Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7314: : Black Smoke

"Oh? Tell me." I don't know the rules of Tiancheng. If the disciple of Drunken Shadow Mountain is killed, it will definitely be eye-catching. I feel that the punishment is too light to let them run around.

"Since you can grab their Nascent Infant into this bottle, it's better to hand it to me and auction it off in the black market of Tiancheng. As for what the other party wants to do, we can't control that much." Ruan Yuer said.

"Can this guy sell it like this?" I asked curiously, and Ruan Yuer smiled: "Not long after you came, you don't know much about the rules of Tiancheng. Although Tiancheng cannot be followed, it is ruled by people. The so-called anger is hard to commit. If it is chaotic, killing people and surpassing goods here will be punished by other mountain gates. This Drunken Shadow Mountain is usually used to domineering and has already committed public anger. We will sell them, and no one will say anything."

"So that's the case, then if I only grab the fruit, I should also be guilty of public anger?" I laughed.

"Of course, when you hit Zuiying Mountain now, no one will say anything about you. But if you dare to hit a few more hills with good character, or if you have a lot of friends and have friendly contacts with other hills, I'm afraid it will be very difficult. It's hard for everyone to accept it," Ruan Yuer said.

"Okay, then I just pick those thorns and evil doors to hit the hill." After I finished speaking, I took out a mountain lord token from the mountain lord's storage bag of Drunken Shadow Mountain, and then I was about to walk to the temple.

"Johor Bahru mainly holds a license for a faceless idol, don't forget it," Ruan Yuer said.

I immediately consulted the process, and after getting the answer, I flew down the underground river. This Drunken Shadow Mountain is smaller than Fucang Mountain.

After diving into the water, let alone these underground rivers, I feel like Yunmeng Xianzong is a place where water is hidden. Although this may not be the Tiancheng wastewater treatment area, it should be essentially the same. It also nourishes the sacred tree, allowing it to be able to Fruits are constantly being produced, or does the sacred tree itself like this water quality?

Then I thought about it, this Tiancheng has a sacred tree because there is an underground river. I have such a huge water storage area. What if I take the fruit to plant it there?

Thinking of this, I was full of spirits. If the place where the water is hidden can really nourish the **** tree, then I can be developed, at least I also have a foundation that is no less than that of a heavenly city.

However, it might not be easy to grow into such a big sacred tree, but as I mastered the ripening technology, I used the flute of the Xianle Temple to ripen it. I don’t know how effective it is? Thinking of this situation, I jumped with excitement.

This Fu Yu can go out of the Heavenly City to experience, let me see if I can steal some fruit and plant it.

The end area of ​​the huge rhizome in the water really looks like a lumpy big fruit. The immature fruits are just like little fingers, and the mature ones are the size of a cucumber, but they are not the same as what Ai Zha bragged about before. I counted the mature ones, but it was only about four.

It seems that it is the end of the year, and this group of drunks are also short of supplies. I don't care about it. After packing them in a special box, they returned to the top of the mountain.

"There are only four fruits, I promised you, I will give you one fruit, which is considered to be yours. I have to send the remaining four fruits to Fucang Mountain. Now I can pay the debt. Of course, if you If I can provide more information to me, I will give you more commissions." After I finished speaking, I glanced at the token of Drunken Shadow Mountain and threw it to her: "But you can wait, there are three more. Months should be mature soon, and it can be considered as the seven that the intelligence said."

Holding this fruit and token, the little girl had a joyful expression. Of course, she seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said: "I know this guy is lying, but one is in the range I can accept, and I Thank you for not having time to thank you, why are you still thinking about more requests? As for this Drunken Shadow Mountain, I don’t want it either. Since there are three of them that are about to mature, if you don’t let Fuyang come here, I’m thinking about her success. Lake, let's change it."

"Hehe, I think she will be too lazy to change with you." I laughed.

"Yes, then I can only stay here?" Ruan Yuer looked regretful, but soon she said: "By the way, the disciple of Zuiyingshan has sold money, where can I go to give you money?"

"Send to Fu Cang Mountain, I am afraid you will stay here soon, I will go to attack the mountain next, the fruit is not enough to pay my debt." I said.

Ruan Yuer nodded, and then said: "I'll go with you. I don't want to be the lord of Drunken Shadow Mountain. It's smoky, and I can't keep it alone, right?"

"Well, wait for a few fruits to mature before sending it out." I suggested.

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