Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7228: : Xianle

I nodded. It's hard to say anything at this time. After all, for me, it's just birth, old age, sickness and death. For him, it's the end of an era. Of course, different moods cannot be compared.

After I was accompanied by my disciples, I took the fairy flute and came to the secret room. Although I am not good at playing the flute, I am not good at it. Xian music often contains the principles of heaven and earth, and Liangyi Tiandi has its own unique heaven and earth. .

And since I have cultivated the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, I also have a little understanding of the two ways of heaven, and there is no difficulty in playing this fairy flute with spiritual power.

There is not only this fairy flute in the storage bag, in fact, there are some personal things of the old lady herself, really don’t say anything else, the old lady is also very poor, according to her cultivation level, it shouldn’t be so. Or maybe I had left all the valuables to the disciple before I left.

After all, I don't know when I can't keep alive and go away.

So in addition to a dozen pieces of Mu Jing, there are also some clothing and sect tokens, some important letters, etc., some were opened, and some were written in advance to the person who inherited the sect after Tuogu, that is, mine.

I haven't read the old lady's private messages for the time being. These are mostly letters to communicate with other sects. I can't spy on them, so I opened the letters left for me.

The letter is beautifully written, fluent and full of meaning. After I finished, I also summarized a few points.

The first is to introduce the situation of one's own sect, such as what valuable things can be taken away by the disciple, how many herbs are planted, the secret key of the secret realm, and so on.

The second is to introduce the situation of the disciples of the sect. It is like talking about which disciple has excellent aptitude and can be focused on training, and which disciple is more selfish and needs to pay attention to guidance, etc. It can also be regarded as detailed to the bottom disciples. It can be seen from the old lady Le Love a disciple like a child.

The third is the expectation of me, and left some simple scale applications for Xian Yue. There are many combinations of these scales and effects. They are all studied by the masters of the past, or inherited and improved, so that they can be combined and played.

As for the wide range of functions, and after scanning it, I found that this fairy music has some amazing uses, because the music score used for combat is very rare, but it has many auxiliary functions, and they are all used in cultivation and cultivation. .

According to the different scales used in the music score, it has the effect of accelerating and increasing the growth of some herbs.

I was shocked, and immediately asked my disciple to bring in a few groups of ordinary fairy grasses, and then spread them around Mu Jing according to the method stated in the letter to prevent excessive absorption of spiritual energy and exhaustion.

Then I played the fairy music, the brisk flute sound remembered that moment, I only felt that a steady stream of power was constantly pouring out of me, and the tone directly affected a group of fairy grasses in front, and the fairy grasses were in counterpoint on the scale. After that, he immediately absorbed the aura of Mu Jing next to him at an extremely fast speed, and grew up with a rapid growth rate!

My eyes widened. Although this is not like the law of time, it can directly increase the age of plants at a very fast rate, but it can also achieve the same effect. Of course, this is a targeted ripening and needs to be based on the species. The spiritual veins of the herbs are matched with the scale music, so only the suitable spiritual grass grows up in the front, as for the other types of spiritual grass, they have no effect at all.

Seeing this fairy music play directly ripening a spiritual grass, I secretly said that this thing is indeed a magical tool, no wonder the old lady said it is a masterpiece of the world, this thing will be different in the hands of different people. Effect.

There are not many fairy grasses that can be ripened in the music scores, most of them are the more common fairy grasses in Mu Xianzhou. Of course, the value is still there after the age is urged, but no matter how old the age is, it is impossible to sell one Tianyuan. That's all Baoyu.

But in the process of playing, I have come to the conclusion that this fairy music can definitely ripen more advanced herbs, but its scale will be more complicated, and the score will be more difficult to play, but once it can be ripened, The price is naturally the same as that of ordinary spirit grass.

The most important thing is that as long as the mujing is enough, the types of ripening herbs must be single, but the quantity is not limited. To ripen a large number of high-grade herbs is definitely a cost-effective business, because time is always the most expensive.

Taking a deep breath, I know who this fairy music is best for. This thing is specially prepared for the rose medicine. She is very keen on innate understanding, and knows the pharmacology and various spiritual things well. I don't know if I can ripen anything other than herbs, such as ripening Xiao Tun, because in the process of playing, I vaguely discovered that my spiritual veins were also affected in a subtle way.

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