Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7415: : Seal

Compared with her before, Xue Qingcheng added a little more girly taste, and remembering these things seems to be less important. Some things, what if you don't remember? Everyone has forgotten, as long as important people and things are not forgotten, it may be a blessing.

What's more, life is unsatisfactory. The more you experience, the more you see, but instead loses innocence, it may not be bad for her to be like this now.

"What are you thinking about! Don't think about it anymore!" Xue Qingcheng complained and pushed me.

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" I looked at her with a smile, Xue Qing's face was reddish, and angrily said: "I know, you've been thinking about these things all day long anyway!"

"It seems that you have become a bug in my stomach for a while, and you know everything. How about I tell you more things that you don't even know what I'm thinking?" I Le road.

"No, you are not allowed to say!" Xue Qingcheng lightly hummed.

I stretched my hands and laughed, so I didn’t want to tease her anymore, lest I get anxious for a while, and I’m afraid I won’t have a cold war with me, so I looked around and changed the subject: "The Last God said that this place is actually a teleportation formation, but I didn’t notice it before. It seems that I still underestimated the old monster of Zhongyuanzhou, Shenxue, you should be familiar with the formation method of the Eight Desolation World, and there should be people who are good at it in Tiancheng. If not, how about you come and check it out?"

"Hey, that is the formation of Zhongyuanzhou! I do know the way of formation very well, but it is only limited to Mu Xianzhou. I have a little knowledge of Zhongyuanzhou's teleportation formation, and proficiency is not counted, but you That's right, Tiancheng does have people who are good at this." Xue Qingcheng's scallion-like fingers pointed to the sky, let me guess who it was.

"I see, it's Xu Xuan?" I blurted out, this guy also knew it by birth, so I don't need to say anything about Zhong Yuanzhou.

"So, if we want to study the teleportation formation of Zhongyuanzhou, we have to go back and invite Xuxuan here." Xue Qingcheng nodded.

It seemed that he couldn't get around this old man, but now it was time to go back, and if he dragged it down, Shanzhu Dabi would have to be late.

I recorded the situation here into the Tianyuanbaoyu, in case I could study it without being here, and also temporarily sealed the entrance. After all, when I was away, I didn’t know what the Spirit King would do to prevent everything. One should be.

Seeing us come out, the left and right spirit king and many officials are already welcoming each other happily. It seems that everyone has already got their own benefits. After all, the officials are also distributing the crystals one by one. Don't look at the performance of these guys. Very pious, once they really reach a high position, they actually use the faith of the last **** to seek benefits for themselves.

So to see what a person’s character is, in fact, giving him power can infinitely magnify the truth in his heart.

I didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, and after asking the left and right spirit king to settle the affairs of suzerain Moxiao, I prepared to take Xue Qingcheng and Lin Mi and other representatives to Fenglan City.

But when he was about to leave, the Zuo Ling King grabbed me, and he fumbled and asked whether there was the Sect Master’s token and the treasure of the entire Demon Territory in Mo Xiao’s storage bag.

I really forgot about this. After so many years of killing, I didn’t even bother to count some storage bags, so I searched for these little storage bags, not to mention, except for some trivial ones. In addition to the things, there are indeed two boxes, one large and one small, that look the most valuable.

One of the boxes is easy to open at any time. After opening, the suzerain’s token is indeed placed in it. It is a gem about the size of a fist. There is a small black dragon wandering in it. The black dragon whose head was smashed by Xue Qingcheng was exactly the same.

"It's very similar to the **** dragon, is there any connection?" I curiously asked.

"This suzerain credibility can inject its own power to cultivate the dragon of the last god. Based on the attributes of the suzerain, it will cultivate the incarnation of the last **** of the same attributes. It is like the black dragon of the previous suzerain. It is our suzerain. It has been cultivated since he came to the throne. Successive sect masters have been guarding the passage into the land of the gods with dragons, so the spirit king thought, if the gods of the gods leave, this land of gods will be taken care of by others. The people coveted it, so they wanted to ask for this suzerain token, and temporarily keep it...and protect the safety of the divine hidden place." Zuo Lingwang said flatly.

I secretly said that you shouldn’t tell me, I’m even more unlikely to give it to you now, so I said: “I’ve blocked the passage of God’s Hidden Land with a gate made of Peeping Stone. No one can Go in."

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