Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7165: : Demon Spirit

"Junior? Hey, I'm afraid I won't scare you to death." I finished speaking coldly, refining this fetal breath. As the name suggests, the fetal breath is the breath of the Yuan Ying's fetal heart. The Heavenly Dao Yuanying has another way of breathing.

The so-called primordial fetus is formed from the abundance of the qi, the qi from the fetal breath, the qi enters the gods to be born, the gods leave the form to die, and the dao fetus dies and then ceases. Now this innate fetal breath has the innate dao fetus The trace of breath left by the death of life and the fetus is not completely extinct.

This strand of congenital fetal breath does not look weak, but in fact it has a very large effect, because the congenital Dao fetus itself has its own way of operating breath, so once it can learn to refine into one's body, it can simulate the formation and formation of the congenital Dao fetus. The way of casting to form your own infancy.

And at this moment when I sensed this fetal breath, because it gave it a certain power to fully express what it should have been, this fetal breath naturally has the ability to speak, but this is what I gave it.

The reason for the gift is to cultivate the fetal breath and fully replicate its fetal breath. After all, even if there is only a remnant, but if the shape remains intact, it will be restored to completeness, and it will still breathe in the same way as its innate fetal breath.

In the same way, the more complete you want to replicate, the more power you can give it. Of course, once it is big enough, the other party may also attack its owner, and because I have given it enough power, it can even say this now. .

"I don't care who you are, I am an innate demon spirit. You dare to steal my fetal breath to become an innate, I will not spare you!" The man's voice rebuked loudly, and the fetal breath became violent and irritable. This move was copied by me throughout.

I am the overlord of the creation heaven, and I am handy for creating life, even if I let it recast the flesh, it’s okay. Of course, this is against the fortune of heaven. I don’t bother to do it, and I’m right now. The ability is not enough to complete the entire process.

"If you are obedient and obedient, make a copy of your innate breath and let me feel it. I will leave you with a trace of consciousness to reincarnate. If you dare to talk to me again, I will integrate you into the Nascent Soul and become a part of my cultivation. "I finished speaking lightly, and did not hesitate to guide my breath into the condensed fetal breath.

Feeling the fetal breath of this innate demon spirit, I quickly obtained the formation of the congenital Dao fetus. This is indeed completely different from the reason why the spiritual roots of the sky and the earth that I have cultivated are formed at all. Its fetal breath operates even more. The smoothness, which means that when coordinating the breath of heaven and earth, this innate breath can be seconded to more and pure power.

Just like martial arts practice, or athletes who pay attention to the way of breathing, the fetal breath of the cultivator is also important. It relates to the amount of power you seconded from heaven and earth, as well as the amount of energy converted, and now I have copied this congenital fetus. After the break, it is tantamount to embarking on a shortcut.

"You dare to copy my fetal breath! I am the real innate demon spirit! You are not, I am going to kill you!" the man shouted.

"Hehe, your temper is so aggressive, no wonder you are beaten so that there is only a trace of fetal breath left. Since you don't want to reincarnate, then kill it." After I finished speaking, I immediately started operating the innate fetal breath and started directly suppressing it with a stronger fetal breath. Lost its fetal breath.

With the template, it’s no problem to create a more powerful way of fetal breath operation. Spirit veins do have their own rules, even confined to the spiritual roots. Some fetal breaths can’t be operated, but for my earthly spiritual roots. However, this problem does not exist. Because of the acquired spiritual roots, it is not a problem to simulate and run this innate fetal breath, and even run a more reasonable way of fetal breath. As for those spiritual roots that cannot work, they are directly stored in the middle. It was enough to let the form be empty, so my congenital fetal rest immediately suppressed the demon spirit's screams again and again.

"How is it possible! How is it possible that you can run my congenital fetus so quickly! No! I don't want to be destroyed! I am obedient! I am obedient! Please forgive seniors! I am willing to reincarnate!" The innate demon spirit hurriedly begged for mercy .

I did what I said, and this demon spirit doesn’t have a very good temper. Letting it reincarnate will also plant instability. When the time comes, what happens to my hand will affect my mood, so I don’t hesitate anymore. Going down, I practiced the innate fetal breath into my spirit on the spot.

With the innate fetal breath, I was better at absorbing and collecting heaven and earth aura. It turned out that relying on the strength of the acquired spiritual roots is faster than other immortals in cultivation, at least it absorbs the sun **** pill faster, but it can absorb it after all. Affected by the acquired practice experience, but now that I have a congenital fetal breath, I no longer need any experience formulas.

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