Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7208: : Lost

Actually, it’s a bit troublesome to crack this door, but it’s not impossible. I still have Shen Tianshi, the nemesis of Peeping Stone Crystal Mine. It’s just that it will be easier if there is a formation, so praise is indispensable. .

"Hey, this thing itself is not of much value, and the elders of this elder didn't think it was good to exchange for the success award, so he stayed with him. I didn't expect it to be useful now, but this door is definitely not difficult for you. ?" Kong Lian said with a cunning smile.

I secretly praised you that you really went to heaven, but before I could answer, Miss Zhilin took out the Shen Tianshi Tang Knife in the hands of Miss Zhilin, and emitted a crippling light under the lighting spar. These lights are different. Other peeping stone magic soldiers.

She smiled and said, "The door is open, but there may be some mechanism inside, so I have to hold a knife."

Kong Lian gasped and looked at this magic soldier. It was really exciting, including Kong Mu also swallowed greedyly.

Peeping stone soldiers are very common in Tianyi. Coupled with the veining relationship, similar peeping stones are not impossible to split, but Shen Tianshi is extremely rare, let alone Zhilin’s unnumbered one. It doesn't need to be affected by the weapon management regulations, this is extremely rare.

Ms. Zhilin did not take this thing out to slander, so she enjoys this kind of treatment, and this is the main reason why she is loyal to me now.

"It's really a Shentian stone knife. The disciple below doesn't believe it when talking about the elder, but now it's true. I have been looking for thousands of years of the Yishan Clan and have been looking for it. The total amount of Shentian stone mineral powder does not have your knife. A lot!" Kong Lian sighed heavily.

Although Ms. Zhilin is usually cunning, she sometimes feels triumphant and smiles: "Zhilin follows the Taoist day and night, so naturally he needs to have a weapon in hand."

I secretly said that this is unnecessary. Sure enough, Zhilin usually brags better, but he said that in front of the little girls like Xian Li, and it made them all blow up.

"Sister Zhilin, your job of protecting the Taoist master will not last long, so stay as much as possible. The Taoist master's cultivation base is improving day by day, not to mention that Yuan Ying will kill the gods all over the ground. After a while, I'm afraid it will be God changes without killing, you are afraid that you will change your job?" Hu Xia is a princess with a temperament, how can she be used to her?

When Zhilin heard it, it was hot at the beginning, but as soon as he saw the little girls around Huxia laughed slyly, they immediately became sober three points. This iron-clad daughter-in-law's bodyguard felt a direct sense of crisis. It was like a cold water topping, which made her feel excited in an instant.

Sora Mu also chuckled and said, "Zhilin, it turns out that you and these masters are not the same. I thought you were the same as them, so I usually respect you for three points, but I won’t do it anymore. , What should I do to you, or how to be nice to you, lest others say that I don’t know the etiquette, ha ha ha..."

"You!" Now Zhilin's complexion is much paler. During this period of time, I have followed me. She even has a terrifying background. The identity of another world has become her future goal. The girl put out her dream, what can we do in the future?

Kong Mu was about to say a few more words, but Kong Lian coughed slightly and said, "Kong Mu, okay, don’t you quickly lead the way to the Taoist master? With so much talk, it’s better to do one thing and let the Taoist master see it. Okay, you are the hope of our glimpse of the mountain clan, and the Taoist also wants to see your performance, do you understand?"

"I know, I've tried my best to behave as well." Kongmu was dissatisfied with her grandfather's words, but she honestly threw a few lighting spars into the half-open door.

Behind the gate, inside and outside the spacious space soon, piles of collapsed things were piled up in front of them. After thousands of years of precipitation, what can be preserved is basically treasures, general display cabinets or other things, mostly All collapsed.

The hidden treasures of the underground palace are indispensable, and we walked into it. There are hundreds of square meters around the small underground palace, full of treasures everywhere.

Unlike the storage room in Jiuyi Mountain before, the things stored here have successfully experienced the baptism of years, except for the ore stacked there, rolls of jade rolls stacked on the ground, and all kinds of strange Ancient baby, this also proves that this secret room hides the true treasure of the Kyuyi Mountain Sect, and at first glance, the rank and grade are far beyond my imagination.

"Oh my God... Evil Thought Chasing Light Art! Daotian Imperial Heaven Art! These... These are the ancient Dao Art of Zongmen that have been lost for many years in the classical records!" Kong Lian stood in front of a pile of jade scrolls and shouted in surprise. stand up.

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