Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7246: : Find a field

"Such a treasure ship is rare. Even an exchange, usually such a large thing, is also very valuable. Of course, it is still a bit too old." I laughed.

"Master said that this was 300 years ago. An old Sect Master made a fortune and built this treasure ship at a huge cost, but it is usually not used, and when it is used, he is afraid of attracting envy, so he simply dried it all year round. Here, the master also said that Xianlezong would recruit bees and butterflies like this. In addition to disciples practicing auxiliary exercises, there is actually the reason for this treasure ship." Chun Hao said.

"Yes, it looks glamorous, but it's an old ship. I don't know that this is a high-speed ship. The runes in it were made by a master and are still very rare. Master Pinxu Pavilion reminded me. , Said that this ship can be imitated as an independent warship of our heavens. This is also the reason why I came here in person." I laughed.

"Ah? This ship is really a treasure? I thought it was just an ordinary manned fairy boat..." Chun Hao said in surprise.

I said: "Yes, who knows that this ship will be a treasure? But you think it will be able to start flying in the sky normally in 300 years. Would you say that this ship is good?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think about it? If I didn't say that, I would take it for granted." Chun Hao said.

Under the leadership of Chun Hao, I visited the inside of the hull of this immortal boat. The old lady and Zou Yang did not fool me. The power stove is indeed a masterpiece, and many top materials are used, but these have substitutes. .

I'm pretty good at treasure forging, but I can't do anything about this kind of large equipment. It requires a lot of parts and materials, but it can fly without a hull.

And the rune center inside the hull is the most important. I have to take this ship back and hand it to Zou Yang to get the design drawings.

Of course, there may be enemies on the way. This immortal boat is a big target. The enemy may block the way and rob. In order to protect the ship, some necessary modifications are still required.

After releasing the gold furnace, I cast a spell and included this spaceship.

The next step is to transform it externally. As for the interior, it is only maintenance-oriented. After all, professional matters still have to be done by Zou Yang.

After inspecting it again, I started to build a large array on the jade ship. Only when the large array exists, the enemy can't invade it, and the outside can also prevent some long-range attacks.

But when I was researching and refitting this spacecraft and entering the refitting stage, Chun Hao, who had been refining the Nascent Soul and tempering pill like other disciples, hurriedly entered the dojo where I was at this moment.

"Dao Master Xia, it's not good, the former elder Ming Zuo of the Immortal Sect of Dongming brought three immortal families who have changed their realm to our place to start asking! Taoist, you should avoid the wind first, right?" Chun Hao said hurriedly.

"Huh? How dare this guy come over?" I sneered coldly.

"Dao Master Xia, I came here secretly. The disciple in the door may still be recruited if he can't stand it, so you go quickly!" Chun Hao said anxiously.

"No, since you can be here, I want to come and they have already found it." I put the large gold furnace away and stood up. When I looked up, I saw three divine transformations far away. The immortal family in the realm carried Hong Shi who had been beaten with a swollen nose, and was flying down under the leadership of Ming Zuo.

Seeing me standing in the center of the dojo with back hands, some of these people showed weird faces, while others had arrogant expressions. As for Ming Zuo, although he was in the state of the metamorphosis of the gods, he gritted his teeth and seemed to be looking for it. I just pinch it.

Shenchang Yuanying is not the same as Yuanying. It has a certain strength and belongs to Yuanying's refinement of gods. So even if he looks inconspicuous, he is actually very powerful. Shenchang Yuanying can even be easily defeated. Fairy homes in the general prosperity of Yuan Ying.

This is also not so arrogant. Although he was defeated inexplicably before, he still felt that he was hit by some high-level treasure, and now he has come to find his place.

After the four fell, they threw Hong Shi aside, and said with a sneer: "You brought this kid, right? Changle Xianzong's big disciple, only then surrounded him, so he directly recruited, and he couldn't fight back. , I didn’t retaliate, and brought us here directly, hehe, this is Dao Master Xia’s fellow Daoist."

"Hey, Brother Wu, these two guys were arrogant two days ago, and they shot out my Nascent Soul. I wanted to fight hard, but I was afraid that the artifact in his hand could instantly destroy the Dao body! So! I just ran to meet you first, and you will destroy him in a while, but you have to look for it! I can't figure out where to put it!" Ming Zuo said hurriedly.

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