Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7175: : Keychain

The opponent’s face suddenly twisted like a bitter gourd. After all, he couldn’t move with this sword. Everyone would feel panic. At close range, my finger pointed towards his forehead, and the reconstruction technique was activated immediately. The next moment The man suddenly squashed his body as if he was slapped.

However, this guy reacted quickly, blew himself up instantly, and then the reason flew towards the distance, as fast as thunder and lightning, Yuan Ying was out of his body, temporarily unaffected by deconstruction, so he flew far away at once.

I didn't give it a chance at all. There was a deconstruction technique directly hitting it. This Yuan Ying, like the previous Jintao hit, turned into a small thing like a pendant.

Seeing that I took out the glass bottle, the Huang Ling who was waiting for an opportunity exclaimed ‘ah’: "This is! This is the bottle containing... the owner of the Golden Island!"

I chuckled, I opened the lid without anyone else, then threw the reduced man in, and then stuffed it with a sieve. While preparing to rob Zhilin Shen Tianshidao, Kongmu was stunned: "Kongli! "

I shook the glass bottle and looked at Jintao and Kongli naked inside. I bumped into it like two figures that are not suitable for children to collect. I couldn’t help but smile, "This guy is called Kongli? Hey, it’s true now. No strength at all."

"Hurry up and release the air force! You! I'm fighting with you!" Kong Mu hurriedly turned back to fight me. As for Huang Ling, he was already terrified. He watched the air force being beaten into a keychain villain by me. Dare to trouble me? No matter how hard it is, the man is also a fierce character than Kongmu.

"Alright, I will also make you a small toy and throw it into this glass bottle? But once it shrinks and loses its strength, it may cause some inconvenience..." I smiled, and looked up and down the rushing Kongmu, Yuan Ying also had it. A fist is the size of a fist, but after being hit by Deconstruction, it is the size of a finger, and the spiritual power is drained, and the illusory clothes can no longer be maintained. What will become a limit sword.

This time, Kong Mu was so frightened that Hua Rong was pale, and even the little girls of the maid beside Huang Ling's complexion changed drastically, looking at me like a devil.

The other immortals swallowed their saliva. The situation right now makes them feel both terrifying and strange. After all, beauties like Kongmu have always been able to watch from a distance, but as long as they are caught. In the bottle, who cares whether you are the fairy princess or the keychain villain?

They were stunned, but I didn’t. As soon as I saw them hesitate, I directly hit one of the women with a deconstruction technique. The next moment the opponent's hand fell off, and the shoulders were completely disintegrated, but the original was not fatal. However, seeing this horrible scene, the waitress of the Huang Ling directly ran away from Yuan Ying!

I screamed while running. I smiled and hit the opponent directly with a deconstruction technique, and the sonic boom grabbed the beauty on the spot, and quickly took the villain with an empty glass bottle. I stuffed it in. Of course, it wasn't the one that pretended to be a gold scouting tool. It was just a quick technique. Everyone thought I really did what I said.

In fact, the principle issue of whether you can kill or not be insulted cannot be done, but some necessary deterrence is indispensable, otherwise I feel that I am bullied.

A group of immortals saw that I was so wicked, and the god-transformed soul infants could turn into keychains, and all of them were too short to run. They flee madly, including Huang Ling, and even the rest. The waitress didn't care about it, let alone caught me before.

I know this kid is the little valley master of Feihuanggu, where will he be given a chance to escape. A reconstruction technique deflated him on the spot. This guy saw his uncontrollable aura flowing out, and his body seemed to be compressed. Yes, immediately the **** change Yuan Ying got out of the body, and fleeing for his life frantically.

As for Na Kongmu, he originally wanted to lead the Kuiyishan Clan to save people, but a group of people were scared. Most of the people with low cultivation bases fled, and the rest was dragging her to escape, which was impossible to form. The rescue team was also attacked by Zhilin nearby, and they were in chaos for a while.

I ignored this empty twilight, as long as the Gyeyi Mountain Clan still wanted to peep out the quarry, it was appointed to find me, and wait for the rabbits to wait for them, but the Phoenix Spirit is different, that is the young master of Feihuanggu. , To seize that is a large amount of wealth.

So I unscrupulously brewed another reconstruction technique, and instantly hit the fleeing Phoenix Spirit. This kid screamed in pain, and several maids immediately wanted to rush to the rescue, but they saw me coming, one by one. It's a disaster approaching and flying separately.

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