Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7308: : Shoulder

"Fairy, I'll give you another chance. Either take a Tian Yuanbao jade and treat it as if it didn't happen, or I'll be serious, don't blame me for not saying it when the time comes." I said with an eyebrow.

Although the beauty fairy knew that I had released the power of the Taoist soul, she was not afraid, and her cultivation base was much higher than mine, so she thought it was just some treasure I used, so she said: "You become perfect as a god. The junior, dare to threaten a predecessor who has achieved complete enlightenment? It is simply absurd!"

I shook my head, and then pointed my finger towards her. In an instant, the power of heaven and earth burst out, and the spotted area within the domain was deconstructed on the spot, watching the palm and body powder disappear. , Deconstruction in the realm cannot rely on powerful forces to reconsolidate the body, so decomposition cannot be aggregated, and the beauty fairy immediately prepares to escape with the enlightenment Yuan Ying!

Naturally, I would not let her escape. The reconstruction technique directly compressed her Enlightenment Nascent Soul. The next moment, her whole body's spiritual energy collapsed, and even the clothes disappeared because of little power left.

In order to prevent the Enlightenment Realm Great Perfection from absorbing aura speed, I came to her in an instant, and then grabbed her into the glass bottle.

Looking at the little fairy in the bottle, my face was expressionless, but I secretly said in my heart that I did not see it just now, but now I can only be forced to see it.

Even if it was a moment, the fairy had already absorbed some power, but it was not enough to condense the clothes. She could only be slightly awake. Seeing that she was caught in the glass bottle in this state, she was inside again. Frightened and angry, but also extremely embarrassed and embarrassed, hugged his body and could only cry there.

"Knowing that you are wronged, I can't stand it here. After I have succeeded in enlightenment, I will let you go." After I said to myself, I put the bottle away, and no one noticed this scene. I immediately cleaned the surroundings. Dao Soul breath, and then plunged into the pool.

The pool was not deep, but it was not over the head. After I floated up, I started to meditate on the water.

Enlightenment is not only the process of perceiving the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, as long as one finds the position of the Nascent Soul in the heaven and earth, one can realize the success of Dao, and the power of the realm of Dao Soul is also the source of the power that I can motivate. The sake of the lake.

Feeling the fluctuations between heaven and earth, indeed has the foundation of enlightenment, it seems that Fu Yu is right.

I used deconstruction techniques to disperse my current body, and placed myself in the lake in the state of being transformed into a soul. With the continuous operation of the power of the Taoist soul, in a short time, the power of the Taoist soul I realized gradually gathered my soul. This It's no longer what medicine can do.

Because the power of Dao soul urged by the spiritual roots of heaven and earth is not as good as the attributes of Dao soul that really come from heaven and earth. They will be attracted by me into my Nasal Infant, constantly washing my Nasd Infant, and let me It is even more handy when guiding this Dao Soul attribute.

This process lasted one day and one night.

I completely converted the Yuan Ying from God to Enlightenment. When I stood up, my skin and internal organs and the extended spiritual veins began to regain an enlightened body, and my body now mobilizes the power of Dao soul even more. Convenience, not only can be derived from internal law, but also can guide external forces to gather together.

Under the two-phase response, the power of the soul will also be unimaginable.

I instantly released the traction that guides the Dao Soul attribute. The surrounding area with a radius of 500 meters is all within the range of my Dao Soul domain. The concrete black and white colors are like the graphics of Liangyi Heaven and Earth. And this range is the power of heaven, earth, and soul that can be mobilized.

I was not satisfied with this, because after entering the realm of enlightenment, my power was extremely abundant, and after the power of my own soul was suddenly released, the space of five hundred meters seemed to be frozen by a force, although I can spread the range of Dao Soul to an area with a radius of one kilometer, but its energy intensity is far inferior to the current one.

If it is based on the current regional space, any immortal family who has enlightened the Great Perfection, or even the eclosion realm, may not be able to escape, and scope deconstruction or reconstruction techniques will make them inevitable!

Although this kind of power is incomparable with the days of creation, I am still full of expectations for the power of the Taoist Soul of the Liangyitian. The power of the Taoist Soul is the power of the law of the Eight Desolate World. I have the power of the Taoist Soul of the Liangyi Heaven. The power means that I have the foundation to control Liangyitian. Once I reach the level of proving the Dao in this horrendous world, the soul of the two yitians will infuse my creation day. Powerful motivation!

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