Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7235: : Level 2

Needless to say, this kid was stretched under my **** attack, he could only hide from the east and west like a monkey, and my physical form was like a ghost. The physical form of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth is a must, and the movement like a sonic boom is fundamental. Unable to capture.

In the end, he didn't hold on for three or four rounds, so he disarmed and surrendered. Seeing him sweating profusely, I smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

"This...Although Dao Master Xia has only Yuanying Dzogchen, his strength is simply terrifying. If it weren't for this martial arts umbrella artifact, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold it for a round..." Hong Shi was hit hard with a face. It's all about fear.

"You don't have to be like that. Compared to other people, you are already very strong. I'm just an alternative." I explained.

Of course, Hong Shi would not recover his mood in this way. He was a lot more humble along the way and took the initiative to take over all the work. He even asked me about the magical effects of martial arts umbrellas and spiritual skills balls. When you arrive at the Xian’s house, you don’t need to tell me to go over and get in touch.

I also had to give some pointers on his cultivation, which allowed Hong Shi to gradually regain his self-confidence. I realized that Xianlezong's party must be a success this time.

However, the facts slapped him in the face again, and when we came to the paradise in the deep valley, where Xianlezong was located, we stopped at the gate.

"Hey! Who am I? Have you even forgotten Xianlezong? We have come all the way!" Hong Shi gritted his teeth and said with several disciples.

One of them seemed to be the elder’s female disciple who looked at him up and down and said: “We have distinguished guests today, so it’s not suitable to receive you from the Changle Immortal Sect. You should avoid it for the time being. When the elder decides when to see you, we will tell you to enter. Of the sect."

"Do you know who he is? He is Dao Master Xia of Fenglan City!" Hong Shi said with some annoyance.

"Tao Master?"

"Which Dao League's?"

"do you know?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard the uncle mention it, it must be nonsense."

Several disciples over there hesitated whether to report the report, and looked at me. One of them saw that my cultivation base was staying in the Nascent Soul Realm, and looked at Hong Shi with disdain and said, "Yuan Ying Great Perfection?"

Hong Shi’s face suddenly turned blue and red. He didn’t know how to explain the difference in my cultivation level, but just when he wanted to forcibly break in, a woman in a light blue dress was wearing a light blue dress. The immortal floated from nearby and landed in front of Hong Shi: "Hehe, what Dao Master of Wind Blue City Wind Heicheng, Hong Shi, do you know which elder of the sect we are receiving now? Scared you to run home!"

"Which...Which sect!?" Hong Shi saw that the middle-aged woman's expression changed, and the other party's same cultivation base could be regarded as a very powerful existence in such a third-rate sect.

"Which sect? Hong Shi, when I saw Senior Sister, I didn't greet me first, but instead questioned me. You thought you had better qualifications, and happened to be a big disciple of the closed door, so you forgot how you humbled to me back then?" Middle-aged The female fairy looked at Hong Shi proudly, the majesty of some high-ranking ones.

I distinguished it from old lady Le’s letter, and put her into the name “Canglu”. This woman is usually mean to low-level disciples, but her aptitude is very good, so as long as she is not It was too much, and the old lady Le gave a tolerant treatment, so that it has become more and more serious over the years.

But the old lady Le had a declining age and didn't want the other party to anger the lower-level disciples after she left. She also opened one eye and closed one eye, which also made Cang Lu even worse.

"Senior Sister Cang Lu, don’t say I didn’t inform you in advance. The purpose of Dao Master Xia’s visit this time is to follow the last words of Master Leyou and come to receive Xian Lezong who went to Fenglan City, so I advise you to respect Dao Xia. Lord, in the future, he will also become the future master of Xianlezong." Hong Shi didn't intend to say hello at all, but bluntly stated his purpose.

Sure enough, a group of disciples and Cang Lu were all squeezed by this initial surprise.

"What are you talking about!? The master is gone?!" Cang Lu's face was uncertain, and the other disciples were shocked beyond words. Several of them left one after another, seeming to tell the other disciples.

The whole sect was messed up in this sentence, but that doesn’t mean that Cang Lu will buy the whole news face. She quickly flicked her sleeves and seemed to decide something. She gritted her teeth and said, “That’s not to let you in, since Master has gone to immortal, we have to hold a memorial ceremony for Master and her old man! Besides, we have to wait for Master during this visit and persuade Master to include Xianlezong under their Dongming Immortal Sect's Ming Sect Master to preside over!"

"What Dongming Immortal Sect? Is it a top-level Immortal Sect?" I looked at Hong Shi curiously, listening to him being so big, it seemed that it was not a top-level or at least a first-level sect, but I hadn't heard of it. Just pass this name.

Originally, Hong Shi's eyes widened when he heard it, but he soon woke up during my questioning and quickly said, "Dao Master Xia... is a second-level sect."

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