Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7510: :light and spacious

The Dragon Blood Lake began to bubbling violently, as if the lake water was boiling in an instant, and my face changed as I saw the whole picture clearly on the array plate. This is because there is an appearance that something is activated by energy below, so the blood of the earth will bubble up strangely.

The boiling ground blood began to rush towards the Earth Immortal Tree Dragon, and the condensed ground blood was like a strip of blood vessels, and the flesh and blood became a channel to connect the Taihuang Shenlong. Next, I only heard a whistle, and the Tiancheng, which had been cut and almost cracked by me, suddenly sank rapidly towards the Dragon Blood Lake!

I was shocked in my heart what happened, but the abyss city lord laughed fiercely. The original place he stood on did not sink, but remained in place, which means that he was always manipulating the original place of Tiancheng somewhere. land.

At this time, the Demon Winged Insect could no longer attack the Earth Immortal Tree Dragon in Tiancheng. Even Tiancheng seemed to be sinking into the Dragon's Blood Lake, and the dragon's blood began to solidify, and the earth vibrated violently!

The Taihuang Shenlong is about to be resurrected, which is the common thought of all immortal families.

I didn't dare to neglect, and immediately put the movable sword-suppressing stone into the shape of a windmill, turning Fenglan City into a spinning top with a blade, and ignoring the possible rollover, I directly tilted the wind. Lancheng, and cut forward with extreme speed!


Feng Lan City rolled over the Heavenly City, and the green blood of the Earth Immortal Tree Dragon spurted out immediately, including the original land that was also smashed down at the moment. Now! There is a teleportation array leading to Zhongyuanzhou! If you destroy the original land! You will no longer be able to go to Zhongyuanzhou! Stop the city master! Once the Taiyuan Shenlong is alive, I will have enough power Teleport to the nearest teleportation location in Zhongyuanzhou, you can also borrow this teleportation array!"

These words made the immortals in the room look at each other in dismay, and finally turned their attention to me. It would be a lie to say that you don't want to go to Zhongyuanzhou. Whoever cultivates to the end only wants to be at ease for a while?

"Pallet Master Xia, if you don't stop, he is right, there was indeed a teleportation formation in Taiyuan Wonderland! Occasionally, there will be treasures that stray into Muxianzhou from where!" The old man with the grimace said hurriedly.

"Xia Yitian, he may be right, my mother begged me from there..." Xue Qingcheng also said.

"Since there are so many inevitability, why don't we think of a way to not only preserve the original place, but also solve the abyss city lord?"

"The original land can't be destroyed..." Uncle Tu also hesitated.

At this time, the self-rescue of the abyss city lord also began. Taking advantage of Feng Lan City's abandonment of protection and turning into a cutting top with all his strength, he immediately sent out many co-spirits from the original space, and there was even a hidden one. Yun Xiu and Mrs. Zhong Xi, it is estimated that he can't hold back.

"Don't pay attention to him, even if there is a teleportation array in Tiancheng, do you think there is no teleportation array elsewhere? When the God of the End was sleeping, he had already re-created a teleportation array for himself, and this teleportation array was in the **** of the end of the God Sect. Hidden Land, if you don’t believe me, just ask the left and right spirit kings! Besides, who can guarantee that after the new teleportation formation is formed, the old teleportation formation will still be useful?” I said with a sneer.

This time, all the immortals were stunned, including the abyss city lord, who seemed to have heard this, and his face suddenly became suspicious.

Without the protection of the Heaven Suppression Array, no matter how small my voice is, it is impossible to hide the sky-viewing ability of the original land. I have already experienced this in Xingtiansi and the original land, and I have not concealed it. necessary.

King Zuo Ling couldn't hold his face, and said, "Master Xia, why did you tell this matter? Isn't our Moshen Sect a place where all the great leaders are watching day and night?"

"This teleportation array can't be used by everyone!" King Right Spirit said hurriedly.

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, now without us, the teleportation formation cannot be activated. After all, the only person who masters its repair methods is the senior Xu Xuan who was reincarnated from Zhongyuanzhou."

Xu Xuan coughed softly, and said noncommittally: "The big formation is indeed carved from the high-level spirit patterns of Zhongyuanzhou. It is true that only I can recognize the mystery of this big formation, but the old man is not sure that it can be repaired, of course. , If this old man can't do it, then I'm afraid no one can do it in Muxianzhou."

"As expected of Tiancheng's ascension perfection, it is indeed reliable."

"If I can wait for the opportunity to visit the Holy Land in this life, I will definitely be grateful to the seniors!"

"Yes, the ability of the predecessors is comparable to the brilliance of the sun and the moon in our eyes, which is open to the eyes."

The immortals immediately admired Xuxuan for a while, Xuxuan chuckled lightly, and said: "Hey, this old man is just exchanging some benefits with Daoist Xia, but it's nothing."

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