Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7177: : Gimhae

"My dear madam, where do we have so many heavenly ingots? You are going to kill us Feihuanggu! I told my son not to be so ostentatious, not so ostentatious. If you don't listen, let him go and buy some prying eyes. It’s good now. The borrowed money is gone. We still have to give out one hundred and fifty ransoms. What can we do after flying into the Phoenix Valley? Let’s finish flying the Phoenix Valley... …" Gu Zhu was crying with his thighs patted.

The middle-aged woman had a gloomy face and gritted her teeth and said, "Is the child important or the ransom important? How can we look at him like this when we are old? ?? Plus there are some treasures hidden in my cliff, it is feasible to use them to return some of your Flying Phoenix Valley!?"

"Hey, people are asking for money outside the door now, this distant water can't save the nearby fire!" Gu Zhu was extremely depressed.

"There is always a way!" The middle-aged woman's face also collapsed, and she could only say to me: "It'll be a while, we really can't make up so much money. Xianjia, do you think you can use Guzhong's resources? It can be replaced? Our Feihuang Valley is rich in Feihuangjing, which can be used for the construction of sects. The quantity is large and the quality is high. Over the years, it has provided building materials for several large sects...Do you think it can be used as a heavenly ingot?"

"Hehe, if this is replaced by Tianyuanbaoyu, it would be good to bring, but with such a large amount, even if I have countless storage bags, I can't take away your Feihuangjing mountain, isn't it? Where do you want me to move? "I sneered.

"It's simple... You are from Qianshan City. We also have several peaks in Qianshan City. These Feihuangjing's agent treasure pavilions, Yuelin Society knows. Even if you pick up the goods from there, we will definitely make up one hundred and five. What do you think of the amount of ten Tian Yuan Baoyu?" The Lady of the Valley Lord is a shrewd person.

But I’m not a fool. I laughed and said, “Okay, it’s calculated based on the purchase price, not the selling price. Calculate the price, you should understand?"

What I mean is simple. It's a good deal to settle the money here. If you go to Qianshan City, the price will be cheaper. Although I need such top-level materials for building a school today, we can't do business that is at a loss.

As a result, Feihuanggu was not poor. After handing in fifty Tianyuanbaoyu, I gave me fifty Tianyuanbaoyu deposit receipts from Qianshancheng Bank, which shows how profitable this decoration material supplier is. After all, they fly. Huanggu occupied this mine, and it was almost the same as sitting on a Jinshan Yinshan.

Of course, this is not without cost, because this thing does not seem to be light in weight, shipping should be the biggest cost.

This Feihuanggu is a wealthy and oily giant. Although one hundred and fifty Heavenly Ingots and Treasures are a lot of money, it is only a painful period of ten or eight years. After they shave a piece of their wool, they will sooner or later. I will recover, so I don't feel any guilt. From their son's temper, I won't sympathize with them very much. This lesson is still light.

We next turned to Xianlai Island and arrived in this large inland lake two days later. Sure enough, Zhilin was right. There is no end in sight, and the lake is orange, and it looks like it is shimmering. It looks like a sea of ​​gold, no wonder Jintao would take this name, and it is probably related to the sea of ​​gold here.

While flying to Xianlai Island with Ms. Zhilin, I inevitably asked about the origin of Xianlai Island: "Relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, and the water to draft, this Feihuanggu earns a large family business by selling decoration materials. So Xianlai Island shouldn't be a big farmer who raises fish and shrimps, right?"

"Puff...... your imagination is really rich, but this Xianlai Island does not raise fish, let alone catch fish, if the fish here is different from other places, what nourishing effect it has, it would have been cleaned for people long ago, do you think? , A net is only a moment, but a creature needs years as a time to grow." Zhilin looked at the fish that occasionally crossed the water, and then said: "But your guess is not entirely wrong, this fairy The seawater on the island will show such a color, which has a lot to do with the prosperity of Xianlai Island."

"Oh? I don't know what caused the sea to appear golden?" I curiously asked.

As soon as Zhilin stretched out his hand, a stream of water immediately fell into my hand. I sniffed it and felt that the sea water actually had a hint of fragrance in it, and it seemed to have a fermented taste.

"Is it very fragrant?" Zhilin asked, and when I nodded, she said: "There is a kind of algae in the Xianlai Sea that has such a fragrance, so the life in this place is fat and delicious, and there is no need to put other dishes in the preparation of dishes. Seasoning, but the main thing is not so, but the water source here, suitable for brewing top-quality agar."

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