Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7311: : As appropriate

Not long after, she regained a small part of her power due to the special effects of the Yang Shen Dan. Although she was still hesitant and distrustful, she finally walked into the stone hall honestly and pushed away the faceless. Idol.

I followed her and flew into the area of ​​the underground river.

The environment below is different from that of Fucang Mountain, except that the branches and trunks here are completely submerged in the water. It is said that more than 30 fruits are produced every year. This fruit is a long-term resource and will give birth to a similar number of earth fairy fruits every year. , But it cannot be ripened by external force.

But there are exceptions.

"You mean, every year during the harvest competition, Tiancheng will give out the harvested part of the fairy fruit to reward the winning sect?" This is the most useful information I heard today.

"Don't you know? The fruit ripening stage of the fairy tree is still balanced, but in autumn, the fruit ripening will reach the peak state. Usually even here, there are about a dozen ripe fruits to pick at that time, like today After the winter, when every mountain is at its most barren, every household is shy, so those with a lot of fruit will inevitably be coveted.” Ruan Yuer explained.

"That's the first time I heard about it." I took the fairy fruit that Ruan Yuer had picked and prepared to pat my **** and leave.

Ruan Yu'er grabbed me and asked, "Tell me, you go to Fu Cang Mountain, and how much fruit did Fu Yang give you without tune?"

"Four." I smiled.

"Ah? So many? How could she save so many fruits?" Ruan Yuer was surprised, and then muttered faintly: "No wonder you succeeded in enlightenment, and then helped her so much. That is to say, what she is now There is no fruit on the side?"

"Yes, I don't know which of the few mountain disciples and mountain owners who are currently surrounding Fucang Mountain, which is more wealthy?" I asked.

When Ruan Yuer heard this, she immediately knew what I wanted to do. With my strength, she knew that it would only be a sweeping situation, so which one she refers to now is basically unlucky.

There is no contradiction between which mountain top here. Ruan Yuer knows that I want to protect Cangshan. Now it is too extravagant to help Cangshan to take a bath. Fuyang is not easy to bully, so she hesitated and said, "I know there is a family. They collected some fruits, and their mountain owners are also very high-profile. Usually we have discussions and exchanges, always thinking about me and Fuyang as well as other fairies. This time he also took the opportunity to attack the mountain, and even threatened that he has seven or eight earth fairy fruits. , But they gave up without asking for a favor. In fact, it was the incident they provoked. They didn't intend to win an empty mountain at all. They just wanted Fu Yang and her disciples to have nowhere to go."

"Oh? Did you make a fuss about Fucang Mountain before?" I curiously asked.

"Well, you can't attack the mountain. Although you have the right to resist the battle, facing the challenge of your cultivation base, I think they may also take it, but you know, if they are not good, they can be unconditional because of the attack. Those who refuse to fight for half a month don't always have to fight." Ruan Yuer said.

"What should I do then?" I smiled.

"I will hand over the displacement of the mountain lord, and go with you to attack the mountain, and tell him that if we lose, we will join them in Drunken Shadow Mountain. He is so lustful, he must agree." Ruan Yuer said.

"You handed over to the seat of the mountain lord? Just to help me? Why are you so good to me?" I looked at Ruan Yu'er curiously.

"I...how did I treat you well, if this thing succeeds, you also need to give me fruit..." Ruan Yuer's face was red.

"So, if things are done with your ability, I will divide you according to the number of fruits, and the lowest is naturally not less than one. What do you think?" I said.

"That would be the best." Ruan Yuer nodded hurriedly.

When it hit it off, we immediately turned to the foot of Fucang Mountain. Without much effort, we found the disciple who was resting in the forest. Seeing the two of us came together, one of the disciples was shocked and hurriedly asked why Ruan Yuer was with me. Together.

"I want to give up the position of the mountain lord to one of your disciples. I will not be your instructor. You can bring the brand back and discuss with the disciples who will take over as the mountain lord." After Ruan Yuer finished speaking, he threw the sign Famous disciple, that disciple's cultivation level also had the middle stage of enlightenment, and when he heard this, he planned to save him, but a disciple of the later stage of enlightenment who had inquired immediately stopped him, grabbed the token in his hand, and whispered a few words in a low voice. After speaking, she said to Ruan Yu'er, "If this is the case, then I hope Master, your long journey will be smoothly and smoothly in the future."

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what happened to you and the boss. Have you been coveting my position for a long time?" Ruan Yuer snorted coldly.

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