Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7199: : Zhentian

Naturally, you can’t use the peeping stone magic weapon for general tasks. It is still the mainstream to enhance your own weapons, and the conditions for being able to use the peeping stone magic weapon are less. At that time, they can second the Jingyishi Shenbing who belongs to the sect.

Therefore, the use of Peeping Stones is mostly based on the benefits of the sect. It is not easy to use Peeping Stones.

Of course, most of the Peeping Stones were not made into weapons, but planned to be made into the weapons of Fenglan City. The large Peeping Stone Fortress-level Fenglan City is terrible just thinking about it. This is what I refined. The reason for the gold furnace is that with the gold furnace, large-scale integrated equipment can be easily manufactured. Since the plan to incorporate the Guyishan Clan, the reason why the disciple Bai Cheng, who has the roots of the earth, has been steadily increasing in his cultivation. It is also because she is currently using the gold furnace to refine the peeping stone weapons.

Using the Huajin Furnace will consume a lot of your own power, and then after continuously ingesting the six-attribute Yuan Ying-level Yangshen Pill, the aura of operation will gradually strengthen your spiritual veins, so the Huajin Furnace is actually A large-scale training equipment, of course, is premised on having sufficient resources to start it.

Now, although I have found the veins of Kueyi Stone, I have been around Qianshan City, Feihuanggu, Xianlai Island, and integrated the resources of the Kueyi Mountain tribe, making the whole Tianyi look rich and invincible, but don’t look at it. The scale of hundreds of people and the huge amount of resources consumed are not a joke, because the original immortal family in the spirit realm has reached the realm of Nascent Soul, but the existence of Nasal Soul in Tianyi is only a low-level existence, and now Tianyi has the highest coverage. The immortal family who has become a great perfection, plus the items of cultivation resources and sect subsidies, the consumption of the whole Tianyi is as many as ten times that of the general sect.

But even this is considered a necessary investment in the early stage, because this group of disciples was the first to join and should be cultivated into the backbone.

In addition to cultivating disciples, the defensive formation of the mountain gate also requires a huge investment of resources. Of course, the construction materials of Feihuanggu have also been brought in one after another. The receiving place is a trading field established by the Guyishan tribe in a nearby deception. , These building spars are used for the transformation of infrastructure.

As for artisans, there is no shortage of craftsmen. After the mission was released, these disciples turned into construction workers one by one, contributing to the sky.

I didn't have the most effective solution for the design of the most critical mountain gate array. I found the best solution until I accidentally found an ancient book on Gyeyi Mountain from the materials donated by the current elder Kong Lian.

When I just found the sect of Jiuyi Mountain, the magnificent stone swords still impressed me. Although they broke most of them, they still have part of the base, and even the entire sword stone surrounds the sect. On the top of the mountain, and this ancient book explains the name of the mountain gate and the principle of the formation.

The stone sword on this stone formation is called the'Zhentian Sword Stone', and its sturdiness is beyond doubt. Back then, the first evil sect of Muxianzhou spied the stone in order to protect the best interests of its own sect, to prevent and frighten other outer sects. The door invasion is serious. In order to discourage all the sects, the Kaishan Xianzu who established this glimpse mountain sect designed a kind of ancient and glorious "zhentian formation" that still makes people feel shocked. Zhentian Sword Stone is the core of Zhentian Formation.

This set of Zhentian Sword Stone has a total of 36 pieces, each of which is made of ore second only to Peeping Stone. The use of a huge amount of ore even led to the extinction of this kind of ore. Of course, it is also positive. Because these high-level ores are used regardless of cost, even though they have been immersed in the Demon Qi of the sky for such a long time, there are still many Heavenly Sword Stones standing still, which is a miracle.

And my current purpose is to not only restore the town’s sky array, but also to improve its shortcomings. I even have the materials ready. It is to replace Muxianzhou’s strongest ore such as Peeping Stone. In fact, the use of minerals other than the Peeping Stone is also because I do not have the refining conditions, but I have a gold furnace now, and it is possible to refine the Zhentian Sword Stone with the Peeping Stone!

Of course, it’s hard to imagine the peeping stone used to refine this set of Zhentian Formation, and when the first sturdy Zhentianjian stone with a length of nearly sixty meters, a width of five meters, and a thickness of one meter was inserted in the Fenglan City When it was at the central core, it shocked all the disciples of Tianyi.

The deterrence of the Heavenly Sword Stone in Peeping Stone Town is simply reaching people's hearts. If you use money to calculate it, it will simply sell the entire Qianshan City, and you may not be able to make this Heavenly Sword Stone for the main battle.

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