Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7192: :depth

"First, restrain the spirit pulse aura from running with all your strength, and follow the guidance of the teacher." I said calmly, the breath of the spiritual root of the earth, like the oxygen that nourishes all things, is continuously transported to the body of the Bai Cheng, because it is the six spiritual roots. It comes together, so the aura based on this can contain all the attributes of the aura.

This also caused Bai Cheng to calm down quickly under the guidance of this earthly breath, even if his body was rushing and not listening to the withering, and the attribute exchange was difficult to coordinate.

The benefits of the disciple’s perseverance and unyielding have been reflected at this time. Even though she is now suffering and unbearable, and her forehead and body are wet with sweat, she still does not even groan. This also allows me to let the spirit of the earth swim and relax. Unblock the knotted and entangled spiritual root aura.

Under my guidance, the energy gradually changed from being irritable and contradictory, and slowly became easing. After my further guidance, the breath that was rushing and unconcerned began to resume its normal operation speed, and the way I operated was based on it. The natural movement of the congenital earth's spiritual roots, so let her body gradually become stable.

This guiding process is also a process of the formation of the mind. Once the way the mind works is taught to her, as time accumulates, the useful spiritual roots will become stronger, and the useless connecting spiritual roots will shrink accordingly. In the end, a pure spirit vein structure is formed. Of course, this process may take a long time.

Spirit veins are the same as veins. Opening a new spiritual vein requires only shock. But if you want to return to the past, you must either shake it off and endure more pain for a while, or you can slowly and completely heal it with time and habit.

Bai Cheng sat there in collapsed depression, but it was finally safe for the time being. I took out a bottle of elixir for cultivating spiritual veins and handed it to her, and said softly, "Don’t rush for quick success and quick gains anymore, and fight steadily. Shouldn't it be your strength?"

"Master... During this period of time, my cultivation was the slowest. I hit the realm at this moment. Everyone is much higher than me. This is the result of my hard work. Am I not qualified?" Bai Cheng asked.

"No, on the contrary, your aptitude is very good. It's just that the six-channel spirit is difficult to cultivate at all. In addition, although your foundation is very strong, it is intricately complex. If you are not careful, you will fall into passiveness. You should be careful and steady. Yes, it’s time to know the consequences of your impatience? I also blame me for not guiding you well during this period of time, causing your spiritual veins to rapidly expand and lose the gradual balance, which led to today’s danger, but it’s better to correct it in time. In the future, remember to steadily advance your cultivation according to the way you teach your spiritual roots for the teacher, otherwise, if the teacher is not there, who can save you?" I asked.

"Master... the disciple knows that he is wrong, and in the future, he will definitely obey the master's instructions, and absolutely not be greedy." Bai Cheng said reproachfully.

I nodded, and then motioned to her to continue working on her mind, and I returned to the process of making the gold furnace again.

The structure of the large-scale gold furnace is complicated, and the way of operation can only be controlled by the spiritual roots of the earth, so in order to complete it, it took me almost ten days, and in the ten days of Baicheng, although there were one or two twists and turns in the practice. , But still in the controllable stage, there are no problems that she can solve by herself.

After the gold furnace is completed, Bai Cheng’s earth spirit roots are as solid as a rock. In the use of mature mental methods, Bai Cheng’s character has played a decisive role. At least she will not explore something like me. Weird ways of using spells, so I naturally teach her the direction of spells in accordance with my aptitude.

I taught her the magic that I calculated without omissions, such as deconstruction and other powerful spells. As for the power when used, it depends on how much she can practice in the future, because even if it is the same trick, the strength is different. Different comprehensions will have differences.

After doing all of this, I gave her the gold furnace and taught her the method to use. In fact, the gold furnace and the gold sac are used in the same way. The difference is that it can only be used smoothly under the control of the six-attribute spiritual root. The other requires the spiritual roots of the earth, because the integrated attributes are more powerful, and it also makes it possible to control the gold furnace.

As for the other immortals, they cannot manipulate the Gold Furnace, because their attributes are not complete, and if they can only control a few of them, it is difficult to create a baby with multiple attributes and multiple materials.

The gold furnace was temporarily handed over to Bai Cheng to make magic weapons. As for the construction of Fenglan City's infrastructure, a lot of materials and design drawings were needed, so it was temporarily put on hold, because Sana seemed to have been waiting for me for a long time.

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