Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7515: : collapse

"Don't let them get close!"

The power of the Exterminator Sword is very clear to the immortals. All living things are now extinct, and the co-spirits no longer exist, which reminds everyone of the terrible scene of pulling out the Excalibur again, so they are not allowed to come in. will be very strong.

But after thinking about it, I decided to let them in. After all, they are one side for the time being, and their hermits should also be taught a lesson.

After letting go of the entrance, the old lady took Jiang Ran and flew in. After sealing the sword back in the box, the old lady didn't want to return it at all, and put the sword directly into the storage bag. As for the two beads, it was one And put it away, and they entered this Feng Lan City, no one asked, and they didn't seem to plan to speak.

This scene made all Xianjia stunned.

"I also ask fellow Daoist Jiang to return the Exterminator Sword to me." I finally couldn't help but ask.

"Master Xia, it's not that the old man doesn't know what is good or bad, it's that the old man Jiang Li is still useful, and now he can't give it to you." The old lady explained lightly.

"Wow, fellow Daoist Jiang is too shameless, right? This Exterminator Sword belongs to Dao Master Xia!" Taishang Jinglu cried out, gnashing his teeth. He was brushed half of his body by demonic energy just now. Hermit.

"Hehe, this God Extinguishing Sword is a relic of the Last God, not owned by anyone. If you feel unconvinced, you can come and ask the old lady for it. The old man won't mind drawing the sword." Jiang Li said coldly.

Jiang Li's words suddenly made everyone gasp. Now that the other party has the Sword of Extermination, who would dare to ask her for this sword?

I furrowed my eyebrows. It was obvious that I had decided that I did not dare to grab the sword. It was really a tiger who borrowed a pig without paying it back. Seeing my expression, Jiang Ran felt that she was going too far, but her grandmother Jiang Li Not at all.

"If you don't give the Exterminator Sword, everyone is unconvinced. Isn't this yin and yang protective clothing also not given?" Liehou asked with a gloomy face.

Jiang Li snorted, looked Liehou up and down, and said, "If the Sword of Extermination is collected by the Moshen Sect, the old man can open one eye and close the other as a loan to fellow Taoists to defend the way, while Tiancheng stole my fairyland back then. Self-proclaimed Heavenly City, descendants have occupied the relics of the Moshen for thousands of years, among which is the heavy treasure Yin-Yang shelter! Get old?!"

These words made Liehou's face turn blue and white, and he couldn't refute it for a while.

Ruan Yuer was very dissatisfied at first, but now she can't help it: "Xingxingxing, it's all from your Shenyin family! Then what are you doing in my Fenglan City? Why don't you come back?" Go to your holy place!"

"Hehe, Lao Shen is going to leave, so of course he can, but Dao Master Xia may not worry about Lao Shen leaving with his sword, right? It's not that the Extinguishing Sword and Yin Yang Tianyi can't be used by you, but there is a condition attached!" After Jiang Li sneered, she glanced at all the fairy houses around her, and finally her eyes were fixed on me.


Just when everyone was thinking about this, suddenly there was a loud noise from the Dragon Blood Lake, the ground actually collapsed, and the lake water spread up instantly. This scene made all the immortals hurried to the edge of the island and looked down.

The Taihuang Holy Land vibrated constantly, and the sound was like a dragon crying.

"What's the matter? What's going on?" Mu Shu hurriedly looked left and right.

Jiang Lin frowned and said: "This abyss city lord has pulled away the bone marrow strength of the Taihuang Shenlong. Now the bones can't stand the erosion of the years, and finally collapsed, and then Muxianzhou must bear the consequences of the collapse of Tianyuan Mountain. The blood on the ground is rising, the devilish energy is surging, hehe... the sky is going to change!"

"The sky is going to change? What will it become? Then what can we do with the late Shenzong?" King Zuo Ling was frightened. The late Shenzong relied on the Tianyuan Mountains to gain a foothold in the world, but now the mountain of Taihuang Shenlong is about to collapse. Now, the Last God Sect is the place closest to the demonic energy of the Tongtian Mountain, and it is inevitable that it will bear the brunt.

"What should I do? Naturally, I have to move away from the original position, because not everyone can bear a world like a wasteland." The old lady Jiang Li seemed to be completely unaffected.

King Youling hurriedly looked at me and said, "Master Xia, should we hurry back now so that the various sects can move out? If not, the Taihuang Shenlong will collapse all the way, and I'm afraid the casualties will be uncountable!"

"Yes! Right now, only Feng Lan City can bring everyone back to the Last God Sect in time!" Zuo Lingwang was also anxious.

Now the Taihuang Shenlong collapsed from the head area, and then it would collapse like a domino because it couldn't support it in pieces, and finally collapsed across the board.

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