Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7264: : Tiansi

"You...the road you have just walked is all set up with a big formation? How did you do it?" Fuyu's face changed drastically, watching the water vapor around him form a formation, gradually spreading around, and finally the whole place where the water was hidden. Covered in a place sheltered by clouds and mist, it is estimated that I am already confused.

"Yunmeng Xianzong, it is natural to go to the dream from the cloud, young man, I am afraid you did not expect it? This is the only way for the outer door to enter the inner door, so if you want to enter the inner door, you must need the token of the inner door. , I can enter it, but the token can’t be found, but it allows me to find the public Yunmengxian Road. Now I start this fairy road, and the result is the same." After I started the big formation, it appeared before my eyes. Up an aperture.

A savagely growing bush appeared in the aperture, and the bushes were full of the ruins of some magnificent pavilions. The jade materials used in these pavilions were very good, so after thousands of years of baptism, they are still fresh.

I walked into the aperture, and did not wait for Fu Yu to come in, so I closed the entrance of the aperture, and I stood in the hidden world, and I could clearly see Fu Yu’s stomping annoyed behavior, he At this moment, I hurriedly squatted on the ground, checked where I was sitting, and then checked the traces of the big formation everywhere, it seemed that I also wanted to enter the Tibetan world.

I didn't bother to pay attention to the Tianjiao, turned around and looked at a place that no one had entered for thousands of years.

In addition to the jade material that made the Yunmeng Immortal Sect was not destroyed, other things that could not stand the beating of the years have also weathered long ago. The weather here does not seem to have changed the slightest from the previous year. The operation of the large array is very good. This is a As long as the energy is not exhausted, even the various subtle problems that arise can be adjusted for a large array that operates independently.

What's more, without the interference of external forces, such as the misoperation of the immortals, it itself is a product of self-complete operation.

The strong aura makes me feel very strange. The Tibetan mountains outside is already in a state of exhaustion and thirst, but here is always springing up like bamboo shoots after the rain, exuding infinite vitality, which means that the possible conversion mechanism of the big formation is from the outside. Inner, well-preserved in the tide of demon energy, also means that it is likely to have the power to transform demon energy on its own.

The energy of the Eight Desolation World comes from Tongtian Mountain, but the conversion is a process, and mastering such a process means that the Yunmeng Xianzong has acquired unimaginable technology. No wonder it has attracted the cleaning of the Zhongyuanzhou boss. As for why not Destroying the big formation here is also very simple to explain. If there are no people, the big formation will eventually fall into a standstill. If you destroy the big formation, it will be difficult for you to come out.

So the boss was afraid that he didn't expect that this big formation would have been running for so many years, and finally waited for me to be able to crack it.

Walking in this place full of bushes and shrubs, after rain, clouds, and auras, the place was so badly decayed that it almost returned to its original state. The living creatures were killed clean, and it is estimated that mass destruction was used. Sexual weapons, only some influential insects and birds still thrive here.

But because of his own spiritual constraints, for thousands of years, it would be nothing more than a cycle of life and death.

When I arrived at the shattered head of the palace, there were some remnant weapons of the gods everywhere, as well as the wreckage of various treasures that had been overturned. It seemed that there were still some small beasts here.

After tumbling again, I found the position of the underground Star Division in charge of the operation of the entire Yunmeng Xianzong from the jade piece messages left by the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and opened it smoothly by relying on the head astrolabe I found. The gate of the Xingtiansi site in the Forbidden Area of ​​Houshan.

After all, the head of the astrolabe is in hand, and all areas are open to me. After opening the Xingtian Division, the forbidden space inside also appeared in my line of sight.

It’s far more advanced than I thought, floating in a sphere-like space. Whether it’s a place where mountains or waters are hidden, or all areas here, it’s revealed in the Xingtian Division. There are also the various magical organs that control these spaces, and even the instructions for the migration of sects, all of which are listed in Xingtiansi's literature review.

This Xingtian Division is indeed a good place. I checked it, including the treasure vault, the Tibetan soldiers pavilion, and the Buddhist scriptures rooms that can only be reached with permission. It is a minor repair, which can be put into use immediately, including the migration of the large array, etc., in fact, it can be completed by using the master astrolabe to control the Xingtiansi.

The idea of ​​Yunmeng Immortal Sect is much more powerful than those evil ways of Jiuyi Mountain. As the first sect of the right way thousands of years ago, their ideas are even more advanced.

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