Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7152: : Feihuang

I watched all this blankly, and looked at this gold scouting as if I was watching the clown jumping beam, but I was obviously too lazy to agree with the behavior of this guy, but it seemed that I could see what I was thinking, and Jin Tao floated over with a smile: "Xia Da, you Don’t look down on the owner of the island. The owner of the island is not a fool. You know what you think. By the way, let’s talk about it. What are you looking at on this exchange? Don’t run into the island’s owner."

"Aren't you buying a peeping stone magic weapon? How could you run into it?" I chuckled.

Jin Tao looked at me with a smirk and said, "Keeping at the stone? What a joke, I want to see if there is Shen Tianshi in it, you think I am stupid?"

"Then Jin Island Lord approached me to sink Tianshi?" I asked curiously.

"Do you have it? Do you have it? Did you?" Jin Tao suddenly became interested when he heard it. Seeing that I didn't speak, he seemed to be competitive, and said with a sinister expression: "You must have Shen Tianshi? There is no Shen Tianshi, Jingyishi refines each other, and there is a lot of loss, hehe, there must be, how about it? Give it to the island owner?"

Even more, of course it was for me to give it away for nothing. This obviously guessed my goal, so it threatened me.

"I don't have that stuff, Jin Island Lord is afraid to be disappointed." I didn't even think about taking Shen Tianshi out.

"We cherish myself, but something is going to happen. If you don’t even give the old man a little bit, the owner of the island will not be with you. It seems that your cultivation level doesn’t seem to be that high. It must be for the congenital fetal breath, right? Don't blame the old man for arguing with you." Jin Tao said with a smile and flew towards the youth over there.

The young man looked at Jin Tao with a smile, and seemed to say something, Jin Tao said a lot of joy, but the young man looked at me with a gloomy expression at this time, and finally focused on his head.

As soon as I saw it, I secretly said that the two of them might have wanted to be embarrassed. It seems that I have offended the old man, and they have united.

It seems that some uneven Shen Tianshi has given Jintao, fearing that something will happen.

Sure enough, Jin Tao quickly brought the young man over and said with a smile: "How about? Xia Da, just give some Shen Tianshi to the island owner, the innate fetal breath you want or something else. , The owner of the island who knows a little bit of interest will not **** it from you, so that you can buy what you want at a normal price, but if you don’t even give it to the owner of the island, then the owner of the island can only tell Huang Ling about this. Fellow Daoist, he’s the same as me. If you give us two of Shen Tianshi, then we will not rob you, but we will help you rob them together. If we grab this congenital fetal breath, of course it would be a barter for you for nothing, how about it?"

"Haha, it's kind of interesting, I've been blackmailed, or how many Shen Tianshi do you want?" I sneered, and secretly said in my heart that these two guys are about to smash me this time.

"So much!" The young man took out his hands and gestured, presumably the gesture of holding up a bowl of water.

"Do you know how heavy this is? It's the weight of a mountain! Why don't you grab it?" My face became gloomy.

"Hey, I'm not greedy. It's the same as Dao Fellow Huang Ling wants. It doesn't matter if you have more or less. After all, I can't compare with Feihuanggu on Xianlai Island. If he raises the price, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch it! I gave up a little bit of Shen Tianshi earlier and let us obey it. Of course, if you don’t give it, we will mind very much. Did you see the little beauty over there? I haven’t called him yet, it’s an old man. Now it is suspected that she is the inheritor of the Hidden World Evil Dao sect founded by the legendary Kuiyi Mountain’s wandering fairy. Why do you think the Kuiyi Stone disappeared? Why has it been less and less over the years? It is said that they took it. Now... As for what to do, it's better than making magic soldiers anyway." Jin Tao threatened with a grin.

I took a deep breath and secretly couldn't see that Little Qianshan City was hiding a dragon and a tiger. She seemed to have noticed my gaze, and the woman looked over directly, her expression unhappy.

Of course, even if the girl is not happy anymore, I cannot give two handfuls of Shen Tianshibai to Huang Ling and Jin Tao, so he said coldly, "Then try each other's methods, but who will tell you about me? Is it necessary for inborn birth? What is it used for? How many heavenly souls are there in this world? There is no one in a billion!"

"You kid, don't know how to pretend, are you? Be a three-year-old child of the island owner?" Jin Tao immediately knew that I was hairy, so he gritted his teeth, followed the young man and flew to the fairy. As expected, there was no suspense. Tao said that the female fairy was shocked.

I secretly said that I was suffering, and unconsciously, I became an enemy of the entire auction house.

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