Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7388: : Submerged

After listening to my words, Lin Mi’s face will inevitably alternate between red and white. This is an inner struggle under a huge opportunity decision. She can’t help but calm down, but I don’t have so much time to wrestle with her here and take out a conferred furnace. Put it on the stone table: "Your master is here. If you don't plan to follow in my footsteps, I have a way to make other people take over this huge opportunity. Then, don't regret not standing in the right place."

Seeing me put down the cage decisively, and then walked towards the gate, Lin Mi hurriedly stopped in front of me: "I would like to hear Dao Xia's words!"

"Is that right? Accepting other people's suggestions can sometimes make me feel better, whether it is an enemy or a friend, right?" I stopped with a smile.

"Dao Xia, please come to my seat." Lin Mi reached out and asked me to return to my seat. This time I was asked to go up. Therefore, Xue Qingcheng glanced at me, as if saying that I was old and cunning.

"Hehe, it seems that Sect Master Lin Mi is still very motivated. Then you Master, I will put it away for you for now, because from now on, once you walk on the road I gave, it means you will not return. Lu, even if the last **** is alive, I’m afraid I don’t want to see you like this, so it should be better if your master is placed with me. Of course, when you become famous, who cares about the betrayal and abandonment? "I smiled and put away the cage. In fact, it was completely empty inside. I left both cages in Fenglan City.

Lin Mi did not tell me to go back to Master, she just bit her lip, and then seemed to make up her mind: "Just say it, don't talk nonsense, if I don't think it will work, even if it is given me some status, I am not willing to do it!"

I smiled and said, "It is natural. First, I want you to recognize our identity as the hermit of God. Second, I want you to take us to the Temple of the End. Third, to win our trust in the Temple of the End. As for you What will we get? It's very simple. When we leave, everything we won is not yours anymore?"

"You mean the more you invest, the more you fight, and the more you get?" Lin Mi asked with her eyebrows. Seeing that I didn't speak, she gritted her teeth and said, "But you should also know that we are just Lingxian City Demon Sect. The biggest one in this is not the best in terms of foundation compared to other cities. I can bring you into the Temple of the End, but I can't guarantee what I can win."

"I know the situation of your Xianxian faction. I know that your power is relatively limited. However, I can raise your power to an unimaginable level, such as..." I said, waving my sleeves, and the next moment, the house was full. The sub's sky crystals were all covered, so that Lin Mi, the accustomed demon cultivator Sect Master, was also shocked. Looking at so many sky crystals, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"These... are all sky crystals!?" Asking and answering questions, Lin Mi picked up a handful of sky crystals, and Lin Mi's face was shocked, "You mean we can use all the sky crystals here to help Are you active?"

Before seeing my move of throwing money, Lin Mi was not stupid, knowing that this was the most effective, and what the magic repair needed was the sky crystal. With this thing, the buyer would be caught.

"Yes, as a divine hermit, it is naturally not easy for me to obtain the status of your last temple, but if you have these celestial crystals, it should not be too difficult to obtain the position of the temple? If there are not enough celestial crystals on this hill, I have more!" I looked rich.

Lin Mi's eyes were full of enthusiasm, but she still suppressed her ecstasy and said, "With so many heavenly crystals, it is enough to buy a magic repair in a fairy city. It is simply too easy to bribe the temple of the end."

"Very well, how about we set off now? With the reason of the salvation of the hermit." I don't have so much time to prepare.

"Can you tell me, where did these celestial crystals come from? Our magic cultivator digs day and night, the amount of a year is only so, and the amount is reduced year by year, and the scattered, all these years have been unable to make ends meet, you Feng Lan Where did the city get so many sky crystals?" Lin Mi asked suspiciously.

I glanced at Xue Qingcheng, and then coldly said to Lin Mi: "These are not what you should ask, tidy up, and you can set off."

With the unrestricted mining of the sky crystals over the years, it has indeed decreased tremendously. After all, even if Xiao Tun's parents eat day and night, they can't pull out much **** to infect the sky crystals.

In addition, the sky crystal is still submerged, and many mineral veins cannot be found without diving into the bottom of the ground blood. This means that the ratio of ground blood and quantity is the same as that of finding ambergris on the seabed, and the difficulty of mining is linearly increased.

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