Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7346: : Fairy

"Auntie is talking about that bad old man?" Fu Yu asked quickly.

"It's him. If you can invite him to the Shoutian Pavilion, I think it will be fine." Fu Yang lay on the jade platform, touching the jade, and happily. For these luxurious products, Fu Cangshan But no.

"But will he come? That person is a very strange master." The third child said quickly.

The second girl glanced at me and said, "Anyway, it's not us who can invite him. He can do everything. If that's the case, why don't you let him go?"

I smiled and said, "What is this weird man? Can someone please move him before? What is his strength?"

"Of course the strength goes without saying! I haven't seen him lose a battle so far, and he often beats more like you! I'm taking his strength as an example!" said the old four with his arms akimbo.

"Are you talking about casual cultivating?" Ruan Yuer pointed out the other party's name.

"Random cultivator? Tell me in detail why he was asked to practise casually." I curiously asked.

"This person seems to have been there since I entered the Celestial City. It is said that he has been in the Celestial City for many years. He acts and lives in a casual and peaceful manner. He does not accept any solicitation. He does whatever he likes. Sometimes I see him wandering. In the mountains and the wild, he never rested for several days, nor did he use magical flying to travel. Sometimes during the day, he would see him drinking in a tree when he passed by, and he would hang on the tree to sleep when he saw him the next day, and he was not missing. With little clothing and food, his strength is still too high. Even many hills reported to the city lord because of his deliberate mischief, and the city lord ignored him." Ruan Yuer said.

"It's okay for him to report the trouble to the city lord? Is it not up to the standard of punishment or is it?" I am even more curious. It is also a wonderful thing to be able to achieve this level of immunity.

"Who said that he could not meet the standard of punishment? He acted in a mess, and he can fight what you have." Ruan Yuer said.

"Yes, I can pick one thing out at will. For example, when he came to a hill and found that the scenery here was very emotional for him that day, he said to the owner of that hill,'Take all the disciples away and lend me the hill. A few days', hehe, guess what? If they don’t allow him, he will go back to the mountain. No matter how many people you come, he can beat the other party and have to convince him. In the end, he can only use the mountain tops, even some big ones, As long as he wants not to give it, he can still attack it, just like you! But it is said that after several major attacks on the mountain, everyone is honest. Whenever he goes up the mountain, he has to borrow the mountain for a use, most of the mountain. The Lord will also use it for him, only take away the disciples and clear the top of the mountain. Anyway, nothing will be lost." Fu Yu said.

"Then he borrowed the top of the mountain to do what he did on the mountain? For example, when he was hungry, he could find some fruit, or something else. Does anyone know?" People playing on the hill.

"He wouldn't find any fairy fruit. According to those immortal families who occupied the mountain, it was not about the fairy fruit at all, and he didn't see what he took away. At most, there are wine and wine storage in the mountain. , He will open the altar to see what kind of good wine is, but it is said that there is no less than a sip of any wine, and they will seal it back for you after opening it. This is not only that, why do you say that the wine from Drunken Shadow Mountain will occasionally give some good wines? Going to the auction? In fact, they are all casual repairs and re-seal the altar, but that can buy a lot of money!" Fu Yu said with a smile.

"I'm afraid that I didn't think the wine was bad, so I helped improve the quality of the wine again? Then, what else did he do besides improving the quality of the wine? Doesn't anyone know?" I couldn't laugh or cry.

"After so many years, how can no one know? Some immortals rushed back to watch after being driven out of the mountain gate. Although they knew it, they didn't bother to pay attention. Own, it is said that he suddenly drinks alcohol, splashes ink and paints, dances swords and fists, or lie quietly on the top of the mountain and watch the nebula change. It is crazy and crazy to say what he is doing, so over time, everyone will I'm not interested in his actions anymore, and let him go all around on the mountain. Anyway, after a few days, he has nothing to do and goes down the mountain. Everyone will come back." Fuyu smiled bitterly.

"There is such a weird person, where can I find him? I want to meet him for a while." My heart is even more interested in this casual cultivator.

"It’s hard to say, maybe you behave misbehavior on a certain peak of Mount 72, or sleep in a mountain stream or cave. Anyway, he is difficult to behave, and he is safe everywhere. Fortunately, it’s not a big city. Feel free to look for it. Maybe you can find it." Fu Yu shook his head and said.

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