Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7324: :rainy season

"I...I, I...I am a great monk in the Feathering Realm. How can I lose to... in the hands of your junior?" Healed the wound, but the Qihaiqiao acupoint was broken, and the breath that impacted the wound was gushing out too quickly, and it was not easy to heal.

Every time I hit the intersection of air and sea, the manifestation of sword skills was especially prominent at this time. I glanced at a group of chilling disciples behind the old man, and I said faintly, "Mountain Lord Dongchen, you don’t want it for yourself. You can work hard with me, but have you ever thought about your death, what about your disciples? Is the face of Feathering Realm more important than them? You alone are powerful, and a group of disciples at the critical moment are like wine and rice bags that are not useful, and there are What's the use? When you run into me alone, it's just a bunch of dishes for people to pick up."

The old man was squeezed by me, and it was inevitable that his anger fell by three points. I saw that he began to hesitate and said: "You have occupied Luli Mountain for many years. As a result, a group of disciples have been condescending. They have long lost their original intention to defeat the sky and leave Luli. Mountain, the seventy-two peaks of Tiancheng, there will eventually be a place for your masters and disciples, but here, you no longer need it."

Old Monster Dongchen listened, he huffed and knelt on the ground with a sorrowful expression on his face, but soon he took out a mountain lord token from his storage bag and slowly put it on the ground: "Tianwai Heaven, outsider, the old man really lost, today the mountain lord token is handed over to you, and please be kind to all of Luli Mountain. In the future, the old man will bring his disciples to this mountain and embrace this mountain again. Into the arms."

"Only the lost will be cherished, let's go!" I grabbed the token with a big hand and took the token into my hand. This is also a test for the old monster Dongchen. He has been able to admire Xianzhou for many years and understands everything he knows. He will understand what others don't.

Old Monster Dongchen looked at a group of disciples and said with a wry smile: "Disciples, are you still willing to follow as a teacher and start over again?"


"Master! We are willing! We are willing!"

A group of disciples all cried loudly, including the fairy friend of Fu Yu, who was also crying bitterly. Although this old Dongchen is not particular about doing things, he can still pull each disciple up over the years, relatively small mountain gates. They didn't wronged them too much, and they could even be said to be quite wealthy, but that doesn't mean that their xinxing at the moment is still eligible to enjoy these treatments.

After listening to the disciples’ confession, the old man recovered a bit. He was like a kangaroo, holding each disciple’s Yuan Ying into his arms, and left Luli Mountain crying and laughing.

Fu Yu watched this scene and sighed bitterly: "Mount Dongchen is only now awakening. Although it is too late, but his upward desire still exists, there must be a place for him at the Seventy-two Peaks, but compared to the old Wei Dongchen. In other words, Dao Xia, you are more reasonable and experienced in emotions. In my opinion, you are like a wise man who sees through the world, constantly allowing me to feel the brilliance of human nature and experience the only warm current in the cold world."

"Stop flattering me, I'm the youngest?" I couldn't help but glared at him, frightened Fu Yu quickly waved, and said: "It's just that Dao Master Xia is hard to understand, Fu Yu is too young in comparison."

"Okay, let's not say these things, and quickly follow me to the underground river to have a look." I shook my head and smiled, and then lifted the mountain attack. After the mountain owner token was authenticated, we quickly fell into the underground river.

After looking at the environment, as Xun Yu said, there is a puddle with dripping water through the rocks, about the size of a small washbasin, so I don’t know how many years it has existed. I didn’t immediately check the status of the bugs. Instead, I dived into the water and checked the fruits here. As a result, I suddenly complained to the old man. This guy is a miser. There are more than 40 fruits here, and there are still six ripe fruits. It can be seen that even by the end of the year. , The old man also has the idea of ​​keeping fruit for the winter!

It's no wonder that some disciples have reported that this old Dongchen is unfair, and that there are so many fruits that are undifferentiated and excessive.

I picked off all the ripe fruits and gave one of them to Fu Yu. I thanked him for providing information this time. The remaining five earth fairy fruits were collected and used as experiments.

Of course, Fu Yu was grateful, and when I went down, he had already checked the surroundings, so he pointed to a place where water was dripping and said, "It is said that this place falls into the water according to the season. Is there a place to store water on this mountainside? With the advent of the rainy and dry seasons, it fluctuates, overflows and overflows, and dry but no water?"

I nodded and said, "You have analyzed well. In the process of the possible formation of the mountain, a pool has formed in the middle."

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