Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7407: : Kexia

I thought this devout and honest believer really did not dare to disobey his beliefs. Seeing that the Sect Master of the Last God Sect was already too scared, the Last God coldly looked at the left and right spirit kings behind him, and these two old guys also showed panic. I don't know what his **** has plans.

But don't worry about them, Mo Shen looked at them with contempt, and immediately looked at Xue Qingcheng.


In an instant, the real wind and waves of the last **** rushed over in an instant!

Xue Qingcheng immediately resisted with luck, including me, but the power I used just to resist this ignited storm.

"The breath of the body is the root of the whole soul, huh, you are the hermit of the gods?" The last **** finally showed joy, even though the joy still looked hideous.

"The last god, we are the hermit of the gods." I said with a pious face.

The last **** smiled, and immediately came to me, looked at me up and down and asked: "It is the spiritual root of heaven and earth, very good. You did not completely solve the puzzle I set, but you released the deity thousands of years earlier. It's a sin worthy of death, but this is a great fortune in misfortune, because next..."

A smile appeared inadvertently at the corner of my mouth, because I knew what he wanted to do next moment.

Sure enough, this guy faded away from that weird and skinny body in an instant, and flew directly at me with the original Taoist God of Mo, and wanted to crash into my body in an instant!

But the last god, who had been pleasantly surprised, never expected it. This result was completely beyond his expectation. He couldn't even stay for a while. He just got close to the power of the Taoist spirit radiating from my body, and the entire Taoist **** blasted off. Go out!

"Ah! How could it be possible!?" Moshen turned several somersaults, which stopped the decline of Taoism, and Moshen and the left and right spirit kings were stunned. They also knew what seizure was. This was weak Tao. The only way for God to return to the origin.

It is definitely not possible to restore it to the original state now, even if it activates all the puzzles of the big formation to give another initiation, it cannot be restored, because his spiritual vein itself is missing.

So I can only take away my body, and then rely on his own past practice experience to make another counterattack.

But he discovered that I was in a state of incompetence. I pretended to be panicked and quickly asked: "The last god?! Are you okay? What do you want me to do, please just say it straight."

"I want to seize your Taoist God! To seize your Taoist God!" At the end, he was so anxious that he never expected that he would fail, so he pounced on me again!

"The last god! Come on! I am willing to be your body! Burn my body, raging fire, illuminate the magic sky, glorious sanctuary!" I also looked crazy, waiting for him to pounce again!

As a result, there is no doubt that he directly failed again and was bounced twice in a row. Naturally, his broken Taoism was seriously injured.

"Why!? Why is this, wrong!? Could it be that you...you are..." He looked at me with an incredulous expression on his face, and he was extremely puzzled.

I also expressed my confusion and murmured: "Could it be...Is it because I am the reincarnation of the previous generation of the hermit, and the reason for having the memory of the previous life?"

"What!? You are the reincarnated person you are born to know? No wonder, no wonder! Damn! Why didn't you say it earlier!" Moshen looked uncomfortable, of course, his third seizure began.

But this time he obviously felt that I was cheating him, so he rushed in front of me, and then immediately buckled and rushed towards Xue Qingcheng!

"You are a reincarnation, but she shouldn't be anymore, right?! You are all spiritual roots of heaven and earth! The most suitable for me! Let me grab one!" The God of End clamored and accelerated.

Although Xue Qingcheng stood half a step in front of me, it was said that in terms of brain and experience, he was only higher than me. How could he not know that God cannot take us away? So he waited calmly.


This time the Moshen was bounced again, Xue Qingcheng's strength, the strength of this soul is even more unimaginable, so it blasted off after a foot, and his face was lost with anger.

Even the Sect Master of the Last God Sect and the Left and Right Spirit Kings were dumbfounded at this moment, with embarrassment on their faces.

The last **** was stunned this time: "Impossible! Could it be that you...wrong, he is the hermit of the gods, the Taoism is powerful, but you!"

"The last god, I am also a reincarnated reincarnated by birth, and I am also a reincarnated divine hermit of the previous generation." Xue Qingcheng wanted to laugh but tried to resist it. With this beautiful face and moon appearance, I was dumbfounded.

In fact, the hermit of the gods may not be able to stop him from taking the house, but Xue Qingcheng and I don’t have to worry, because although we don’t want to take the house, it’s absolutely easy to think about, because our deity’s soul is very terrifying. The guard, wanting to get up, is wishful thinking!

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