Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7213: : Warm up

During the period, the excavation of the hidden ore veins in the Houshan Mountain of Kyuyi Mountain also came to an end. The reserves of the ore veins of the Kyuyi Stone were huge. This is also the guarantee for the chain to connect the Tianjian Stone in the town. In fact, it is calculated that the chain surrounds the entire Fenglan City and consumes The amount is no less than thirty-six Zhentian Sword Stones, and at the moment when the big formation is completely connected, the mines of Peeping Stones are used up to ninety-nine times, and the remaining ore can at most create some gods. It is certainly not enough to make large-scale equipment as a weapon.

Of course, there are not many peeping stones used for large-scale equipment, so I don’t think there is anything wrong with using such a large number of peeping stones in the large array. The market value of the peeping stone will soon drop, and now this is the best of both worlds.

Before the big formation was activated, the 36 Heavenly Swords forged by Peeping Stone were already quite deterrent. These transparent giant swords were held together with the same transparent chains, 36 chains. Finally, the main sword of the Zhentian Sword and Stone gathered in the middle. This magnificent landscape is enough to discourage anyone who offends Tianyi.

Under the gaze of a disciple for hundreds of days, I took the congenital earth to slowly fly to the Tianjian stone in the central town of Fenglan Temple. After clearing the surrounding area, I took the congenital earth, which is the living soil. Put into the eyes of this main array.

After the peeping stone was infected, the next moment, all peeping stones that were attached to it all swelled up. The original stone tens of meters high instantly rose to hundreds of meters, not just the middle one. Just like Meiyao Guessing, as long as it is welded together, the sword stone including the chain is enlarged several times!

Regardless of the fact that the stone just swelled up, the weight also increased suddenly. The entire Fenglan City sank in an instant. The pressure on the power furnace at this time can be imagined, but even if this point has already been reached. Sana also adjusted the power of the power furnace.

The reason why I didn't transform the power furnace was because I was still in a sea of ​​devilish energy. Only when I found a place to stop, could I rebuild Fenglan City.

Fenglan City is also made of rare ores, so its solidity is worthy of recognition. If normal floating island-type ores are used to build the Heavenly Sword Stone in Peeping Stone Town, I am afraid it would have collapsed long ago. This is what I dare to use. The peeping stone is the foundation of the Zhentian formation.

When the disciples returned to report that the surrounding Tianjian Stones in the town were stabilizing, and after the big formation started to predict that it would be foolproof, I immediately turned on the linkage switch in the formation eyes and the power furnace of the town.

The start of the large array is destined to consume a large amount of Mu Jing, and the power furnace of Fenglan City is of course the core of the energy supply of the Zhentian array. The power furnace is the place where Mu Jing can transform the kinetic energy, and the huge consumption of Mu Jing is inevitable. Although the current power furnace is advanced, I am not satisfied with the ratio of consumption and conversion of kinetic energy. Of course, there is no such thing as perpetual motion machine, let alone such a scary floating island city.

With the light curtain of Zhentian Formation fully opened, the entire Fenglan City is like a sphere. Even if Sana tries to close Fenglan City's original Fenglan Formation, the Heavenly Devil Qi cannot enter, but the consumption is more than that of Fenglan Formation. It’s more than doubled. After all, the Tiantian formation, which has tripled the congenital soil, caused the energy slot on the control disc to drop at a very fast rate. Even the continuous pour into Mu Jing to restore the power furnace energy can’t keep up with the consumption rate. Now, this was unthinkable before.

"So fast consumption, one hour can't hold it... and the consumption of Mu Jing is probably astronomical. You are too tyrant!" Sana looked at me helplessly, which was different from what she expected. .

"Hehe, the Zhentian formation has not been fully activated yet, and the chain has not officially started yet, so let's wait to warm up." I stood in front of the Zhentian Sword Stone in the main formation and placed the control panel in the switch. , The next moment the beam of light rose up into the sky, and after a while, the surrounding devil energy began to be absorbed and purified!

"God, what's the situation?" Kong Mu was shocked.

The only rose medicine that can explain this quickly said: "Tongtian Devil Qi is also pure and extremely energy, and when the Zhentian Formation reaches the same level as it, or when it is close to it, it will naturally have the imperial envoy and control it. If it were an ordinary Tiantian formation, it would be great to be able to withstand the devilish energy. It was like the one of the Guyishan sect, which was destroyed after not being able to stop it for a long time, and now it is made with the Tiantian sword made by the Jingyi stone. However, the stone is placed in a special place, and it has reached an acquired power that is infinitely close to the innate treasure. In this way, it is possible to absorb and transform the heavenly devilish energy."

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