Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7173: :fanaticism

Under my sonic boom, it’s only a matter of time to catch up with him, but this old man is very good at escaping, and because the storage bag was taken away from me, he was a bachelor, so he ran really. soon!

"Don't chase! Don't chase! The owner of the island has nothing, don't chase!" Jin Tao was extremely frightened, and ran all the way to Qianshan City without forgetting to beg for mercy.

"Hehe, I want to run now? What did I just think about?" After my Yuan Ying, the sonic boom became more proficient and the connection became shorter. I jumped one by one and came directly to the front of Jin Tao, but when I was out of the sword, Because of his agility, the old man jumped out of my attack circle with a turn, and then turned around and went elsewhere!

But we are two people after all, so the old man had just turned around and Zhilin had already caught up, allowing me to turn to continue chasing, but the old man was so fast, as long as he didn't attack and escape with all his strength, it was really difficult to catch.

The hatred in my heart made my teeth itchy, so I felt a little bit lighter about catching him, and became a little bit more intent to kill, so after a deconstruction, I immediately sent a shot to the old man who flees with all his strength. .

With a hum, the old man was agitated, but the next moment he showed fear, he ran faster, so angry that I almost didn't slap myself.

I secretly said that this deconstruction technique really couldn't directly deconstruct the existence of the gods in the later stage of becoming bigger, let alone the Nasal Infant whose strength is unknown how many times stronger than the body. It seems that there must be other tricks.

I now use Deconstruction and Sonic Blast to be considered as a mastery of the earth spirit root spiritual skills and body skills, but the real earth spirit root ability has not been fully utilized, so after thinking about it, I immediately decided to use the real earth spirit root trick.

Dadi Linggen has its deconstruction method, and naturally also has the ability to create, which is the reconstruction technique that I have been trying to study before.

Reconstruction is to recombine the decomposed objects. However, the previous reconstruction was not successful, but unexpectedly, when experimenting with his own body, he developed the sonic boom of the body technique. This may also be because his spiritual power is not strong enough, but now It's different.

In the Yuanying Realm, I can now reproduce many ideas that I could not complete before, so thinking of this, I immediately released the reconstruction technique to the old man!


The old man shuddered all over the next moment, as if being compressed into the size of a bear biscuit. Not only did he make a strange noise, he also stopped in pain. This was an unexpected effect!

I was in front of the old man’s Yuan Ying in an instant, and I stretched out my hand and grabbed him in my hand. It is conceivable that the damage of such a short-range reconstruction technique is so strong that the old man is squeezed to the dying, and this energy collapses. It's very scary. It's like a sponge in the air being compressed by the reconstruction technique, squeezing out all the energy, and when it regains its original body, it becomes a light and dry sponge.

How can a gold scooper without strength escape? So I was carried in my hand like a pendant, and then I took out a transparent glass medicine bottle. In the case of unable to absorb energy, it means that his Nasal Infant is no different from a mortal.

Seeing Jintao still rolling in the bottle in pain, I smiled sternly: "I don't know where this Xianlai Island is?"

"To the east, there will be a very large inner lake, which they call Xianlai Sea. This Xianlai Island is a very large island, and the construction is quite large." All caught, Zhilin was surprised.

"How far is it from here?" I asked curiously.

"It should be a few days away. At our fastest speed, it may take seven or eight days to go back and forth. Are you planning to take him to blackmail some ransom?" Zhilin had some thoughts with me this time.

I smiled and said, "If he doesn't provoke me, I don't bother to care about him, since he has this idea..."

At this moment, several rays of light rushed out from the direction of Qianshan City. Except for a few rays of light that were slightly familiar in color, I actually knew the two of the leaders. At first glance, I was prepared to pit me at the auction house and Jintao. Huang Ling and Kong Mu.

The immortal homes brought by these two young men and women were all released by us before. Although they were a little jealous of us, they obviously believed in Huang Ling and Kongmu, because these two were different from Jintao. Almost penniless, but the two geckos dock their tails and still have the power to fight.

It's just that they probably didn't notice the bottle in my hand. If I was able to catch the gold, I could catch them all at once.

"It's right there! That knife is said to belong to Shen Tianshi!" one of the immortals shouted to Kongmu, who was a descendant of the evil spirits of the Evil Dao of Kyeyi Mountain back then, and had a close attachment to Kyekishi and Shen Tianshi. Mania.

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