Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7184: :knife

After reconciling the account with Jin Xin's father at the door, the face of the other party was so dark that he was reluctant to pass it several times, but when I saw my face turned gloomy, I quickly signed the confirmation letter in fright.

The rest is to hide in the Qiongtian Cave on Xianlai Island. As I predicted, this Qiongtian Cave is hidden in the most mysterious place of the Jin family, which is under the ice lake in a cave in the heart of the island. The ice lake is very large, the golden lake surface emits a very strong smell, and the temperature is low, it is a very suitable place to store the jelly.

Of course, seeing the Qiongtian cave does not mean that the Jin family walked into it. Seeing the ice lake under the cave from a distance did not let me dive into it. The old lady of the Jin family personally checked it and saw it. After how much money was left, she took out a letter, and after unfolding, it showed a bunch of cellar data.

"There are only half an altar left for a thousand years of jelly, weighing three catties...The 950 year old jelly has three half altars left, weighing fifteen catties." I took a look and converted the calculation method that I am accustomed to, this article From the first few tens of catties to hundreds of altars later, they are all brewed and stored every 50 years. As for the daily maintenance and preservation, this old lady will definitely not tell me. .

However, the price has basically been written on it, and the price for more than 500 years is basically no price. It is estimated that the maintenance fee is a large amount. Of course, the price of the price does not seem to be high, at least one bottle is not worth it. A piece of Tianyuan Baoyu.

The old woman saw me looking at this thousand-year-old jelly, and said with a sneer: "The thousand-year jelly has no value at all. Someone once used Shentianshi's magic weapon for it, but that old product hasn't been changed."

I chuckled and didn't answer directly, but asked, "How is the effect after eating it? Now that the age limit is high, the price/performance ratio shouldn't be great, right?"

The old lady looked contemptuously and said: "I haven't drunk it. Where do I know this? But these aquatic syrups over a hundred years are all sought after by all sects. Thousands of crystals are not available. Of course, the higher the age, the more maintenance is required. Sleepy, it’s like a thousand years old jelly. Originally it should have been about 30 catties. Our elder who defended him said that after more than two hundred years, now only three catties are left. Now this elder is three hundred years old, and only he can I personally add Xianlai algae to prevent it from condensing into crystals and eliminate more weight. As for drinking it, it is naturally unimaginable."

"I don't know how much is a catty?" I smiled.

"Haha, a catty? We counted as one or two. The price was better three hundred years ago, but now, one or two will cost you a Tian Yuanbao jade?" the old lady said proudly.

I looked at Jin Lin, and she nodded silently. It seems that the old lady’s words are true and did not deliberately raise the price. Of course, this also means that the price/performance ratio is really not high, so I said decisively: No interest. Let's just exchange the Tianyuan Baoyu owed to me for the Qiongye less than 500 years old."

For example, although the older the wine is, the better, but if it is too old, it may not be able to become a fairy. The effect will increase and it will be discounted year by year. According to Jin Lin, according to her calculation and analysis, the best effect is 700 or 800 years. It's about, but these are only considered by some immortal families in the Divine Transformation Realm, and they can't be successfully promoted in a single pass. In the end, they still rely on three to five hundred years of agar pulp. So now I still use large quantities and high quality. Mainly.

"The Xianjia can think about it. I owe you about 60 Tianyuan Baoyu, all of which are replaced with agar syrup less than 500 years old. Preservation is no easy task. After a while, these celestial syrups will not be available to the elders of Xianlai Island. Injecting the special algae, I am afraid it will be broken, and if you drink so much of the jelly, you may not be able to drink it for a hundred or eighty years. If you change the jars of the jelly for more than 800 years, it will be convenient. Carry." The old lady looked weird.

"Let's change the ones under five hundred years old. As for whether we can finish the drink, we don't have to worry about grandma!" Jin Xin was already completely toward me at this time.

"Why are you little Nizi facing outsiders!?" The old lady gritted her teeth and glared at her, but Jin Xin was completely unmoved, and she snorted and stopped speaking.

I chuckled and said, "Does the island owner's wife want to buy and sell, right? I am willing to exchange money for money with fruit juice, which is very easy to talk about. If you change it to another method, I am afraid you will not be so willing to accept it."

The old lady thought for a while. Although I felt that I was losing this way, I didn't know how to choose the quantity, so she said, "Okay, how about the specific quantity?"

As a result, the old lady never thought that it was not just Jin Xin who stabbed the knife behind her back. Even Jin Lin came up with a list of the best agar pulp for each age, because it is said that each age was stored when the agar pulp was stored. Will be graded.

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