Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7527: : jade plate

This made me feel awe. I didn't expect that the space that blocked Si Zhengxian would be opened after three days. It is foreseeable that he has the means to break the seal, or that Tuxiao Divine Sword is strong enough.

"What should we do now!? We still have several fellow Daoists who have not fully recovered!" Mu Shu exclaimed.

"There is no way, I can only try to intercept it! I can't be disturbed by Si Zhengxian when Daoyou Xia is still attacking Dengxian!" Cheng Che hurriedly said.

"Xia Daozhu succeeds in ascending to the Immortal, and there is still a chance of survival! If he fails to attack, I am afraid that we will not be able to save our lives!"

"Hurry up and take out the treasures in the bottom of the box! Don't hide it any more!" King Youling said hurriedly.

Although I accelerated and rushed to the fairyland, all the perceptions around me were also very clear. The speed of the other party's arrival was very fast, perhaps following our residual breath, but this is unbelievable in the devil's realm, or some of us have been caught. The means that can be tracked, otherwise it should be difficult for the other party to find us.

Cheng Che took out the heavy light magic lamp, and the rays of light spread backwards, preventing Si Zhengxian from approaching quickly, and the Mushu box had been used, and this time he took out a few pieces of treasure that looked like jade but not jade. Throw it out, and chanted a spell to drive it, and the next moment, thunder bursts, forming a light curtain to match the heavy light magic lamp.

As for Mojiu, he took out a box of swords that he had collected from somewhere, and kept throwing them out, controlling these swords to attack from a distance.

At this moment, no one dares to fight in close quarters, because this Si Zhengxian's cloak is too terrifying, and it is possible to fly thousands of miles between flapping wings. It is close to the ability of shrinking the ground.

The left and right spirit kings are in a hurry, and for a while, they can only use some remote treasures at the bottom of the box to protect themselves, and they can't play a big role at all.

Xue Qingcheng has other treasures besides the whip, and the yin and sky clothes she used disappeared immediately. I know that she must be protecting me, waiting for the last boo.

But now it seems that the probability of everyone sending food has greatly increased, and it is very likely that someone will die in the next battle. I can only try to break through this deadly juncture. After swallowing countless Yangshen Pills, I again Drive the connection point in your belly once, and get the powerful ascending power from there.

Because there is no ascending immortal power in this Demon Realm, if I want to attack the ascending fairyland here, I can only use the power of the beginning saint to draw the external ascending immortal aura.

But now even if I have the aura of ascending to the fairyland, I have to wash myself and exchange the energy of my Ascension. Final conversion.


Finally, the battle was about to break out. This Si Zhengxian's blow blew a heavy light, and then rushed forward to me at the shortest distance. The power of Dengxian was so attractive that I could see the solemnity and enthusiasm on this young man's face.

"In less than two days, you actually rushed straight from the Ascension Realm to the Immortal? Who would believe it? Tell me how you did it?" Si Zhengxian asked with a sneer.

"Fellow Daoist Cheng Che, quickly stop him with the treasure!" Mu Shu hurriedly ordered.

In addition to snorting coldly at this moment, Cheng Che has indeed driven the heavy light magic lamp to its maximum state. The lantern shadows in the sky are about to devour this Si Zhengxian, but he still makes him run around. There are left and right spirit kings who use their long-range magic weapons with all their strength, and they may have already arrived in front of me.

However, this young man is not a vegetarian. As long as he gets close to these remote treasures, he will smash them. No one can stop the crushing of this realm.


Just when everyone couldn't stop it, Xue Qingcheng suddenly hit the divine whip and slammed it down, the whole space seemed to be compressed, and even the young man had to suddenly retreat very far, and watched Xue Qingcheng stealthily enter again. in another law space.

"Hehe, Yin-Yang Protective Clothes? Unexpectedly, there is still one left over from the three treasures brought by the previous Si Zhengxian." The young man sneered for a while, and then said: "In addition, there is an Exterminator Sword, a Divine Jade Plate I don't know. Is it still there? If you know where it is, you can use this information in exchange for your own life, I wonder if someone is willing to exchange it?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Of course, everyone knew that the Sword of Extermination and the Yin-Yang Avoidance Clothes were both in Fenglan City, but when I thought that I was still retreating and attacking the fairyland, who would dare to talk nonsense, because whoever offended me would kill myself.

"Giggle... Divine jade plate? Is this what Si Zhengxian said?" At this moment, Li Luo, who had not taken a shot, took out the white jade plate from his sleeve.

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