Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7342: : Obliterate

The whole scene was extremely chaotic, and although many immortals did not dare to approach, they took up most of them to watch from the air. Zhulan laughed wildly there as if she didn't care at all. This is probably the happiest day in her life.

Of course I can’t see this kind of deception and destroying the ancestors, and I immediately prepared to give her a deconstruction technique. However, before I raised my hand, the middle-aged man with the sword had stopped in front of Zhulan with a vigilant look. Facing me, it is estimated that the scene where I rescued Lezhi just now has been noticed by him.

Deconstruction and reconstruction are used interchangeably to directly destroy an eclosion realm. This is too weird for a first realm of enlightenment, not to mention that I have now taken over the Tiange, which should have been spread throughout the city. Yes.

Fu Yu, Wutong, and Ruan Yuer had already arrived outside the field. At this time, the dust had settled. They quickly ran to me. Ruan Yuer hugged the child from my hand, and Fu Yu motioned me to look at the laser beam shot just now. The direction to come.

"It's the city lord who is here. I will ask Dao Master Xia to be impulsive. I will mediate from it." Fu Yu said in a low voice.

I looked up at the sky, a transparent figure in the cloud, which slowly landed at this moment. The reason why I can see it is judged by the visual deviation between the eyes and the cloud caused by the same thickness of the human body.

I was surprised secretly, this city lord is actually transparent, this is simply surprising, this is the case of caring, if you usually don't pay attention, it may be really difficult to find him.

Maybe he had arrived a while ago, but he stood silently in the sky on purpose.

The transparent man landed and said slowly: "Qinping sinned a lot, and died more than guilty, and the relic was returned to Tiancheng. This is the end of the matter."

After finishing speaking, the transparent person stretched out his hand, and the intact spirit skill ball in Zhulan's hand floated towards the transparent person where the explosion area was.

I was expressionless, the Spirit Skill Ball belonged to Qinping. Just now the old lady fell into the hands of Zhulan after her death, and now it fell into the hands of the Sky City Sovereign Lord, which is better than the former.

Although everyone coveted Shen Tianshi, if the City Lord of the Heavenly City got it, they would be relieved one by one, and he could see the status of the City Lord of the Heavenly City in everyone's minds.

After getting the Spirit Skill Ball in his hand, the city owner only glanced at it, and the Spirit Skill Ball disappeared, and it should have been in the storage bag.

"Uncle Tu and Chi Niang, you should not make the matter of Tianfang and Tiange after you deal with the matter of Tianfang and Tiancheng, do you understand?" The city lord of Tiancheng should be a middle-aged person, at least the voice is not sick or not. Xu makes people feel coerced in it.

The sword-bearing man and the finger nun, known as Tu Bo and Chi Niang, immediately responded. When the figure of the city lord soon flew into the sky, the two bowed their heads respectfully.

Fu Yu, who was next to me, originally thought that the city lord would say something to me, but seeing that the city lord not only ignored me, but even Zhulan ignored me, he was relieved: "The city lord is such a person, nothing to do. , I will let Uncle Tu and Chi Niang handle it."

Uncle Tu and Chi Niang glanced at each other, and then walked towards Zhulan and me.

Chi Niang looked at me and said, "Pavilion Master Xia, you should have heard it just now. How does this end? After all, the hostages were released and the kidnappers were killed by you. Qin Ping deserved the crime, even if there is more hatred, She is also dead, so this kind of treatment is the most fair, what do you think?"

"Hehe, it's very fair." I didn't smile, and people had to bow their heads under the eaves. This city lord showed this hand. The strength can be described in absolute terms. Even Qin Ping couldn't wear Shen Tianshi. Protect yourself. With my current strength, he is definitely not his opponent. Since he doesn't plan to pursue others, then I am happy to buy more time.

The reason may be that he got the Shen Tianshi Spirit Skill Ball, or he felt that the situation would get out of control if the trouble goes on. After all, Tiange and Tianfang are likely to be in a state of war, and some minors will be affected. The treasure pavilion brought Tiancheng into chaos.

"If this is the case, let's do the same. Pavilion Master Xia has taken over the Tiancheng Pavilion, and please also operate within the scope permitted by Tiancheng. Don't exceed the allowable limit. Let's pass it, hope you won't see you again." Chi Niang After calmly speaking, he looked at Tu Bo's side.

Zhulan over there was more refreshing than I promised, as if her dead subordinates were not in her control, and easily agreed to stop the matter, and then returned to Tianfang with other immortals, but turned around when she left. Just looking at my eyes, the charming woman grinned at me with an ambiguous smile, and then made an obliteration gesture with her finger on her neck before disappearing from my sight.

"Auntie and the others are already there, Dao Master Xia, what shall we do now?" Fu Yu asked.

I glanced at the little girl in Ruan Yu'er's arms and said, "Go back to the Tiange first. This matter won't be over as simple as that."

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