Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7167: : Hard connection

"No." I smiled, and drew a peeping stone divine sword from my sleeve pocket. This is also to be able to deal with Zhilin to the best of my ability. After all, the authentic Yuan Ying who has become perfect is still very good to me. Danger.

Zhilin originally wanted to take out a weapon at random, but when he saw the Peeping Stone Excalibur in my hand, he suddenly felt a little bit at a loss: "You use the Peeping Stone Excalibur, how can I fight you? I'm afraid it's a weapon on me. There is no advantage to take advantage of."

"Alright, you can use this knife first." I picked up my long sword, and the peeping stone magic knife on the ground flew towards Zhilin with a swish. She was surprised to grasp it in her hand and felt this. The power of the artifact will smile: "Don't regret it."

I shrugged and looked indifferent, and Zhilin also opened his posture.

Seeing her burst of bleeding, I secretly said that this little girl seemed to be walking the path of close knife repair, but I basically met all opponents, even if it was close knife repair, I did not regard her as a real one. Viewed by opponents.

The spiritual roots of heaven and earth on my body are running, and my breath suddenly formed a distorted force field. This force field is triggered by the conflict between the spiritual roots of heaven and earth. The speed will be limited to a certain level, of course, the amount of impact is related to the difference in cultivation level.

It's like opponents of the same level, they may even be unable to move when they enter my force field, but I definitely can't expect to stop Miss Zhilin, her cultivation level has caused me a lot.

In addition, the spiritual roots of heaven and earth also have their own unique spells. The spiritual roots of the earth have the deconstruction technique, which is the anti-sky method. The spiritual roots of the sky have the ability to control the world space of the two instruments. The two spiritual roots can be activated at the same time. The power of all Liangyi heaven and earth.

Looking at the distorted space around me, Zhilin glanced at me with a condensed eyebrow, but didn't pay attention to it. He even hooked his finger at me and said, "I won't bully you, let you attack first."

"Don't regret it." I was stunned, and immediately after imitating what she said, I rushed towards her with the sword in an instant.

"Do you want to use melee combat? Or do you mean that you are a melee sword repair? If so, you can't beat me today." Zhilin couldn't help but smile with joy when he looked at me.


However, Zhilin was taken aback the next moment, because she hurriedly took the sword from me, and her big eyes were all questioning her own color.

The super-powerful advancing moment brought by the sonic boom made her realize what extreme speed is, and the speed that is infinitely close to teleport makes her even a little suspicious of life.

But after all, it was a divine change. With a strong wave of the long knife in my hand, the red air waves on my body suddenly spread over the sky, and there was a loud bang, and I even felt the aura of my whole body shake a little divergent.

And when I looked at her, my breath was forming waves of aura gradually adhering to her side. This was obviously similar to the method of the spiritual spirituality, which could temporarily seconde the opponent's power for personal use.

I know this method well, and immediately converged and condensed the explosive force field range, and only a few meters of spread, the intensity of the force field will increase several times at this moment.

Can't absorb my strength, Miss Zhilin also had to adopt an offensive posture, so the next moment a blazing flame around her ignited, and fireballs generally came toward me!


After her sword entered the range of my force field, it condensed as if the speed dropped sharply, which surprised her, and the slowing of the speed also made my sword directly take over her attack. It surprised her even more.

It is conceivable how fast a God Transformation Realm will be, but once she enters this force field, she is not as fast as my Nascent Infant Realm. If it’s not for greater power and more abundant, or I’ve restricted her movement, so If it is applied to the immortal family of fellow practitioners, it may not even be able to move.

Close combat is a strong point for her, but is it not for me now?

Bang bang bang!

My sword was like a rainstorm, and it rushed towards Zhilin at a fast and crazy speed. She was also taken aback. She could only fight slowly and fast, relying on her sword to be steady, and use her body technique to avoid it. Most of the attacks were opened, and only the close and unavoidable attacks were hard-wired with a knife.

But even so, my attacks still left many marks on her body, and although she constantly used concussive attacks to disintegrate my power, I also did not let her worry. My force field is With the effect of deconstruction, as long as she fights with me in the form of close combat, she will also be affected by deconstruction. Even the deconstruction of the gods will have to rely on strength to resist.

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