Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7535: : Poisoned

The young man couldn't find the formation plate, so he was so angry that he could only vent his anger and bombard the ground, but it didn't help. He probably felt that his chances of winning would only get lower and lower, so he turned his head and flew in the direction of another immortal city. go with.

But I didn't plan to let him leave easily, so while letting Shenlong attack cut his way, I also stopped him.

The desperate young man gnashed his teeth and took out a ball of light, and said coldly: "You are the first to force me, Si Zhengxian, into today's situation! But if you want me to perish here, why am I? Will it make Muxianzhou feel better for you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked coldly.

"Hehe, have you seen this thing? It's called Demonic Howl, and it is filled with a ray of true heavenly demonic energy found in the endless sea of ​​demons. Once it is stimulated and released, it will trigger an explosion of demonic energy. Muxianzhou will also be caught in an endless storm of demonic energy, and that ray of innate demonic energy cannot be stopped by your abilities, because the demonic energy it releases will not only be unbearable even in the fairyland, but will also be extremely intense. , because it is accompanied by a strong whistling sound, like the roar of a demon, so the person who traps it in the ball calls it a magic howl! So I advise you to get out of the way, and I don't want to perish with you, but if you force it Me, no wonder I ruined it!" The young man looked at me sullenly, as if I dared not give way, and everyone should not even think about living.

"It's interesting, but why didn't you take it out earlier? If this place is full of demonic energy, wouldn't it save you the time to run around the world?" Like that, the sphere is transparent, and there seems to be a small snake-like endless black aura constantly circling inside. If it is released, it may really cause a disaster.

"Don't be too naive, I pointed to living as Si Zhengxian, I don't want to hide like the one in front!" The young man snorted coldly, then turned his head and wanted to fly away.

"Want to go?" But I immediately stopped in front of him, and his face turned ashen with anger: "You really don't want to live anymore?"

"I haven't seen it before who knows what it will be like, so let's try to detonate it. I would like to see what this magic howl is." I said with a sneer, although I was worried that this thing might be real, but what if it was fake? ?

"You are really courting death!" The young man gritted his teeth and fled in the other direction in an instant.

I naturally chased after him reluctantly. While chasing, I directly detonated the space, which shattered the space, causing him a lot of trouble. In addition, the dragon also attacked from the side, so this guy was very stimulated.

When he tried his best to get rid of it, but didn't dare to detonate the magic howl, of course, the reaction was much slower. In the end, before I could detonate this thing more than him, he instead put away the magic howl.

The young man was forced by me to pull out the Tuxiao sword again to deal with it. I didn't fight with him. The long-range and melee combat was constantly switching. Everyone's power to ascend to immortals was consumed a lot. Once he fell into the realm, the result would be self-evident.

After the Shenlong swallowed the formation plate on the ground at this moment, not only was he alive, but his power was still rising. It is not surprising that he entered the Immortal Ascension. The youth has reached a desperate situation.

"It looks like I'm going to fall here today! Well, let's let you know what Moxiao is today!" The young man took out the sphere again in a rage, and immediately pulled out the Tuxiao sword!


Tu Xiaojian directly slashed the sphere into two halves with a sword, and with a loud bang, he rushed out of the mountains!

The young man screamed and was immediately swallowed by the devilish energy. I wonder if the Ying Tianyi on his body could resist the first wave of attacks!

"Swallow it!" At the same time as I instantly retreated, I immediately controlled the dragon to rush forward.

At this moment, a shadow rushed out from the demonic energy, and it could be seen that this was the youth relying on the speed of the cloak, and Ying Tianyi's defensive power had to escape to heaven!

I immediately chased him away. At the same time, the sound of demonic whistling was truly earth-shattering, and the demonic energy rushed in all directions like a sea of ​​tidal waves. The gas is different, with a strange toxicity.

The reason why I discovered this is also related to the black bumps that erupted from the young man at the moment. He was in the center of the magic scream just now, so of course he was covered with poison. At this time, he saw his gloomy face and started to escape for treatment. I don't dare to get close to these poisonous gases.

And just as I was chasing the youth, the whistling storm of demonic energy came to an abrupt end.

When he turned his head to look again, there was a mutation on the side of the dragon, because it swallowed the real devil energy, the dragon began to expand gradually, its body became even bigger, and it seemed to grow endlessly!

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