister Zhilin rushing around the door and making a lot of money, they finally realized that the ten Tianyuanbaoyu's recognition of my wealth was ridiculous. It was the most serious gutter in history. Aircraft carrier, so it is inevitable to want to get some face back.

In order to let me shed some blood, how can they increase their gross production value without getting me in the auction?

But I don’t even lack a peeping stone, and I smashed all the treasures in Qianshan City. Now it means that the entire Muxianzhou sect can raise one day. How could it be rare to go to the auction house? ?

Even if it is precious treasures and medicines, or treasures, is it possible that the peeping stone is comparable to the divine iron that cannot be easily corroded by the devil qi in the sky? I can even make treasures, I will refine the pill by myself, I have all the ingredients, and do I need to go to the auction house?

So when Ms. Zhilin came to check on my tone, I refused.

But I don’t know where they found a reason that I could not refuse to refuse, so I had no choice but to come here. This was a clear reason why I was deceived by ripping off, and it really made me unable to refuse.

This treasure is a divine object that condenses the Heavenly Dao Yuan Ying, and it can be described as a rare gem that has been encountered in thousands of years!

Of course I didn’t believe it at first. I must know that although the six spiritual roots and spirits brought me great difficulties, they also provided me with the conditions to merge into the earth’s spiritual roots, and also have the conditions to break through the best authentic Nascent Soul, but the distance Heavenly Dao Yuanying still needs to cultivate the spiritual root of the sky to the same level as the spiritual root of the earth.

This will be a long process again, because even if I have learned a little bit from the rose medicine fellow practitioners in the sky roots, it takes a process to advance, and wait until the two roots reach the spiritual perfection and the acquired heavenly path. Yuan Ying, how much time is wasted?

And there is a huge gap between innate and nurture! I can step into the Heavenly Dao Nascent Soul with the Shuangling Root, but it is the acquired soul root after all.

So this Yuelin Society seemed to know what I was thinking, and after taking out the washable fetus, there is a probability of being promoted to the innate treasure of the Tiandao Yuanying, the legendary innate fetal breath!

Even with the congenital fetal breath, there is still a problem of probability to enter the congenital Dao Yuanying, but if the bet is successful, it will be a perfect transformation, and it can even reach the level of the congenital single spiritual root like rose medicine or Xiaotun. Degree!

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