Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7434: :Jiu Niu

The city lord of Tiancheng and the old man from the Supreme Council glanced at each other, and both saw horror in each other's eyes.

"It's not good this time, it seems that we Tiancheng has set aside for Demon Realm." The old man of the Supreme Council had a very ugly face.

"Suddenly, the Demon Region got millions of Sky Crystals and bought the materials of Feng Lan City. Feng Lan City went to our Sky City to rush to buy them. Huh, isn't our Sky City being taken advantage of? Such a huge amount of sky crystals. It’s just a matter of time before the influx into the market becomes more worthless!" The city lord also realized the severity of the problem.

I shrugged and said, "I can't control market inflation. Anyway, the real money of Demon Realm buys my treasures of Fenglan City. We also trade with them with real money. I will buy things from Sky City instead. Give you fake celestial crystals? As for whether you lose or lose, I don't care. You have so many celestial crystals, can't that one celestial crystal be used?"

"Hmph, that's how it is said, but I am afraid that these Heaven Crystals will fall into our hands in the future." The old man snorted coldly.

"How to smash? Don't you use it? This consumption, several million at most, means that it will be gone for a while, and will it not be used in the future?" I chuckled.

"What do you know?" The old man didn't intend to talk to me anymore, but looked at the city lord of the sky city and said: "A Yuan, this matter is probably not easy. Let this kid's business go ahead. I'm going to attend the meeting too."

"Yes, too," the city lord agreed.

"Then it's okay, can I go now?" I laughed.

The two disappeared on the spot, and even the heaven crystals on the ground were also gone.

I looked at Uncle Tu and Chi Niang who looked confused, and said, "I said that while they are going to the meeting, would you take me to see Young City Master Shenxue?"

"Think beautifully." Uncle Tu was speechless to my face.

"It's impossible to see Young City Master. This year, she is afraid that it will be difficult for her to even walk around." Chi Niang hummed.

"Then it's okay to take a look at the picture?" I laughed.

"You dare to make ideas, I will work hard with you!" Uncle Tu anxiously said.

"Men are married and women are married. What about your family's picture? If I marry your young city lord, she won't be afraid to marry him?" I quipped.

"It seems to be right to say that?" Uncle Tu seemed reasonable when he heard it.

"Fart! Don't listen to him fooling! Do you think he looks better than you? Young City Lord can also marry him?!" Chi Niang slapped her angrily, and Uncle Tu shrank her head in fright.

"Father, mother." Zhao'er's deliberately lowered voice soon came from the outside. This weird little girl was secretly looking in from the outside at the moment. Seeing that I was okay, she smiled and said hello: "Pavilion Master Xia! Have you escaped a disaster?"

"Haha, I almost lost my head." I laughed at myself.

"Zhao'er! Why are you here! Didn't it make you think about it? Isn't it enough to be beaten?" Chi Niang said with a face.

Zhao'er was brave and said, "This is not the first time I have been beaten. I am worried that there will be an accident with Pavilion Master Xia. I know that you must be heading towards Pavilion Master Xia."

"You Nizi!" Chi Niang's face flushed, and Uncle Tu laughed, naturally not dare to say that I bought them.

I took out a small bag of Celestial Crystals and threw it to Zhao'er: "Zhao'er, I don't expect you to care about me so much. You can spend these Celestial Crystals, and if you don't have enough, I will take care of them."

"Ah? I can't accept it without merit." Zhao'er didn't dare to accept it, and planned to return it to me.

I smiled and said, "If you don't want it, just give it to you Young City Lord."

"Young City Master won't accept it!" Zhao'er stuck his tongue out, then glanced at the number of celestial crystals in the storage bag, and said in surprise: "Oh! So many?"

"Just as a reward for giving me a message in the future." I laughed.

"Send a message, give ten thousand?" Zhao'er made a gesture of wiping sweat, which stunned Chi Niang and Uncle Tu.

"One...ten thousand!? He gave you ten thousand?!" Unbelievers Tu had a look of disbelief, and hurriedly took the bag from Zhao'er, and Chi Niang was also surprised to come over and look into the bag together.

This bag of your 10,000 crystals is more than a lot, but the celestial crystals I brought this time are calculated on the basis of hills. These are just a drop in the bucket. Sending such an enthusiastic little girl is still a great value.

"Really...really ten thousand." Chi Niang looked at me after speaking, and then looked at each other with Uncle Tu, both of them had expressions that they didn't know what to do.

Who can stand the temptation of 10,000 Celestial Crystals, including their level, rarely has this opportunity.

"Daddy and mother, I can't accept these Tianjing, just send a message." Zhao'er said hurriedly.

I smiled and looked at Uncle Tu. Tu Bo suddenly said: "Take it, why don't you accept it? Although it is a simple task to pass a message, it depends on who it is passed to!"

"Yes, yes, let's be upright and honest, collecting the money is legal and reasonable!" Chi Niang was also anxious.

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