Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7537: : old and new

"Don't come here." Xue Qingcheng snorted softly.

"Okay, Mrs. Shenxue, please calm down." I raised my hand and surrendered. Looking at her playful expression, I couldn't help but feel happy. Of course, there are not many problems that follow. In addition to the collapse of the Tianyuan Mountains, there is also the end Shenzong's teleportation formation was also destroyed, and it was almost impossible to go to Zhongyuan Continent now.

Xue Qingcheng withdrew the sword, saw that I was still staring at her, and said, "What are you thinking about? Then the dragon is still expanding."

I looked at Mo Shenlong, and the secret thought seemed to be true, even because it devoured the real demonic energy, it was roaring in a low voice, with an expression that was about to be overwhelmed.

I'm afraid I won't be able to hold up the power of this real devilish energy, right? I didn't dare to neglect, I immediately took out the imprint and prepared to summon it, but what shocked me was that the dragon couldn't be summoned back!

"I'm afraid the real demonic energy in its body is taking over the main control." I shuddered, grabbing the real demonic energy from the dragon's mouth. Of course, this is very dangerous. It is tantamount to creating another demonic howl.

After looking for it, I finally found the sphere of Moxiao, but because it was divided into two by Tu Xiaojian, this thing is useless at the moment, I can only see some spirit patterns on it, but this is not enough for me to copy It is still a reference to produce the same magic howling ball.

So it didn't take long for me to use Shen Tianshi as the base, and use the material that isolates the magic energy as the skin to make a rough magic howl.

Mo Shenlong saw me in the past and looked at me vigilantly. Now it has lost the control of the imprint. In fact, it is because most of its power comes from the real demonic energy, so it is now the real demonic energy that controls it.

The real demonic energy should be some kind of innate energy. After all, it gave birth to simple wisdom, and it is not surprising to want to be free.

Usually this kind of low-intelligence but powerful spirits cannot be dealt with with strength, so I immediately controlled the mark, directly forcibly activated the power of the controlled part of the dragon, and then immediately sensed the position of the source body of the real magic energy in the dragon's body. .

Locking the position is actually not difficult, as long as it intends to digest the power of the two instruments that I have instilled and the special magic energy of the previous array, it means that it must be separated, so that it is possible to touch its core.

So in a short while, the position of its core at the reverse scale of the throat was exposed, and I did not hesitate to hit the reverse scale with a blow to the sky.

The dragon roared, and immediately sprayed the poisonous and demonic energy towards me. I hurriedly used the sky-splitting technique to dodge, and then more sky-shattering techniques disintegrated its defense against scales one after another. At the third strike, the defense where the scales were located collapsed directly. Broken, the uncontrolled air wave was solved by me with my imprint!

Squeezed out by the breath that is not under his control, of course, the demonic energy of the real sky must be avoided. However, the power of excretion is two-sided. Once a leak appears, it means that the power of the dragon that expands like a balloon will be unchecked. , at this time, no matter whether it is the breath I control or the demonic energy it controls, it will frantically pour out of this opening, so the real demonic energy will be squeezed out without any surprise!

As soon as I saw the snake-like True Sky Demonic Qi being expelled from the Shenlong, I immediately let the Shenlong regain control to repair my body. The excreted True Heavenly Demonic Qi still wanted to infect the surrounding space, but I immediately took it into my hands. The made sphere covers it.

After activating the ban on the sphere, the real devilish energy was controlled by me. Looking at the breath of the Shen Tianshi, which was constantly infected and strengthened, I couldn't help but secretly rejoice. If it wasn't for its lack of intelligence, I'm afraid This time things are not going well.

An immortal-level dragon can mean the existence of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Because this dragon has been poisoned, it can no longer be ridden. It is only useful in battle, so I took it back with a mark.

"The devilish energy is so domineering. Fortunately, it is here. If it is in a place where the devilish energy is extremely strong, it may become a disaster. You have to keep it carefully." Xue Qingcheng reminded.

I nodded, and then in order to prevent some things from getting out of control, I took out the storage bag left by the youth before, and in the search room, I finally found a quaint array map, and also There is a new pattern that seems to have just been drawn. Looking at this complex pattern, old and new, I can't help but understand.

"Did you see what's coming?" I smiled and looked at Xue Qingcheng. She recalled it with all her might, and said, "This new pattern seems to be... drawn by the God of the End in the Temple of the God of End!"

"You're right, hehe, it doesn't seem like this guy is stupid. He also left behind when he destroyed the big formation. I also said that he doesn't want to go back." I sneered.

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