Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7326: :lead the way

These small insects are difficult to see with ordinary eyesight, which means that they are very fragile, otherwise Tiancheng would not be able to easily poison such a large number of insects.

Fortunately, over the years, a lot of worms have been breeding in the lake, which made me feel relieved. I took out a large bucket from the storage bag, put some of the worms into it with the water here, and then searched for it. Once again, I found that there was nothing else, confirmed that the cave came from the sky, and then left with Fuyu.

When I got outside, Fu Yu took out the prize I won. I took it and said, "Are you disappointed? Actually, you don’t have to, so let me give you a chance. If you can tell me about these fairy fruits Gender, I can give you one more."

As a result, Fu Yu suddenly shook his head and said, "I have swallowed this thing as soon as it left the water. Where would I actively study their male and female? But if there are enough, it is not difficult to find out the peculiarities among them."

"It makes sense. To produce seeds, you need to have both male and female fruits, otherwise the seeds will not be born in vain." I took out all the fruits, compared them, and quickly became confused: "It seems There is no singularity, what should I do now?"

"If you don't immerse them all in it, these bugs can get in and out of the fairy fruit to pollinate, we can see that there must be a way to distinguish." Fu Yu explained.

After nodding, I could only wash all six fruits, and put them in the bucket after not contaminating them with any medicine as much as possible.

Sure enough, seeing a group of bugs start to wander around the earth fairy fruit, I knew I was right this time.

With the bucket covered, I just have to wait for these bugs to take effect. Fu Yu watched this scene with curiosity, and said for a while: "It is said that the essence of the earth fairy fruit will be continuously swallowed by the bugs, from absorption to completeness. In the process of being absorbed, the earth fairy fruit will gradually wither, and finally the worm will grow bigger, until the seed bursts out from the worm. The worm is a seed, and the seed is a worm, and it is not known whether it is real."

"There is such a thing?" I was surprised.

"Exactly, so I also want to verify the authenticity." Fu Yu smiled.

Suddenly, I said, "No wonder Tiancheng chooses to use poison to wipe out these insects. If the fruit wilts, energy absorption will be discounted, and the bugs will run around everywhere, which is really not conducive to the environment of Tiancheng."

"So don't let the inspector of Tiancheng see it, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." After Fu Yu finished speaking, he summoned a pile of rocks, which condensed into a huge stone, and directly blocked the leak.

Returning to the top of Luli Mountain, I put the bucket in an unobtrusive place. At this time, looking at the situation inside, there are no insects wandering outside. It is estimated that all of them have entered the six fairy fruits. I just have to wait for these bugs to give birth to seeds.

But after careful observation, it is different from what I expected. These bugs are like ants moving house. They will constantly convert and absorb the energy of the fruit, which means that they are not fixed to the fruit in it, but choose to go around. It is estimated that only they can distinguish the male and female of these fruits.

After observing for a day, it is estimated that it is not easy to consume six fruits. During this time, I also need to do something else, so I am going to go to the black market. As the bucket is not easy to take away, let Fu Yu take care of it for me. .

This guy followed me all night watching those bugs. The addiction was still great, so I asked him to help. He was very excited, and he could see that he likes to study some weird things.

Tiancheng is a place of luxurious architecture. There are palaces and pavilions in the city, layered on top of each other, even higher than the mountain.

There are only two main roads, which are staggered horizontally and vertically, and the buildings are lined up on both sides. Most of them are treasure pavilions or some infrastructure. Of course, it is not easy to do business here. Most of them are for the purpose of serving the city. It is said that many others are admirers The source of Xianzhou Commercial Pavilion is the top source of goods in Mu Xianzhou.

This is why I am willing to take a look.

Tiancheng is not very popular. Even in broad daylight, there are only a few celestial families walking around on the street. When looking at some shops, there is only one disciple who looks after the business.

Just when I was about to wander around, one of the young disciples walked up to me and asked familiarly: "Seeing friends looking around, but aimlessly, I think this should be the first time in the city, right? A companion, let me show you the way? Everyone is Tiancheng children, so what do you think about making friends?"

I glanced around, nodded and said, "Alright, but this leads the way and doesn't charge money, right?"

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