Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7258: : Deployment

After a while, the flowers were dazzling, like a star, no matter who is far away, you can see the existence of this thing, it is indeed the best treasure to attract bees and butterflies.

"You asked me to find someone to come over. Don't tell me to limit the number of people!" Yu Bin gritted his teeth and said, as if I was in the middle of it.

I laughed and said, "There is no limit to the number of people. The more the better. Looking at this posture, I'm afraid that not only the people from Qianjufang will come, but the other sects will also have to follow along when they see it?"

"You are right! As long as I see our thousand chrysanthemums, I don’t know if other sects dare to come, but our Qianjufang will definitely come, and the sects stronger than us may also come. I'll see what you do when that happens!" Yu Bin hummed triumphantly.

"Great." I looked happy, angrily that the other party could only wait for the miracle to happen. As expected, a few people rushed over before half a minute had passed, but they weren't from Qianjufang, but dressed in clothes. The same family son as Gu Tong before.

The middle-aged man, who led the team, looked suspicious and asked after seeing Yu Bin, "Bing'er! Why are you here? Didn't Gu Tong come with you just now? Where did he go?"

"Uncle Gu Mu?" Yu Bin also behaved very surprised. I didn't expect that the first person she recruited was actually him, and it seemed that the rest were people she knew.

"Bing'er, which family is this?" I asked with a smile, deliberately learning how the other party called Yu Bin.

"Uncle Gu Mu! Save my cousin, he was arrested by this man!" Yu Bin suddenly cried out.

"What are you talking about?!" The middle-aged Gu Mu looked at me in shock, but soon he became suspicious, because my cultivation base is only Yuan Ying Dzogchen, so it is impossible to be **** anyway. Gu Tong's people.

I walked towards the middle-aged man with an innocent look, and smiled: "Senior Gu, what she said is actually correct, but since you are here, you must be saving your family Gu Tong, right? Then do me a favor, When things are done, I will return Gu Tong to you, OK?"

When Gu Mu heard this, he immediately leaped towards me and slapped me with a palm!

His cultivation is the same as Gu Tong, his strength is also very powerful, this palm is even stronger than his son, but this kind of cultivation still can't deal with me, after the sonic boom started, I immediately appeared behind him. The next moment the palm print was slapped on his back, and he was simply lying on the ground!


Gu Mubao took off into the air, but at this moment he couldn't help but cast his eyebrows and glanced behind him, as if he had found something, gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you?! What did you do to me?!"

Several people not far away rushed over at this moment, intending to help, but they all let Gu Mu reach out and stop him, because with his strength, I slapped him and slapped me to eat shit, and the results of other people coming up would not be better than him!

I took out the bottle containing his son and shook it. Then I said casually: "You are poisoned, and you want the cure and your son, just do what I said, otherwise, what will happen? I don’t think it should be what you want."

"Why should I trust you?!" Gu Mu gritted his teeth, and Yu Bin was also confused. Originally, he thought Gu Mu was not that vulnerable, but who knew the result would be the same.

"It's simple, I don't need you to believe it. It's up to you to do it or not. If you don't do it, I will crush everything in the bottle now." I sneered and looked at me trying to force, Gu Mu said hurriedly: "Okay. I understand! No matter what, I promise you!"

"And they have to make a statement." I looked at the immortals behind him, and Gu Mu nodded and said, "Okay! But some of them have been poisoned by this poison, and you have also detoxified them!"

I nodded slowly, and looked at a woman from Qianjufang who rushed over. When the woman saw this scene, she was startled and wanted to escape, but Yu Bin quickly said: "Senior sister! We can't escape. Falling... as long as you breathe in a trace of poison here, you won’t be able to get rid of the poison if you escape..."

The woman could only fly down slowly. I watched them meet together and asked each other about the situation, and I didn’t bother to pay attention to what they thought, because more people gathered next time, including all the disciples of Qianjufang, and even There are also a few immortal families from the Shengshi League before, and they looked fiercely at the more than 30 immortal families gathered here.

With more people, things will be easier. After all, the Zongmen Space Array is still in operation. They actually need time to fully explore here, and the Xianjia here will inevitably have to fight and kill, and the poisoning is also there. It is inevitable, it is better to listen to my deployment to achieve a win-win situation.

So the only person who can solve all the problems is me.

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