Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7396: : Set foot

"This..." The Sect Master of the Last God Sect was difficult to answer for a while, which was what I had expected a long time ago.

"Tiancheng has always gathered Mu Xianzhou's Tianjiao into Tiancheng to prevent them from wandering in Muxianzhou, making the sects more difficult to control, and indirectly helping us Moxian, isn't it?" You Ling Wang hurriedly relieved.

I sneered and said, "Heaven is unscrupulous in introducing Mu Xianzhou Tianjiao into Tiancheng, but have they harmed which Tianjiao? Those Tianjiao are all alive and kicking in Tiancheng! They should practice cultivation, they should eat the earth fairy fruit, There is no shortage. What should be strong or still strong, then what do you think Tiancheng wants to do?"

"The hermit of the gods is right! Sky City gathers so many Tianjiao, there must be a conspiracy! Our last immortal must have been deceived by them!" Zuo Ling King also took the opportunity to get to the bottom.

"Hmph, our Tianjing was not given for nothing. We also received a blessing and got a lot of things that our Demon Realm Immortal Family can't get! Or are they hard-to-obtain resources?" King You Ling quibbled.

At the end of the Shenzong Sect Master fell into contemplation, it is estimated that the first plan to give the two spirit kings to quarrel first, but I did not give a chance, said: "Haha, everyone is becoming stronger, but you think it is the possibility of Tiancheng Tianjiao becoming stronger. Is it bigger, or is it more likely that Moyu Moxian will become stronger? And will Tiancheng go to Zhongyuanzhou, no one is the roundworm in the stomach of their City Lord, if one day they are going, how can we Moxian resist? Isn't it just waiting for the return of the last god?"

The Right Spirit King's face was gloomy, and then he looked at Zuo Spirit King, and said coldly: "Zuo Spirit King, at that time the Celestial Envoy came to trade. You didn't say that. If it weren't for the Celestial City's cultivation, you were I wish I could sell all my daughters for their earth fairy fruit and magic weapon!"

"You! I was just a joke when I was negotiating with the messenger of the day! If it weren't close, how did this business do? And at that time, we were indeed scarce of the various resources of the city, didn't you have a good time? Now the heavenly spirits you are raising are all armed to the teeth, right?" Zuo Ling snorted and dismantled the platform.

"Hehe, the Holy Spirit under your command is not far away! It is said that you also bought a lot of private goods with Tianjing in private! Don't think we don't know, Tianjing deployment is all messed up by you!" You Ling Wang shot back unceremoniously.

"Enough!" The Sect Master of the Last God Sect interrupted the conversation between the two with a majestic look, and then looked at me and asked: "If the city of Heaven is going to hit the sanctuary one day, with the strength of our last immortal, it is indeed added together. It's impossible to fight, but even if we know this, we can't help it, the hermit, after you enter the world, you should have seen the predicament of our last immortal. According to you, what should we do?"

"The sky city is already strong enough. The inflow of the sky crystals is like a beast to them, and we go straight to the nine days. If things go on like this, the gap between us and them will become wider and wider. However, the inflow has been irreversible, but the interception is for us. But it’s easy. If you want to reverse this situation, you must sever all transactions related to Celestial Crystals with Celestial City. In this way, Celestial Crystals will be used by my last immortal, supplemented by the Divine Heart Techniques dedicated by our Divine Hermits to ease the demonization. Our overall strength will increase more and more, even if Tiancheng is also increasing strength, how can we get all the last immortals to practice the heavenly mental method, and there are gods such as heavenly crystals?" I said frantically.

When Zuo Lingwang heard his eyes lit up, he hurriedly said, "Yeah! Now that we have a divinity, why should we exchange some fairy fruit with Tiancheng, as well as the resources used to dissolve the devilish energy?"

"That's how it is said, but, do you remember that if it weren't for this deal with Tiancheng, we used to be pressed by the Muxianzhou sect in the past. There were so many bloodsheds back then, how could we easily forget who was in distress? Time to save our last immortal?" You Ling King said unwillingly.

The Sect Master of Mo Shenzong also nodded and said, “The King You Ling is right. If it weren’t for Tiancheng, those Muxianzhou sect alliances might have been built in our Temple of Mosquitoes. How can there be today’s chambers to resist the ceremony? The situation where Amagi winks?"

I secretly said that the Shenzong lord seems to be stubbornly crooked, otherwise, how could the right spirit king become such a hard bone to chew?

King Zuo Ling realized this too. He glanced at Wan Chi. This kid nodded cautiously. King Zuo Ling suddenly understood. He guessed that he was determined to go to my side, so he said: "Our Last God Sect is the people of the Last God. , Taking the last **** as an example, originally meant to prevent the mortals from setting foot in the sanctuary. Any force that might set foot in the sanctuary is our enemy, suzerain! Since the hermit has entered the world, we should listen to the words of the hermit!"

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