Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7274: : Redemption

The prisoner's transaction was fairly smooth, and with the round-and-round exit of the Tibetan Mountain Land, it was difficult for them to make trouble, but the old man in Wufeng City did not intend to make me feel better after all.

At the last moment when the money was paid in one hand and the delivery was delivered, the old man unknowingly appeared on the trading scene. The old man called Fenggui by Wufengcheng came and went, and stood behind me in an instant.

"It's very happy to collect money, right? Junior, today the old man will let your people come to redeem you!" Feng Gui quickly shot and put his hand directly on my shoulder.

Although I was taken aback, I still smiled and said, "Fenggui, if you came to catch me two days earlier, the probability of catching me would be very high, but I just came today, I am afraid I will disappoint you. ."


"You want to be from my hands..." However, before he could finish his words, my sonic boom had spread far away, and seeing me immediately nodded at him, he hurriedly flashed to the right. .

I didn’t waste any time in a few days. Naturally, some people rushed to worry about the prisoner’s affairs. I spent this time on cultivation. In the place where the water was hidden, I successfully tempered the Nascent Soul and successfully broke through to the gods. Change.

This is also a natural process. The biggest role of the place of water storage is to temper the Yuan Ying, and the most important thing for the God Transformation Yuan Ying is to make the Yuan Ying stronger. Here, as long as the demon energy wastewater is corroded and swallowed by the body, only the Yuan Ying is used. The essence of tempering the strength can be quickly promoted, and then it is enough to come out and reconsolidate the body.

Therefore, the place of hiding water solves the old difficult problem of Yuan Ying tempering, and it also indicates that more disciples will set foot in the Divine Transformation Realm in the future.

Feng Gui wanted to come and chase me again, but after my Yuan Yingshen changed, the sonic boom started faster and the distance was farther. Even if he was in the enlightenment state, it was the same as running chasing a car, and it was difficult to catch up with me.

Of course, the wind ghost is still very strong, and the range of various wind spells is huge. Even the immortal family who has become Dzogchen is afraid that it will not be uncomfortable for the middle and upper ones. He also tried his best to get me, but it turned out to be me. The sonic boom often teleports behind him, and then strikes him with deconstruction.

After this old man enlightened Dao, he cultivated enough to blend in with the surrounding wind. Once the deconstruction technique was released, it could only relieve a part of his energy. The body has swelled several times a long time ago.

So he recovered only a second later, and the loss was almost negligible.

Unless you can cover a certain range of deconstruction or reconstruction in an instant, you will have a chance to kill him.

Dao realm also has the power of Dao realm. This is like beginning to preach the Dao. You will transform your habitual attributes into Dao, and the extended area will be determined according to the area you are in, so it is still very strong after enlightenment.

It seems that although I have reached the initial stage of the transformation, my skills have not been able to keep up, and I am not strong when attacking. Unless I can also practice scoped deconstruction and reconstruction techniques, it will be difficult to completely kill.

"I thought that your kid was vulnerable, but it was just a monster. Now it seems that ordinary means can't take you down. It's good, the old man is not wronged here this time, but you should not think that I am enlightened. That’s it for the Wind City Club! Your goal is the Demon Realm. Sooner or later, there will be one day you will run into it. Then the old man will have a way to heal you!

I snorted, then I will not be who I am now. The old man is lucky. After all, I don’t have enough time to prepare, but his situation is worrying after he reanalysed the wind city. Such a big failure could not be reversed, too good. The position of the great elder might be unstable, so I said to the distant air: "Feng Gui, with your defeat now, recognizing that the Wind City is just a dead end, it is better to join me in the Wind Lan City, anyway. Isn't it a wind character?"

"Huh! Junior is so rampant!" Feng Gui's voice came from a long distance, and it was hard to swallow it.

I'm too lazy to bother, since I don't join it, then forget it.

After returning to the Fenglan Palace, the disciples came to report that the ships gathered in front of the dock had left dozens of ships. Most of them were some top-class immortal houses, but they still surrounded most of the front. Without him, the immortal houses that were redeemed now have all. Valuable, but those who have not been redeemed may not have relatives and friends, but they can’t afford to redeem them. Therefore, a group of immortal families surrounded the dock and pleaded. Under heaven.

A group of disciples looked sad and petitioned here. After all, the immortal family men, women, and children who were captured were all. Although some were for their own purposes, most of them were coerced by Wufeng City and other top sects.

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