Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7249: : Wind change

The original site of Yunmeng Xianzong looks like a virgin forest. The uneven terrain is covered with bushes. If you don’t pay attention, you can’t even see anyone hiding in the woods around it.

I probably glanced at them. They may have disciples from the sect, or from other families, as well as casual repair businesses.

My current Yuan Ying Dzogchen is like a little transparent here, no one cares about my existence, so I found a towering tree at will and sat down quietly, waiting for the news of the crack like these people.

These scavengers cyclists were scattered all over the area for dozens of miles, and it didn’t take long before there were more than a hundred people one after another. Zongmen disciples accounted for half, and the rest were composed of family disciples and cyclists. There is also the voice of Xisuosuo.

I waited patiently for a day and a night, and roughly received some information. This time, some people from the major sects seemed to have brought powerful treasure hunting tools, all thinking about what to gain from the Yunmeng Fairy Sect.

"It seems to be the great elder of Qianjufang!"

"Yes! It's her! It seems that I have brought several elders here!"

"Why the first-level sect is also here this time!?"

"What's the situation this time? In previous years, there were not many second-level sects. Why did the first-level sects join in the fun this time."

"Hehe, it seems that you don't know about that anymore."

"What's the matter? Come and listen quickly, and give us these casual cultivators a long time."

The discussion voices gradually converged, and the few women floating in the sky quickly landed on a conspicuous towering treetop. Looking around, the elder of Qianjufang is a middle-aged woman, and now she closes her eyes and feels calm. If you can't see us in general, you can see arrogance.

As for other people wearing elders' clothes, the clothes are decorated with dots similar to plum blossoms. This kind of plant flower should be something called Qianju.

The elders look very nice, no wonder the immortal family's spectators gathered here occupy most of them.

I followed the group of guys and drifted towards the guy who looked like the elder of the sect, trying to keep quiet while still being able to hear them.

"It seems that you all don't understand it?" The young elder touched his nose, pretending to be mysterious, said: "This matter has to start with the peeping mountain bandits before."

"Guiyi Mountain? Wind change? What is that?"

"It's a long story. Didn't the major top sects launch the sacrifice of the blood crossing according to the old rules? And unlike the Fenglan City, which he used to transport troops in the past few years, he is preparing to select from Yunmozhou. Choose a group of immortal families with good qualifications to fill the gap; but who knows that there is a big problem this time, it is said that the master of a sect in Yunmozhou is a ruthless person. The city was robbed, and he ran to Muxianzhou." The young man chuckled. It seems that he was very accurate in coming from the news. He should have participated in the encirclement and suppression of the Zongmen.

"I ran to Mu Xianzhou? That's okay? Then these top sects were beaten in the face?" Another young man exclaimed.

"Isn't it? But it's just the most basic. It is said that this ruthless man from Yunmozhou built a sect directly on Fenglan City, and took advantage of the interval between the demon qi tides of the Tongtian Mountain. Knowing what method was used, I went to the first sect of the evil Dao three thousand years ago to excavate the peeping stone! And he can refine and forge the artifact, which is absolutely impossible." The young elder gave a weird smile.

"This is too legendary? What's the source of that guy?"

"Keeping the stone! God, it is said that the Keeping stone was not in the thousands of years. Only some top martial arts have hidden some of them. Most of the others are lost with the immortal family, or they don’t know where they are buried. NS."

"Hehe, these top sects are probably only the second thing to get back to Fenglan City, right? I'm afraid that they want the Peeping Stone of the sect of Peeping Mountain."

"You guessed it right, so didn't Wufeng City, the most powerful of the top sects, dispatched the Young Sect Master in a hurry? That Young Sect Master Chi Chong, but Mu Xianzhou is also known as a small evil star, and he is best at destroying people. , And are very familiar with the real power elders of the top sects. This time the bandits were suppressed, but all the elites of the surrounding immortal sects were pulled away." The young elders were excited and excited.

"It's him? Didn't this peeping stone fall into the hands of Wufeng City?"

"That's natural, that's the top sect! Do you think we can compare to the small sects?"

I watched these people talk with no expression on their faces. Although there are some discrepancies in the plot, they are generally consistent.

"Hey, Lu Daoyou guessed wrong this time, and now everyone talks about it with a change in the wind, but I dare not stir up the nerves of Wufeng City at this time." The young elder said in a low voice.

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