Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7531: : Wu Xian

The fission law of space understood by the immortal queen can be said to be terrifying for my enhancement. Although the young man has the Tuxiao sword in his hand, once he is blocked by my space attack for a moment, he can't approach and attack me. Crash!


The sky seems to be collapsing. The youth was not as lucky this time as last time. He was directly caught by the crack in my space, and a burst of cracking sounded from the clothes. Ying Tianyi was under great pressure!

If there is no Ying Tianyi to block the sky-breaking technique, this young man will be torn to pieces by space even if he ascends to the fairyland. Therefore, the same ascending to the fairyland, I understand the laws of space with the attributes of the innate two ceremonies. Of course, it is stronger than the laws of youth. Many, even now, it is not clear what the field of law for youth is.

However, even though the young man was frightened by my sky-breaking technique, the speed of his cloak still could not be concealed, but the moment Ying Tianyi met the resistance, he had already reached a safe position in an instant, smelling my danger, his face showed Xiao Sha color.

"This sky-shattering technique is quite powerful, but do you really think that you can deal with me without a single treasure of immortality?" The young man smiled coldly, and then approached me with lightning speed in an instant. The flashing speed of this cloak is really terrifying. , Even now I am in the Immortal Realm, I can only see a burst of light approaching me at extreme speed!

Of course, I won't sit still, the power burst out from my body, and with a bang, all sides fell into the collapse of space, only to hear the young man groaning, his intention to get close to drawing a sword to kill me was instantly destroyed, and the whole person bounced. to a far place!

I'm just like a hedgehog. He wants to kill me right now. He's making fun of himself. Of course, I want to kill him. It will give me a lot of defensive ability.

The young man was unwilling to draw his sword again. This time he gathered all the magic energy and slashed at me directly. I saw the surging sea of ​​magic falling towards me, and I immediately turned into a slash at the speed of ascending immortal level. The blade that breaks the sky is directly in front of the youth!

He was also very surprised by the way I moved in this space, so fast that I could draw a sword in the space, which showed that the speed exceeded the limit that Mu Xianzhou could bear, and the explosive force was unbelievable.


The Heaven-Breaking Technique was blasted out by me again, and before I could draw my sword again, the young man crossed his hands to defend against my thunderbolt strike. Because Ying Tianyi couldn’t resist the terrifying and dense cracking, he broke into a fishing net on the spot, but Because the defensive power is there, even if the space is violently shattered, it is still defended by it in time, but the escape from death makes the young man dare not stay in place again, and the cloak makes him go a dozen miles away in an instant. When he looked at me from a distance, his expression was extremely complicated.

At my current level, I can already see his situation ten miles away. After all, Ying Tianyi is a magic weapon to defend against the sky. At this moment, he is using his strength to repair himself. However, even if Ying Tianyi can be repaired, the young people are wary of me. I am afraid that my heart has already formed, and when I am going to fight with me next, I must also consider whether I can retreat completely.

"Very good, I'm afraid it's really hard to kill you now, but after all, your power can't destroy the space here endlessly. When you fall out of the fairyland in Muxianzhou and return to the ascension, I will destroy you. , and before that, I will destroy the demonic cities and kill all the immortals here, so from now on, just follow my **** and watch it all happen!" The young man laughed grimly. , then looked at the surrounding sky and said, "Little girl, you finally hide in the shade, otherwise it will be dangerous."

I looked blankly at him and disappeared in an instant, knowing that he was heading towards Wuxian City, and I was very worried that another immortal city would be destroyed.

These few days are not enough for Feng Lan City to pick up all the immortals, so the situation can be described as passive.

Xue Qingcheng reappeared in the air, gritted her teeth and looked at the direction the young man was flying away, and said angrily, "Despicable! Shameless! If I also enter the Immortal Climb, how can I make him so arrogant! I'm so mad!"

At this moment, Xue Qingcheng is indeed a little girl, her temper can't be restrained, and a few cursing words should be tempered by young people.

"Shen Xue, this time a few daoist friends gathered and perished, and Mu Xianzhou suffered a heavy loss. We must not wait until he goes to massacre the city again. I will stop him now. Can you return to Fenglan City and borrow the Divine Sword of Extermination for me? "I see Xue Qingcheng, it's not appropriate to take him to chase the young man now, my speed can reach the level of the opponent's cloak, but she can't, and now there is no Exterminator Sword, I don't have much confidence in destroying Ying Tianyi.

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