Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7277: : Fake Fox

"Sister Yong Qiu!" As we were talking, a teenager found us in the distance and ran over immediately.

"Nan Li? Why are you here?" A smile appeared on Yong Qiu's face, as if he was an acquaintance.

"I have to do something for the teachers in the college during this time, so these days are busy, you finally come back, we all thought you were afraid that time will pass, my sister can worry about you now, right, what? No one guides the guests?" said the boy.

Yong Qiu said helplessly: "Just now Nanhua came to lead us, but we were beaten by us for the rude words. I was afraid that I would go back to report the news, alas."

"I just said, Nanhua this guy has started to be yin and yang since the welcomers came, thinking that he is a powerful figure from the Blue Mountain Sect, and he didn't even see me in his eyes for a long time. Look at it now. Didn't something happen?" Nan Li said happily.

"The Blue Mountain Sect welcomes relatives here? How quickly?" Yong Qiu asked in surprise. This Blue Mountain Sect is the sect of Nan Xue who wants to marry the Nan Family Miss Nan Xue.

"I arrived a few days earlier. I heard that something happened to the south, and now I have to pick up my sister a few days sooner, so I'm worried, I'm waiting for news from Sister Yongqiu every day!" Nan Li said hurriedly.

"Something happened in the south? Oh... the news has also arrived here, it's okay, am I here now? I also brought back the helper, so let's take us to see the lady." Yong Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Nan Li looked at us up and down, and seemed to have a clear view of our Divine Transformation cultivation base. After being surprised, he cautiously asked: "Sister Yong Qiu...their cultivation base seems to be inferior to you. Will it not work? Which sect's representative do they say?"

Yong Qiu's expression changed, and he hurriedly said, "Nan Li, I said it was a helper, so naturally it is a helper. As for which sect belongs to, you can leave it alone and lead the way."

Nan Li honestly led the way with a ‘oh’, but before he got out of the rockery area, he heard the sound of scolding behind him.

"Stop for me! You beat our little son, and you dare to go now? I don’t care where you come from, even the host. No one welcomes you here! It was you who knelt down and apologized and got out of the South. , Or do we throw you out of the Nanjia?!" the middle-aged man said loudly.

And another middle-aged woman also stopped in front of us in an instant, her cultivation base changed to her first stage, but she was not afraid of us at all, and her head was upright when she was akimbo.

"Tutor! There are just a few! Just hit me!" Nan Hua said anxiously, covering his face.

After all, the female fairies looked beautiful, the middle-aged man looked at me and said coldly: "You beat our little son, right? Okay, if you don’t intend to kneel down and apologize, then don’t blame me for it. Your mother taught you!"

The other person came in front of me instantly and slapped me with a palm.

"Senior, be careful!" Nan Li hurriedly reminded.

I was expressionless and slapped with a palm, only heard a loud bang. The middle-aged man was hit directly on the wall behind him, and even punched a hole. As for the arm, he was long gone!

I was beaten like this in the middle of the transformation, and the whole scene immediately fell into dead silence.

Of course, a group of immortal families came after hearing the news, either floating in the air, or clinging to the surroundings and staring at the scene in shock.

This time Nan Li was shocked, because my cultivation base was obviously only the first stage, but it was too terrifying to label a divine change stage like this.

Nanhua was dumbfounded with fright, and the middle-aged woman who stopped us was pale, she never thought that the Huwei borrowed from the fox would be beaten like this.

"It's time for you." I looked at the middle-aged woman and wanted to teach something by myself, but the woman knelt on the ground with a puff, and said anxiously: "Senior for your mercy! I'm just following orders!"

At this moment, an old man in the crowd said coldly: "Chongxu, are your knees so soft? Kneeling in front of outsiders, don't you lose the face of our Nan family?"

"Academician!?" As soon as the woman saw the old man falling slowly, she wanted to stand up, but she pressed my hand and knelt on the floor again. Now her face was uglier than crying.

The old man looked at me with a gloomy face, and his beard blew angrily: "Let go! Let go! Her!"

"Let go of me! Did you hear that!?" The middle-aged woman gritted her teeth and struggled, but under my terrifying power, she knelt on the ground and couldn't move firmly.

I originally planned to let her go. After all, kneeling down and begging for mercy is equivalent to surrendering, but now that a great academician comes to make her mind active again, of course I will not let her go anymore. With the palm of my hand, the toxin immediately invaded her. Body, the woman's face is green now!

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