Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7216: : Assemble

So no matter who wants to go to the island, he will have to withstand three times the squeeze of the Heavenly Sword Stone forged by Peeping Stone. It is self-evident how strong such a squeeze is.

Three thousand years ago, the sect of Kyuyi Mountain mastered the mining and excavation of the ore of Kyuyi Stone. Needless to say, countless sects coveted it, but they stood in Muxianzhou until the irresistible changes in the Tongtian Mountains came to an end, showing the heaven that protects it. What a sharp battle.

The Zhentian formation of the Yuyishan sect is only made of second-class ore. The material of this ore is not as good as the Yuyi Stone in terms of the transmission and expansion of power, and the storage of power, plus runes. The carvings are not very beautiful, and the gap between the Tianjian Stones in each town is very large. It is not like the standard that Bai Cheng and I used Huajin Furnace and Shen Tianshi to create one body, so the power is no longer the same.

Not to mention that it is now being crushed several times, not to mention that it is the immortal family who has changed the state of the gods.

The old man sneered, and said with a smile: "A group of juniors from Yunmozhou, who dared to steal the Fenglan City built by the big sects for the sacrifice of Yunmozhou for the blood crossing of the immortals, are simply bold, now knowing that they are afraid? Big sect..."


Lao Xian couldn't finish speaking, just broke into the big formation, only to see a burst of blood mist, and then turned into a misty cloud and disappeared in front of everyone.

I took a look at the energy on the Tiantian Array in my hand, and I didn’t even consume 1% of the consumption. You must know that there are two immortal houses that have been overstocked. According to the consumption, I am afraid that the overstock will be over a hundred. Will consume too much energy.

I am used to seeing blood and life and death. The death of the old immortal is nothing more than Fanghua’s disappearance. I don’t want to learn about his past and everything. When he is dead, he is gone. History books may record him, but Yu Feng As far as Lancheng is concerned, there will not be too much disturbance.

But I can look down on these life and deaths. All the immortal families who saw this scene, whether they are disciples of Tianyi or the children of various sects, all take a breath of air-conditioning. Such a terrifying method of death is like a fly resting on a high-voltage power line. Generally, it gasifies in an instant, and this kind of terrifying momentary squeezing force is not something everyone dares to enjoy.

"This...what the **** happened to this?!"

"My God, Old Chen is gone like this? What did you do?!"

"What's the situation in this Fenglan Temple?! What happened?"

A group of sect disciples now dare not approach the area of ​​Fenglan City's mountain guarding formation. Now for them, this is simply a terrible forbidden zone.

Standing on the dock platform with my back on my back, I looked up at the disciples of the various sects who hurriedly retreated as Fenglan City moved forward, with a light and breezy appearance, and the disciple on the side either swallowed or straightened his chest. All of them became confident.

"I advise Zhuxian not to approach my Tianyi sect. If you break into my mountain gate, you will be at your own risk!" Kongmu said loudly. She has a very high cultivation base and cold temperament, so it is most appropriate to speak up.

As for Miss Zhilin, her cultivation level is also high, but her voice inevitably carries a hint of playfulness, and the warning is not very meaningful. If she is asked to speak up, she is afraid that everyone will be moths into the fire.

As a result, Kongmu’s voice fell. These immortal families whoosh and whoosh turned into rays of light, and they went back to each house one after another, or went back to report the news, or warned the later not to approach the Fenglan Temple, in short, the horror of the big array Has left a shadow in their hearts.

However, it did not last long. The second wave of more than 20 people quickly approached Fenglan City. There is no doubt that the speed is not fast when Fenglan City is on alert. This is a manifestation of lack of power, Xiao Mala The cart, the 36 peeping stones weighed astronomical numbers, and it was already very powerful to fly, and it could no longer be expected to fly at the original speed.

So this also means that it is impossible to avoid the result of facing all the sects of Mu Xianzhou.

These twenty-odd people have obviously received the news. They are all far away from the dock, for fear of encountering the Zhentian Formation. After all, the great formation is just very scary in appearance. They are all made by Peeping Stone. Zhou couldn't find the second one.

"What kind of formation is this? It is said that there have been two immortal families who have gone straight up and disappeared."

"Isn't it? Now that the leader is furious, isn't this a rallying order?"

"Don't be so scared, those guys in Fenglan City are just Yun Mozhou running up, aren't they afraid to hide in the sea of ​​demon energy before? Such a strong Fenglan City consumes a small amount of energy?"

"Yeah! Why didn't I expect it? Look, this Fenglan City needs to be consumed, and the big array must also be consumed, right? Let's not get in. When they run out of energy for a while, they will naturally fall!"

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