Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7255: :remind

In this way, even the weakest toxin can continue to be released for a while, which helps me to have more time to find the eye. Too much, so that the large array could not absorb too much poison gas.

Sure enough, my alternative plan is correct. After nearly two days have passed, more and more casual cyclists have entered the Yunmeng Immortal Sect, not only Shengshimeng and Qianjufang, but others one after another. The elders of the first-level sect came to join in the fun.

I even met the acquaintances I had taught me before. These guys are really thick-skinned. I thought they had parted ways, but they ran into the mountain again. I guess there was nowhere to go and nothing good. My teammates explored treasures together.

Their Dao body has been restored, and they are heading towards Yunmengxian Mountain.

I was discouraged in a hidden place on the ground. They did not find my presence in the air, and even disappeared before flying far.

In the past two days, I have seen countless cases like this. I even found myself meditating in the air and rushed down to ask me what I was doing, but they were all sent away by the spatial turbulence, and as long as the spatial turbulence exists, this cloud dream Fairy Mountain is in an area that is difficult to approach. Only those who climb the mountain from the ground have a certain probability of successfully climbing the mountain.

However, there is space turbulence on the mountain as well. Regardless of the fact that the top of the mountain is solid, it is placed there. When you go up, many familiar faces finally appear in the distant air. It is known that it is actually not safe even in the sect.

Only after the big formation gradually begins to stabilize, will everyone's exploration in the Zongmen be stable, otherwise they will be passed back to the outside without turning a few times, and then it will be endless.

After constantly deflating my breath, more and more people met me, and they would run into some ruthless characters. At this moment, a beautiful woman from Qianjufang was standing in front of me, holding a long sword pointing at me.

"I'll ask you again! What the **** are you doing! Entering the fairy house of Yunmeng Xianzong, many people have been poisoned by an unknown poison, which will continue to destroy the spiritual veins of the body! People are repairing and eliminating a lot of them. Consume the spiritual energy in the body!" The beauty already has the cultivation base of the initial stage of the transformation, which is not comparable to that of the Nascent Infant Realm.

I chuckled, it seemed the same as I thought, the effect of the continuous poisoning has already appeared this time, and now a layer of light has been produced from the shield on her body, which is caused by resisting the poisonous gas.

Therefore, as long as the immortal family still stays here, the protective shield cannot be removed, or any aura here can not be inhaled, which means that it cannot be supplemented, and consumption will be everywhere. Once it is caught in a fierce fight, it will be even more dangerous. .

If someone accidentally hits and destroys the body shield, and he takes in the surrounding breath forcefully, he will probably be poisoned, and the small toxin will quickly infect the whole body, and the result will be naturally sad.

"Senior, I didn't do anything. It's just cultivation. You can't bully me as a junior, right?" I pretended to be stupid.

Of course, the other party was reluctant, pointing to the big formation next to me, and said in a cold voice: "We have seen a lot of such things just now, but if there are these things, we will destroy them one by one!"

"So, I'm sorry, I didn't know these things were so terrible. I knew I wouldn't sit here and practice." After I finished speaking, I stood up slowly, and the big formation was scattered with the wave of my sleeves. The task has been completed, and it is useless if anyone destroys it, so I am not afraid of others destroying it.

Now is not the time to pick things up.

The female elder of Qianjufang was also surprised to see that I had withdrawn from the big formation by myself, but when she saw that I was about to fly away, she hurriedly chased up: "Don't go!"

"Men chasing women are seen a lot, but it is rare for women to chase men. Girls are so beautiful, isn't it appropriate to chase me?" I smiled.

"Shut up! How dare you be so rude to me with such a cultivation base!?" The woman rushed forward, and the sword qi flew towards me one after another, seeing that the position of her sword qi attack avoided my vital points. , My murderous intent that had risen suddenly came down, and instantly avoided the attack with a sonic boom. I stood directly in front of the woman, and immediately stood in another position after disarming.

The woman was stunned by my terrifying speed and combat experience. For a while, she forgot whether she should attack or not. She only looked at the sword in my hand and said anxiously: "You return the sword to me!"

I smiled and glanced at the sword in my hand. The material is indeed very good. It is a rare treasure in the Immortal Family of Divine Transformation. She was not interested in something, so she threw her back: "Here you are, by the way, let me remind you, go back, it's dangerous to stay here."

"You! Who the **** are you! Why is there such a mere cultivator of Nascent Soul..." The woman was going to ask me why I could easily hold her, but she quickly realized that she had exchanged identities.

"You little girl, don't rush if I know I'm great. If something happens, your family won't be afraid to turn the nest. Such a beautiful girl is a shame for a bargain and a bad guy." I laughed.

"Shut up, stop and don't leave!" The beauty said anxiously, as if she was waiting for someone to support her.

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